PC 72-93.~ , ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0, PC72-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECI.ASSIFICATION N0. ~1-72-44 HE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Plenning ConmisFfon of the City of Anehelm did receive e vedfied Petitian for Reclassifice- tlonfrom ANAHEIM HILLS, INCORPORATED AND TEXACO VENTURES, INCORPORATED, 380 Anahelm Hil'~a Road, Anaheim. California 92806, Owner; ,TAMES L, BARISIC, 380 Anaheim Hills Road, Anaheim, Californie 92806, Agent o£ certai2~ real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Couu:y of Orange, State of California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though aet forth in full ; end WHEREAS, the Clty Plenning Commissiort did hold e public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Anehelm on May 1, 1972, at 7:30 a'clock P.M. notice of seid public hearing heving been duly given os requlred by law and in eccordence with the provislons of the Anehelm Municipel Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence for end egeinst aaid ptoposeil reclessificetion and to investigete end meke ffndinga end recommendatlons in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commisslon, after due inspectIon, investfgation, end study mede by itaelf end in its behelf, en3 efter due consideretion of nll evidence end reports oEfered et said heering, does find end determine the following fecte: 1. Thet the petltioner proposes e reclesslflcetlon of the above descd6ed property from the County of Orange A1, GENERAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT end City of Anaheim R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the City of Anaheim PC, PLANNED COI~lUNITY, ZONE. 2. That General P1an~Amendment No. 123-a was coneidered in conjunction with the pro- ' posed reclasaificetion, aince a requirement of the PC 2one etipulates that a general plan of development be coneidered at public heering, end the Planning Commiseion reco~unended ap- ~• proval of eaid General Plan Amendment. 3. That the proposed recleaeiflcetion of subject property fs necesaery end/or desirebie for the orderly end pra per development of the c~~mmcnity. 4. Thet ths propoaed reclessiflcetfon of subjeet propertp doea properly relete to tF.e zo~es end th~ir pemlt!~d usee locelly eateblished in close proxlmity to subject property and to the zones end their permitted uses ge~erelly nstab- lished throughout the community, 5. That the propos~nd reclassification of eub~ect property requirze the dedication end improvement of abutCing istreets and/or alleys in accordence with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the ar.ticipated increase in traffic which will be gererated by the intensification of land ~ase. 6. That two persons wei•e present representing Sante Ana Canyon property ownere associ• atioc~ein oppoeition to s•ny change in increaeing deneities on subject property. R-A _l. .!'~~ . ~dan En~in~eering Assoc~tes CIVIL ENGINEERS Gy67as~ 126 5. CLAUDINA 5T. ~~~ {~ ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA 92803 • v ^~2 ~ ~7G~ PHONE 774.074U P p`e ~~~ R N (L4' ~ti1N !L C April 10, 1972 ~c ~~`~`5~ _ That portion of the land described in the deed to Anaheim Hills, Inc., a California corporation, recorded on July 28, 1971 as Document No. 7_4876 in Book 9738, Page 562 of Official Records of Orange County, California, which lies within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the Southwesterly terminus of the line described in said deed as having a bearing of South 0° 18' 00" West, and a distance of 100.00 feet; thence along the lines of the land therein dcscribed North 66° 33' S6" East, 1689.54 feet and North 75° 02' 26" Easi., 2264.54 feet, and South 69° 51~ 57" East~ 149.42 feet, and South 40° 19' 10" East, 873.53 feet; thence leaving the lines of said land South 19° 20' 19" East, 328.61 feet to the Easterly terminus of that certain course in the boundary of the land described in the deed to the City of Anahe.im, recorded ~:tober 30, 1y70 in Book 944R, Page 533 and 534 of said Official Records~ descri.bed tiierein as having a bearing of North 79° 21' 38" Easr and a distance of 287e62 feet; thence along the lines of the land th~arein described along the following courses: South 79° 16' S6" Ea,st, 430099 feet; and South i0° 26' 09" East, 35.24 feet; andSouth 44° 54' 09" East, 802.14 feet; and South 22° 49' 04" East, 671.79 feet; and South 68° 40' 13" East, 415.66 feet; an~ South 4° 24' 25" WesC, 503.32 feet; and South 49° 18' 34" ~ast, 149.68 feet; amd North 58° 31' S1" East, 398.32 feet; and South 15° 13' 42" '~<<st, 230.83 feet; ard South 33° 14' 02" West, 378.90 feet; and Sr~ut:h 38° 43' S5" East, 152.°8 L-eet; and ;lorth 52° 05' 34" East, 671,38 feet; and South 73° 36' 16" East., 268.41 feet; and South 28° 32' 18" West, 778.93 feet; thence South 60° 37' 04" East, 182.12 feet alon~ that course described in last men~tioned LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PLANNED COMMiJNITY ZONE (A Portion of Anaheim Hills) RFCLPaSS. N0. `~/- '~ ~ - `~~`~ ~,,.,r ~,~ ~ O ~ Legal Bescription of Pianned Comir.unity Zone Page 2,.. deed as having a bearing of South 59° 55' 47" East and a distance of 232>83 feet to that certain course in the land described in the deed te the City of Anar~eim recorded November 19, 1964 in Book 7309, Page 77b of said Of.ficial Records, as having a bearing of North 56° 00' 00" East and a distance of 549,00 ieet; thence along the lines of the land therein described, North 56° 00' 00" East, 518.40 feet and; North 34° 00' 00" idest, 8.00 feet and; North 56° 00' 00" East, 213.50 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 220,00 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve, 153.59 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 6'L,00 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve, 23.81 feet; tnence along a radial line of last mentioned curve South ~2° 00' 00" East, 22.00 feet; thence North 38° 00' 00" East, 97.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 370.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve, 151.76 feet; thence tangent to said curve North 14° 30' 00" East, 231.19 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 525.00 feet; thence Nortt,~easterly along said curve 691.80 feet;; thence tangent to lars: me~ttL.or~d curve East, 68.50 feet to the begi~ning of a tangen~ i;~i~ve canc~,ve Northerly having a radius of 270.00 feet; thence easterly along s:;~ta curve, 193,99 feet; thence tangent to last mentioner" curve No~th 48° 50' 00" East, 413.00 feet to the beginning of a eat:,gent curve concati~e Southerly having a radius of 124.00 feet; th~~ac~ ~ast€rlp~ along said curve 296.86 feet to the beginning of a tangent reversing curve concave Northeasterly having a radius oi ~16.`^ feet; thence along said curve 105.51 feet; thence Cangent to ~1ast mentioned curve South 84° 15' 00" East, 367.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 780.00 feet; thence Easterly along said curve 357.36 Cont'd... ~ ~ Legal Description of Planned Community Zone Page 3..e feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Westerly having a radius of 200.00 feet; thence Southeasterly, Suutherly and Southwesterly along said curve 553.33 feet; thence leaving the lines of the land described in last mentioned deed along a radial line of last mentioned curve South 4° 47' 11" East, 21.14 feet; thence South 2° 03' S9 " East, 2$5.57 fePt; thence South 63° 12' 06" East, 498.21 feet; thence North 31° 42' 31" East, ~+09.06 feet; thence North 53° 24' 22" East, 498.21 feet; thence South 28° 40' 34" East, 1250.36 feet; '.hence South 8° 07' 48" West, 530.33 feet; thence South 36° 15' S3" West, 549.43 feet; thence South 72° 31' 06" West, 456.07 feet; thence South 48° 37' S8" West, 446.37 feet; thence `7orth 35° SS' 32" West, 91I.75 feet; thence South 44° 56' 31" Wesi:, 747.43 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 2000.00 feet; thence SAUthtaesterly along said curve 140.00 feet; thence along a radial line of last mentioned curve South 41° 02' S0" East, 40.00 feet; thence South 9° 36' 32" East, 242.41 feet; thence South 39° 35' 49" West, 548.36 feet; thence South 6° 17' 26" West, 127.77 feet; thence South 62° 23" 08" West, 537.19 feet; thence South 4n° 15' 16" West, 29U.68 feet; thence South 71° 41' 30" West, 143.25 feet; thence South 12° 39' 26" West, 241.88 feet; thence Sou~h 44° 29' 00" West, 333,31 feet; thence South 56° 40' 26" West, 1321.82 feet; thence North 3° 58' S1" West, 504.21 feet; thence North 76° 1,5' 37" West, 89.50 feet; Chence North 276.00 feet; thence North 34° 29' 44" WesC, 341.96 feet to a point in a non-tan~ent curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 1000.00 i•eet at which point a radial line bears South 34° 29~ 44" West; thence Westerl}~ alon~ said curve 364.60 feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South 76° 23' 40" West, 403.98 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 1000.00 feet; thence We~terly along said curve 308.25 feet; thence tangent Cont'd... ~ ~ Legal Description of Planned Community Zone . Page 4... to the last mentioned curve South 58° 44' 00" West, 157.71 feet; thence North 31° 16' Q~" West, 590.64 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1000.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along said curve 87.15 feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve North 26° 16' 24" West, 582.29 feet; thence North 73° 35' 00" West, 2412.86 feet; thence North 9° 50' U~ " West, 1365.00 feet; thence North 79° 05' 00" West, 463.16 feet; thence South 36° 30' S0" West, 165.67 feet; thence South 10° 37' 17" West, 599.69 feet; thence North 56° 08' 43 " West, 651.32 feet; thence North 28° 30' 22" East, 674.54 feet; thence North 55° 30' S3" West, 753.93 feet; thence North 18° 45' 00" West, 598.42 feet; thence North 9° O1' 08" East, 279.37 feet to a point in a non-tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 710.00 feet at which point a radial line of said curve bears Nort~ 46° 51' S8" East; thence Northwesterly along said curve 281.32 feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve North 65° 50' 08" West, 128.10 £eet; thence North 24° 09' S2" East, 194.31 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve cor.::ava Westerly having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence Northerly 31ong said curve, 444.74 feet; thence along a radial line of said curve Nozth 63° 12' 03" East, 100.00 feet; thence North 64° 28' 40" East, 759.68 feet to the poi.nt of beginning. Excep~ing therefrom any land therein owned by the City of Anaheim. Cont'd... ~ ~ ~1 ~ Legal Description of Planned Community Zone Page 5... Also ex.cepting that portion of the lan3 of Anahe~m Hills, Inc., described as follows: Commencing at the Southeasterly terminus of that line de„cribed in the aforementioned deed to Anaheim Hills, Inc., as having a bearing of South 80° 42' Ea~t and a distance of 310054 feet; thence North 79° 47' 29" West along said lir;e, 310.42 feet to an angle point in said land; thence South 2° 59' 16 " West, 386.85 feet to tne true point of beginning of *_his exception; thence South 35° 00' 00" East, 499.44 feet; thence North 78° 26'~ 42" East, 252011 feet; thence South 20° 00' 00" East, 333.40 feet; thence South 56° 08' 25" West, 608,32 feet; thence North 33° 51' 35" West, 115000 feet to the beginning of a tan~ent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 87.0.00 feet; Chence Northwesterly along said curve 425005 feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve North 65° 50' 08" West, 28,10 feet; thence North 24° 09' S2" East 94031 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Westerly having a. radius of 600,00 feet; thence Northerly along said curve, 458.69 feet; thencE along the prolongation of a radial line of 1a;;t meneioned curve North 70° 21' 40 " East, 246,46 feet to the true point of beginning. hFf'~t~;~S. PB~.,,_._,"~.',_.~.?? ~~-- I NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T~ESOLVED that the Maheim Citp Plannin~ommiasion does heceby tecommmd to he ^ity Council of the City of Anaheim that sub)ect Petition for Reclaseificetian ~e epproved and, by so ~ioing, thet Title 1&Zoning of the Anaheim Municipel Code be amended to exclude the ebove deacrihed pmperty from the Cotin'ty A1 and City of Anaheim R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONES and to incorporate said described property into the PC, PLANNED COMMUNITY, ZONE upon the follow:t:~g conditions which are here- Uy found to be a necessary prerequisitP to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That these reclasaification proceedings are granted subject to r.he completion of annexation of subject property to the City oi Ar.ahe'.m. (2) That ordina~:es reclassifying the property shall be adopted as each parcel is ready to comply with conditions pertaining to such parcel provided, however, that the word "parceZ" shall mean presently existing parcels of record and any parcel or parcels approved by the City Council for a lot split. (3) That prior to the introduction of an ordinance to establish the PC Zone oa a specific parcel or parcels witliin the Planned Community area, there shall be aubmitted to the City development standard criteria and specific plans of development for the area(s) involved. (4) That subject propert:y shall be developed substantially in accordance wi'th plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7 and 8. T1iE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this llth day of May, 1972. CHAIRMAN ANAHEI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AT.TEST: G~,~c~ i~~F~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM ::ITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CF LIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretery of the City Planning Commission of the Clty of Maheim, do heceby certify that the foregoing cesolution was passed and adopted at e meeting oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held oa May 1, 1972, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMPAISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, KAYWOOD, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have }:ereunto set my hend this llth 3ay of May, 1972. RESOLUTION N0. PC72-93 ~t/!~/n/ , ~~f~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION R2-A 'z'