PC 73-13s . . , _ ~ RESOLUTION NO, PC73-13 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2466 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of t:~e City of Anaheim did reeeive a verified Petition for Variance from KAYCO, INCORPORATED, in care of. Kiely Corporation, Post Office Box 3490, Anaheim, Cali- fornia 92803, Owner; KIELY CORPORATION, Post Office Box 3490, Anaheim, Califor.nia 92803, Agent of certain reai property situated :a the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, a# described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a pub]ic heering at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on January 8, 1973, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing heving been duly given as required by law and in eccocdance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68,to heer and consider evidence for and egeinst seid proposed va:iance end to investigete end make findings end recommendations in connec- tion therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itselE end in its behalf, and aFter due c.onsideration of all evidence and reports offered a; said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: • ~ 1. That the petitioner crauests a variance from the Aneheim Muaicipel Code: SECTION 18.52.020 - Permitted uses. (To establish a professional-office complex in an industrial zone.) 2, That there are exceptional or extraocdinery circumstences or conditions eppliceble to the propecty involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generelly to the proparty or cless of use in the seme vicinity and zone. 3. Thst the requested variance is necessery for the pceservation and enjoyment of a s~bstantial property right po~sessed by other property in the seme vicinity and zone, and denied to the pmperty in question. 4. That the requested variance witl not be meterially detrimentel to the public welfare or injucious to the prop- erty or impcovements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 5. That the petitioner stipulated that rental offices would not generally be available to Qhysicians and dentists due to its location. ENV That the Planning Commission finds and determiux~ that the proposal w~uld have n~ aigaificant environmental impact and, therefore, recommends to the City Council that Exemption Declarstion SL•atas be granted. , V1-G -1- ~' , . • ' . ' ~ .. ~ ~~~g~, cr T> . k ~~ ~ SCH~nULE A The estnte or interest in the land descriUed or refcrred to in this schedulc covered by this report is: a fee Title to said estate or interest at d~e date hcreof is vested in:~ KAYCO, It1C., vrho acquired 'citle as Kayco Corporat3on, a corporat3on. The land referred to in il~is report is situnted in tlie ~tate of California, County of OranYa and is descriUcd as follo~vs: All that certain rea.l prapertq beiug that portion ot Lnts U and 5, Tract 71, in the City of AnaheAm, as shown on u ~nap thereof recoi•ded in Uoolc 10, pa~;e 22, T-tiscellaneoua td2ps, records o£ said Oraxi~e County, descriUed as follo~~rs':' Be~;inning at the point ~n the South line of the land conve,yed to bt4urice I:. Ilivens, by deed rQCOrded June 17, 1927, iri book 62, pa~,e 1~5, OfP3cia1 Records, dist~s~t ~oiit}i 89° 59' 15" iast 7u~.OC feet from the Southi•res'E corner of said land (said Southwest corner bein~ on the center line of the 60-foot ron_.d, now known as Plac~ntia Avenue, slon~; the Ylesterly line o: said Lots 4 and ~); thence froM said point of beF;innin~, 1•Iorth 0° 03' 00" l~lest parallel ti~rith the Westerl,y line of said Lobs !I and 5, a cli.stancs~ o~ 595.06 feet to the cer.tEr line Of 3CA~B11A Avenue, 60 feeb wide, as described in decree of condemnation rzcorc9ed July £3, 1960, it~ book 53z1, PAf~e 397, Ofi'icial Records; thence 5outhwest~r''y along said center line, alon~; the arc of a curve concavE t;or~hwestsrly and ha.vinR a radius of 1000.00 feF:t i'rom a tzn~;ent which ba:~rs South 70° 3t3' 28" :1esb throi~~;h a crnbral an~*le oP 18° 17' 32"~ rs distatzcr, of 319.26 feet L•o the LaAterlv line of the land conveyed to Randall Rt3.y i33vena, et ux., by d2ed recorc3ed in book 52$5, pa;;~ 252, Offic2a~. Records; th~nce South 0° 0£i° OU" rast Alonr said T3;~ator~.,y lxne 53~.62 teet to said Soutli li,nQ of :h¢ land aonveye~J to I3aurice L'. 1liveris; thence Sout-li P,9° 59' 15" i:as~ alon~; said South 11ne, 313.00 feeL to the point af be~;im~ing. BX.CFPT ths~t portlon oP l,ot 5, iract 71, in the City of Anah~im, as shown on e map Yher. eof reco.r~led in book 10, natco 22, T~Tiscellaneous 1•taps, records of s~.id;~C~r^.~}~~ County, described ae follows: ,~,, ,o,;:~ ; ;~;~~ '~" ~2 ~ ~\ ~~ p ~~G ~ ,~ -Continuecl- • ~ i ~~, , ..~;;`~ `',t , ~ ~;. _, p.~~~.~ ~~.s.> Y Po`'~:, ,', 1~~{'~f;if~ryCE R0. ~~~._._.........-.--~-- CLTA Fro Iminar Ae r1 Foim Q7] ~ . ~ _ , ,. • ' ~' ~ : ~ Cor.iMena~n~; at the South~vest corner of the lancl conveyed to ~iaurice E. Bivens, by deed recordpci Ju7ie 17, 1.927, in booSc G2, pa~e 45, Ofi'icial Records, said Southvr~st cori~er being on the center line of the 60-foot r~ad along the Westerlr line of Lo'ts 4 and ; of said tract, now knowt~ as Placentia Avenue, ancl runnin~* thenee South a9° 59' 25° ~ast nlon~; the Sauth line of said land of Aivens, 7~18.00 feat to thQ Southeast corner of the land d~scrib~d in PArc~rl 1 of the de~ed to Kayco Corporation, recorde!i December 20, 1962r in book 63~%, P$E~~ 591, Official Records; thence North 0° 08° QO" Zdest alor.~; the ~~st 11ne of s~.id land oP Kayco Corporation, to its intersection erith a curvN whlch is concentric with, 8ud distant 60.00 f~ct Sot~t'r.east¢rly fron the curved center line o£ K~talla Avenue„ 60.00 feeti in vridth, a3 describad in decroe of conde~natian recorded Jul,y £~, 1960, ~.n book 5321, pat;e 397, ~fficial Records, said point oS internection betn~ the true point of be~;innin~; of the bnundary of the l~nd described t~ere{n; thence South 0° 08~ 00" Eu3t 31on~ the East line af said lsnd of i:ayco Corroration, 302.00 £eet; th~nc~ North fi~O 59' 15^ 1~~est parallel with the South line uf said land, 125.50 Fe~t; th4nce tdorth 0° Oa' 00" 4;ea•t parallal with the EA~t iine of sr~id la.nd, 2fi7 feet, Mara or lesw, bo ~~he interseetion with 3aid cur~ve vrl~ich is coiic~sn.tric with, and di~tat~t 60.OQ fQet South- ear~terly fron sai~i cenier 13n~ of Ratella Avenue; thence Northeasterl.y ttlon~r said curve to the true point of bz~;innini;. NOTh: Sa1d land is described on the Countv Tax Assassment Ro11 for the Plscal' year 1972-73, as A. P. ido. B3-Z1~0-5f3; CA O1-031. .~~21?t~: s:~ ~a.,i~, ~ `G'~o`~~;;~ ~`~_: co p G . ,,,v a ~.~C., nt'~~.~," ' , N I,`;~•' ` i •,yz. ~`~~~~ ~14FiI;~,f~:~L N0. _~ ~(~.~____~_~_~......~- a-uc•n tcsa m• ; .. - ^ ' ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby gcant subject Pettfion foc Variance, upon the following conditions which ace hereby Eound to be ~~ necessery prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject property in order to pceserve the cafety and general welfare of the Citizens of lhe City of Anaheim: (1) That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Katella Avenue for street lighting purposes. (2) That the sidewalks and driveways shall be installed along Katella Avenue as required by the City Eng•lneer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. (3) That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved platis on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. (4) That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Pepartment prior to commencement of structural framing. (S) That subject property shall be served by underground utilities. (6) That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay the water assessmen'c fee as deter- mined by the Water Superintendent. (7) That the final parking plan shall be approved by the Development Services Department and any landscaped areas in the parking area shall be protected with six-inch high concrete curbs, and conczete wheel stops shall be provided for parking spaces as required by the ~evel- opment Services Department. (8) That all air conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties. (9) That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Aaaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. (10) That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time ':.. that the building perm~.t is issued, or within a period of one year from the date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further tic,•e as the Planning Commission ma~ grant. (11) That Condition Nos. 3, 7, 8, and 9, above mentioned, sl:all be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspectians. THE FO~2EGOING RFSOLUTION is signed end eppmved by me this 18th day of January, 1973, ATTEST: , ~ tirr-.--~- CHAIRMAN/ANAHEIM CITY PLAN G COMMISSION PRO TEM ~~2~ 3~S2.C,G~/ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMINISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Se• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I Ann SCrebs Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certiEy that the focegoing resaxution wes pessed end adopted et a meeHng of the City Plenn:;lg Commission ofthe Ci.y of Anaheim, held on January 8, 1973, at 2:00 o'~clcck P.M.. by the following vote oE the members thereof: AYES: COMiNIS9IONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERSST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND. NOES: COMMIsS.IONERS: NONE. ABSENT: CONfMISSIONF.RS: SEYMOUR. IN IuFTNESS WHEREOF, I have hecrunto set my b.and this 18th day of January, 1973. RESOLUTION NO.PC73-13 L.~~,?vl~t/ ./ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G 'Z"