PC 73-121RESOLUTIO~ 0. pC73-~21 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PL/WNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHBIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2535 BE :GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commi~eion of the Clty of Meheim did recelve a verlfled Pedtion for Varlance from DELDUN PROPERTIES, 9171 Wilehire Eoulevard, Severly Hi~,le, Celifornie 90210, Owner; DAVE ABEDOR, Suparior Furniture, 12091 Herbor Boulevard, Gerdan Grovs, Celifornia 92640, Agent of cert~in real property situ~tad in the City of An~heim, County of Orange, State of California, described ~e Thoee portLone of Che North half of th~ northeaet querter of the northe~et qua~ter of 3nction 23, Towneh~p 4 9outh, Renge 10 West in the RAncho San Juen Cajon da Sant~ Ane ehown ae Parcal 11 on ~ msp filed in boolc 21 pege 4 of Parcel Mapa in the office of the county recorder of eeid county; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commlesion dld hold a publtc headng at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on May 30, 1973, at 2;00 o'alock p.m., noUce of eeld pubUc hearing having been duly ~iven u raqulred by lew and in accordence with the provleione of the Mehelm Manlcipal Code, Chrpter 18,68, to heu ~nd conoider evldence for end egainst eeid proposed variance and to lnvatigate and make tinding~ and cecommend4tlon~ in connecdon therawlth; ~nd WHEREAS, sald Commiesion, efter due Inepection, inveudgetion, and ~tudy made by fuelf md in !ts behelf, end efter due consideration of all evidence ~.id repotte offered ot ulj heating, doee flnd ind detarmine the fallowing f~cte: 1. Thet the petitioner requeete a varlence from tho Mohelm MunldpU Code ~s followe : SECTION 18.52.020 - P~rmitted ueee (to permit retril e~lee in conjurction ~ith ~ furniture a~rehouee) 2, That tha peCitioner etipulatsd there would bo no more than 207 of the huilding devoted to a ret~il e~lee are~ ~nd that the rem~ining 80% of ttie building would be devotPd to e furniture w~rehouea ueed ae a b~6n to deliaer from. 3. Th~t the petitioner etipsletad that there would be r.o edvertieing or eigning nd- varti~ing the retail use on the property. 4. 'fheC there ~re excaptionel or extreordinery circumetences or condikione applicabl.e to the property involved or to the intended uee of the property thet do ° apply geaerally to the property or cl~ee o! uee in the e~ma vicinity end aor:: 5. Th~t the requ~eted v~ri~nca le neceseery for the pra~'r_~•T~v~r• .,, ~rtl etiJn;~cnn2nr. of a subetantial property right poa~~~~sd by other orop~rCy 4n th~ ~~ime vf~clnity ~nd scne, ~n~! denied to the prapsrty in queotion. 6. Th~t tha ~tqua~ted v~rianze aill not be materiolly d~t:~aent~i to ~;he public wel- f~re or injurious to tha propsrty or impxovsments ir. euch vieiniCy ~nd eone La whiah the property ie locit~d. EIIVIRONMEt~fI~L IMPACT AEYOAT FINDINGs Thet the Pl~nning Co~i~~ion, in connaction aoith an Sxumptian Daclaration 9t~tue r~queet. , finde end datarmins~ th~t the propooel aould h~va no signific~nr nnv!ronmantal impatt ~nd, therefore, recommends to the Cicy Councii that no Environment~l imp~ct 8tetement ie neceeesry. -1- oev-ee•e , ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Plenrting Cominission does heceby grant subject Petition for Varience, upon the folluwing conditions which are heceby found to be e necessary ~orer~quisite to the pro- posed ~ise of the subject property in order to pceserve the safety and generel welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That the sidewalks shall be installed a2ong State College Boulevard as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with atandard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. (2) That trash storage areas shail be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. (3) That drainage of subject oroperty ahall be diaposed of in a manner that is satis- factory to the City Engineer. (4) That tha building shall be made to comply with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code for the proposed use, particularly in reRard to exits and fire separation be- tween the storage and sales rooms„ and that the applicant shall submiC deCailed plana pre- pared by an architect or engineer indicating compliance with Code provisions for review and, approval by the Building Division pr±or to the issurance of a building permit. (5) That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. (6) That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. (7) That there shall be no more than 20% of the building devoted to retail salea pur- poses, ats stipulated to by the petitioner. (8) That there shall be no aigns advertising the retail use on the property nor any other advertising, as stipulated to by the petitioner, (9) That there shall be no outdoor storage or outdoor sales. THE FOREGOING RFSOLUTION Is eigned and epproved by me this ~ d~ay^ JunB~ :S`~3~ ANAHEIM ATTEST: ~~~~ ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ee• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) r I, Ann Krebs, Secretery of tS~e City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was pessed end edopted et e meeting of the City Plenning Commission ofthe City of Aneheim, held on Mey 30, 1973~ nt 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereoE: AYES: C0~IMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARP_N0, GAUER, KAYWOOD, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST. AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 7'th dLy'af. :Tuste~;~ 1973. ~?~rr/____-~~~~°~ 5ECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC79-321 V2-G '2'