PC 73-181RESOLUT?0~. PC73-i8t ~ A R~SOLUTY?~N GF '0.!$E CI'~Y PLANNING COMMFSS~ON OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PE'fI'i`ii~N F~I2 CONDITIONAL USE P`.~RM1T ~'4~ 2 BE GRAN?ED WHER~,hS, the Cit~ Plenn:,+f;•',`Ga:e;;•'3Sion of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Con- ditionalUseP..rmit[rom ALSEki n. 'R,~VJI.EY, ?2887 Fietdstone Drive, Santa Ana, California g27a5~ dwr+e; cf ,;=_rtair~ real Fropzrty siYVate~? in the Cir, of Aoaneim, County of Orange, State o~ C:~~.+~~ryia describt~d a.s Bagin:itng a*. the. Norti;east corner of Lot 1 of Tract No. 7843 as pZr map th~re~~f ro;;prdr•~ in ko~k 53, Page ~'~6 of Misce3laneous Maps, Records of Orange Cou ~ty, Calife-c:~ia; ii:~nce NerS, 89° 51' 35" ~~ast alcng the South line oP said Tract 1843, 6.57 Te~t; tt'rerce So~ti: U~ ~9' S5" West, p%erallel to the East line of said Northwe~t quar:e; oP the Si:.~thw~st quar•ter, 235.z0 fe~t to the center line of Anaheim- Olive Road as show~ on sald map; '~he~ce~Nor*_h 1~~ 52' 26" West along said center line 6.57 `e~t to the intersectic~s of said center li~e w3tih the Southerly prolongation of the East lire of Said Lat 9; thence Narth Op o7' 35" East alo~g said East line of Lot 1 and its Southerly prolo~gation, 23~•92 feeY to S:he point of beginning ; and Wl?EREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public heering at the City Hell in the City oi Meheim on ALgust 20, 1973, at 2:00 n'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearIng having been duly given as required by law and in eccordence with the provisions af the Anaheim Municipel aode, Chdpter 18.64,to hear and consider evidence for and egainst seid proposed condltionel use nnd to invest:gate and meke findings and recommendetions in connection thecewlth; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, e(ter due Inspection, investigation, and study mode by itself end in its be- helf, and e[ter due consideretion oE all evidence and reporta otfered ot s~id heuring, does Eind and determine tho following fects: 1. That the proposed use fs properly one [oc which a Conditional Use Permit is eutharized by Code Section 18.38.040(3) to wit: establiah a commerciel o£flce in an r.xisting singlo-family residence, with :.raivers of: a. SECTION i3.38.050(1)(A) - tiinfmum lot area. (20.000 square feet xkquir~ed; 10,146 square feet proposed) b• SECTION 18.38.050(2)(~)(1) - Minimum side var3 aetback. (10 feet -'~ requirQd; 7 feet propoaed) ~ c. SECTION 18.38.050(3)(A) - Maximum ~ui'1dinR height within 300 feet of a s3nt~le~familv reaidential zone boundery. (3.5 feet permitted; 11.5 feet propo~~d) d, SECTION 18.38.050(6) - Required masonr~wall abuttinQ a reaidential zone, (None proposed) 2. ThaC:sr;'l`°era 1-at 1-b, and 1-c, above mentioned, have been granted in Che pasl• mhere a residencrs was propoaed eo be used for commercial office uaes and, tY~erefore, the Plenning Co~issie~n does hereby grant said waivers bn that baeie. 3. Tt;at alttio~::gh the ?'lanning Commiseion in the pest has requir.ed a 6-foot masonry well to protect e•eisting res±dential uses adjacent to lota fronting cnto arCerials and propased for c.9n~zra-lon to commercial usea, eince the adjacent parcels are designaked for dommercial uoe, it sppeurs unnecessary to require Che wall, therefore, Waiver 1-d, above mentionEd, i;. t~ereby granted. 4. Th~'~ the propoaed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land usea snd the growt.n and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 5. That the size amd shape of the aite proposed for the use is adequate to ellow the ful;l development of the propoaed use in a manner not detrimenta~ to the particular srea :~or to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. CI-C ~ 1" . • ~ ~ 6. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the Cicy of Anaheim. , 7, That the petitioner stipulated to rcmoval of the existing garage. ENVIRONMENTAL IMYACT REPORT FINDING: That the Planning Cormnisaion, in connection with an Exemption Dec2aration Status request, finds and determinea that the proposal would have no significant environmental impact and, therefore, recnmmends to the Ci~y Council thet no Environmental Impact Statement is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I: RESOiVED thet the Anahnim C•LCy Planning Commission does hereby grant aub~ect Petiticn for Conditional Use Permit, upnn the following conditione which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preaerve the safety and ger.eral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That thie Conditional Use Yermit is granted subject to the comnletion of Reclassification No. 73-74-2, now pending. THE FOREGOING RESOLUT_ION is signed and approved by me thie 30th day uf August, 1973. ~e~~/[_ O~.t%D~1/yilc,P L~:..-- `yZCel~ CIiAIRMA~1 ANAIfEIM CITY PLANNING COMPlISSION ~ ATTEST: SECRETARY ANAIiEIM CITY PLNN IN NG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY bF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheia, do hereb certif that the foregoing reaolution wae passed and adopted at a meeting of the City PlanningyCommiasion of the City of Anaheim, held on August 20, 1973, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, KING, RUWLAND, SEYMOUk. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: N~NE, ABSENT: COMPtISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereanto set my hand this 30th day of August, 1973. ~--/ S~CRETARY ANAH~ CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC73-181 "2"