PC 73-146~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC73-~46 A R~S~LUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CIT:' OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL LTSE PERMIT N0. ~~~~ BE GRANTED WHEFtEAS, the City Planning Commiaeion of tha City of Anahelm did ceceivic e ve:ifiad Petition For Conditional Uae Permir~ron,f}L'iF OIL OOMPANY, 1940 IDaet 17th Street, Senta Ane, Cali?o^nie 927C1, Owner; ROSfi~i P. ??9:IKE~, 1322 East ~idinger Avenue, Snnta Ann, Oelifornie 92705, Ager.t of oertai^. real pt~eperty situated in the City of Anaheim, Oounty of Orenge, Stete of Cali_'ornia, des- crited as Thet portion of the North half of the Northeaet qunrter af the A;ort~east quarter ef :ae ~crzheast quarter ef Saotion 23, in Township 4 South, F.anga il West, ir.the P.a^~h:• I~os Goyc;tss, as per map reoorded in book 51, page 11, ~isaellanecus ~Lap:;, in t,:e cffice c~c c:e i:•ount;~ Raoorder oc° ssid oc~nty, more partinularly sho~n as Paroel 2 un Q,ac ~•aco:9e9 in b~:k 4i, page 2i c£ Parcel h`.aps, reaords cf said Orange Cour.t.~ ; nnd WHEREAS, the City, Plenning Comrt:ieeicn di~ hold a public heacing at the City Heli in the Ci.ty of Anahe~m en ,ii,:iy 9, ~.973 et 2:00 o'clock P.M„ notlce of eaid public heat{ng heving beeu duly given es cequired by ln~.v and in eccordance wlth the pcoviaione of tha Aneheim Municipel coda, Chaoter 18.64, to hear end consider evidence for and agelnst eaid proposed conditiunel usa end to investiQate and make findinga and recommendettons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Cnmmission, afte: due in~poctlon, SnvesQiQation, and ~tudy made by iteelf and in its behelf, end e:ter due coneldaretion oE all evldence ind report~ offered at eaid he~ein~, do~~ flnd end deteemina the Eollowing Eects: 1, That the pmpaeed•uaa !~ p:operly ono for which a Conditional Ues Permit !a ~uthorized by COde Ser.',i,cn i8.40.060(g) to wit: estnblieh on-sale liquor in oon~unotion.with an apprc•;sd :eer ^nr. 2. Thnt the proposed ueo will be 6 bnr with on-enle liquor with inoide^tiial aala: c.° food and not s restaurant with a aubetnndard kitohen 6res. 3. Thet the pr~pooed uee wlll not advereely affect.the ad)olninQ lond ueee and the growth end development uf the area in which lf is propoaad to be looeted. 4. Thet the stze md shepe of 4he eite prop~aed for the uee le edequete to ailnw the fu11 development of tt~e propoaed uee in a menner not detrimentel to the pertlculee erea noc to the peece, health, safety, end general welEere nt the Citizene of the City of Aneheim. 5. Thet the gcanting of the Conditlonel Use Peimit under the conditlons imposed, if nny, will nac be detrimen:al w the peece, health, eafety, end general welfa:e of the Citlzens of the City of Anahetm. 5. 2hat no one appeared in opposition. H,TNIRONMENTAL IE~PACT R~POAT F1:~1DING: Fetitioner hss requested examption Prom roquirements for riling af a:: F;r~•irrr~c~a:,tal 1~:;.,s ' Report. Review of the request and the ~nvironmental Impsot Q::e~ti~nnai:-e !n~',ics~a~ '.!•<<. proposal would have no signifioant enviror~mental impact. Sta`_'f tivcu~d, ,har: f:.:•~, .-,•`~••°~:i exeinption deolaration statue be grsnted. CbG ' 1' ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheirti City Planning Commission does hereby grent subject oetthe pcoposed use oE Uhe submect p ope ty Ein' o deg to presecue the safecyeendygeneraltw lface of the C tizens ofstha City of Rneheim: (1) That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with Exhibit Nos. 1, 2-Rev. 1, 3, and 4 as approved ~snd on file in the Development Services Department. (2) That trash storage areas shall be pro•rided in accordance vrith approved plans on ~ile with the office of the Director o£ Public Works. (3) That Pire hydrant~ shall be instnlled and oharged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of structural ' framing. (4) That subject property shall be served by underground utilities. (5) That all air conditioning facilities sh~ll be proporly shielded from view. (6) That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 4, aad 5, above mentioned, shall be complied with ~:rior 'tc f'ix:&1 buildiitg and zoning inspections. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and appmved by me this 19th day of July , 1973. ~~ ~? ~ ~~~e ( riginal signed by Melbourne A. Gauer CHAIRMAN ANAHE?M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: C~ ~~'<i~_~~¢''L~-~`~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COhiMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. f;ITY OF NNAHEIM ) . I, Ann Krebs, Seccetary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing cesolution wes passed en et 2°00 o'clock P,MIn by he fo lowing vote o the members the eof:ty oE Aneheim, held on July 9, 1973 AYES: COMMISSIONF.RS: FARANO, KING, ROVJLAND, SEY"MOiJR. NOBS: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, GAUER, HERBST. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITIdESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my hend this 19th day' of. July , 1973. G~~~ 5`-~~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY 1~LANNING COMMISSION RFaOLUTION NO. P~~3-146 C~G -2