PC 73-188~ ;.. , , ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC73°188 A RESOLUTICN OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT 'r ETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2540 B~ GRANTE;D WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a veriEied Petition for Varience Ecom WILLIAMS FAMlLY TRUST, SAM J. WOLLIAMS, TRUSTEE, 112 East Commonwea}tli, Fullerton, California 92632, Ow;,et-; M. R. GARBL'TT, 5700 Wes*. Anaheim Stree~, Long Beac;~, California 90813, Agent of certai~ ~eal prooerty situat~d ~~t the City of An~heim, Co::nty of Orange, State of Cali4or~~a desc~ibed as Beginzi~g a~ a pofir.t on the Scuth line of the Southwest quarteT of the Sout~:west q~sar:zr of Section 8, Towr,ship 4 South, Range 10 West, San Ber- nardiho Base azd Meridian, in the C?ty of Ar~ahedm, at a poiit 392 feet West of the South- east cornar of the Southwest qs~a~-ter of the Sau~hwest qua~-ter of said section, and running ther.ce West 968 fe~~ alo;g t^e said Scuth li~;a; thence Nortfi parallel to the East line of said ~cuthwest qua~ter of the Sou~4we.st q~arter, 654 feet; thesce East paraliel to the South lir,e of said Southwest quarter of the So~+ttiwast quarter, 168 feet; thence Scuth parallel to the East li;:e of the said Southwcst quart~~ c~ t`~e So;~thwest quarter, 654 feet to the poin£ ef begi~ri~g. EXCEPTING iHEREFROM t~e Sout~ 40 feet thereof included withi7 Liacoln Aven~e. ; and WFIEREAS, tha City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on August 20, 1973, 8t 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heering heving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel Code, :hapter 18.68,to hearand considec evidence for and egainst said proposed veriance and to investigote and make findic:~~ and recommendetions in connec- tion therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commission, a.fter due inspection, investigetion, and study mede by itself end in its bahalf, and after due consideretion oE all evidence and reports offered et seid hearing, does find and determine the following facts: ~ 1. That tha petitioner requests a veriance Erom the Aneheim Municipel Code to estabfislt a free-standing sign as follows: ' SECTION 18.62,090(b)(5) Location of free-atanding 9if~n. (Wittiin center. 20% of frontage required; within center 87",l,_ proposed)- 2. That there are exce~tionel or extraordi~ary circumstances or conditions epplicable to the prope:iy involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the pioperty or cless of use in the same vicinity a d zona. sirice Che etitioner proposes to retain the specimen ~ree which is lacated witnfn tHe t~ecettYar 2p / of~ota ,,. -rhet th@ requeste~ va~'ience is necessary Eor the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other propecty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the pcoperty in question. 4. Thet the :equested veriance will not be materialiy detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the prop- erty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the pcaperty is loceted. 5. ThaC the petitioner seipulated to retention of the two specimen trees located in the front setback of the property. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Planning Commission, in conre ction with an ExempCion Declaration Status request,finds and determines that the proposal would heve no significant environmental impact and, therefore, recommends to the City Council that no EnvLronmental Impact StaCement is necessary. 1-G '1' ~ ~ ~ NO\4, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grent r;ubject PPtition for Variance, upon the following conditions which ere heceby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro- pused use of the subject pcopecty in ocder to pceserve the sefetv end generel welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (i) That sideweYk.s shall be installad al:,ng Lincoln Avenue as required by the ~ity Engineer and in accardsr.ce with atandard pla.s and specifications on file in the office of the City Ergineer. (2) That the owner(s) of subject property ::~all pay to tha Cfty of Aaehr3 m the sum of 60 cents per front foot along Lincoln Avenue for tree p?.anting purposes. (3) That the owaer(s) of subject property shell pay to the City of Anahd.m the sum of $2,00 per front f6a~ t?.ae:g L•incoi~t Avenue for streeC lighCing purposes. (4) That adee~::ate clearance of exiseing electrical lines shall be provided as required by the ElectricaY Div'ia3on, Departmer.t of Public UtiifCies, and the State of California G.0.95. (5) Thst subjec~. property sha5.1 be deveioped substantially in accorfiance wiCh plans end apec3ffcations on file with ehe C£ey of AnaFefm marked Exhibit Nos. Z and 2. (6) That Coadition Nos. 2 and 3, abova mentioned, ehail be compl3.ed with prior to the commenr.emenC of the act:.vitq auChorized under this resolution, or prior Co Yhe time that tha building permit is issued or within a period of one ye~r from daCe hereof, whichever occure first, cr such further time as the Plsrn3ng Co~nission may grant. (7) That Condition Nos, 1, 4 ar.d 5, t~bove mention~ed, shell be complied with prior to finAr bu3Pding ~nd zoning 3.nspea~ia¢ns, (8) Tkat.the two speaimen Crees P~ceted in the front setback shall be retained and maintained, as stipulaCed to by the pe~ti~3orer, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is aigned and epprovad by me 4his 30th day of Aagust, 1973. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~',2~7~~~ SECRETtlRY ANAH IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ed• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann KC'ebs, Seccetery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wes pessed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on A~gus ~ 2G, a 973 e at ?.:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members theceof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A'LLRED, FARANO, G.AUER, Fi'ERBST, KING, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ROWL.'~ND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hercunto set my hend thia 3~~` day of Auyusto 1973• RESOLUTIOHNO. PC73-~88 -~-~~ -~. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-r, -2-