PC 73-219~ ~ xrsoLa~?on Vu. Fc~s-2i9 A RESOLUTIOiv OY THI: Ci"L'Y P'L~NNIP:I; COMM'LSSIUY~ OF 'PNE CTTY OF 9NAHEIM AMENDTNG ORIGINAL USES 'rERMTTTED UNLEF: CONDTTiON.~L US~ P~RMIT N0. 1052, AND CUNDITIUNS OF AP?RUVAT: ATT~CHED ~0 RESOZUTION N0. PC68-269 WHERti~S, the City Plarir.ir.g Cocmnissi.on on SepCember 11, 1968, granted Conditiot.sl Use Permit No. 1052 in Resolution No. PC(i$-269, subject to conditions permittirg the establishment of a trucking yard and terminal on the southerly portion of Che propertyf and WNEREAS, on July 9, 1973, L•he Pla;:r.ir.~ Coc~nissioa, after having observed what ap- peared to be an apparent substitution oE an 3mpoucid yard wrecking yard for a former trackir.g termiriali recommended to the City Councfl tu refer Cociditfonal i7se Permit IQo. 1052 back to the P1ar.ning Cocmnisslon for considerat-ion of a public hesring to determir_e whether or r.ot the use preaentYy 2xisting an t11e property was in conformance with L:~ nse originaYly approved by the Ptanns.ng Co~ission, and whether or noY. a recommer.dstion should be made to the City Cout:cil that the patil•ioner show cause for not terminaCing Condition~il Use Pexmit No. I0529 and WHEREAS, the Planr.ing Cowmiasiou on September T7, 1973, after a prelimir.ary review of evidence, set subject coaditionul use pennit for putlic hearing to investigate and re- ceive evider.ce reTative to the permitted ~ses granted under the original conditional use permit gnd as it presently existed, in order to make sn appropriate recommendation to the City Council; and WHERE:.AS, the City Planning Coccm•Lssio•n did hold a public hearing aC the Ci:.y Hall in tYie City of Anaheim on Octo6er y, 19i3, at 2:d0 o'clock p.m., notice oE said pub2£c heering l;aving been duly given as required by law and in accordance witYi the provisior.s oE the Anaheim Mnnicipal Code. Chapter 18.64, to hear and considEr evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recomme~.:da- tions in connection tt~erewith; and WHERE:.S, said Cnmmission, after due inspection, investigation, and stud~ made by ~t- s~If and in its behalf, and af•ter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered a~ said hearing, dnes find and determine the following facts: 1. That the Planning Comnissioti deL•ennined that, since the Cit,y Attoruey°s Uffice ruled that an impound yard wuuld Ue a compatable uae wlthiri the uses established when Conditional Use Permit No. 1652 was originaliy epproved for a trucking ya•cd and terminel witti incidental repair of trucks,'the Commission should amend the uses permitred. 2. 'thaC the use of the propert~ bs a dismar«ling facility wz~s not grar.ted under the original conditional use YeCRtYhr r.or was it const:ued as being appropriate by the City Attorney°s Office. 3. That the pet•LtLoner eC3pclated tt:at there wucld be no dismertlrng of vetiiclea nor would the premises oe operated 2s a wrecktng yard, but that it woL'Ld be operated as an impound yard in whi.ch some of ttie vehicles were wrECked and were fmpounded awaiting disposition by the insurence cumpanies hefore removal. l;, 'Phat the petitioner further stipuleted to enclosing the expansion of Che imaou-d yard - formerly the site oE tY~e trcecking Cerminal, L•he origir.al use granted - with a six-taot masonry wall extendir.g from the exis~;ag redwood fence on the north a- lu:~ *he Manchester Avenue frontage to lhz southerYq.ettQ adjacent. to the exibti:.~ seven-Eo::t masonry wall; and that a six-foul masonry wall wouPd be corstrscted along the eztire frontage along Walnvt Street where tto structurea existed from the existing seven-fuot masoary wall t.o Senta Ar.a SCreet; and that it w~s further stipulated thaC there would be no stackirg of vehicles above the height of the wa11, since thie would only ba an impoand yard. 5. That every~ efforC should be cn.ade to scr?~n the impound erea from view from Santa Ana SCreet. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE I~SOLVED that the Anaheim City ~ning Cocmnission does hereby amend permitted uses originally granted under Conditional Use Permit No. 1052 from a truck- ing yard and terminal with related auto and truck overhauling and repair facilities to an automobile impound yard, as stipulated to by the petitioner, and subject to the following additional conditions: 1. That a six-foot masonry wall sh~ll be constructed along the west side of Man- chester Avenue for the southerly 236-feet extending from the existing redwood fence to the southerly property line adjacent to the existing seven-foot masonr~ wall; and that a six-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the southerly 230'r feet o£ the east side of Wa1,nut Street to enclose the outdoor storage faci- lities of the impound yard, as stipulated to by the petitioner. 2. That there shall be no stacking of vehicles above the six-foot height of the wall as stipulated to by the petitioner. 3. That landscaping shall be provided in cunformance with the site development standards of the M-1 Zone. BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission deterfnines if the us~,as s*_ipu- lated to by the petitioner, amii the additional conditions, as stipulated to by the peti- tioner, are complied with, then the Commission will make no reco~nmendation to the City Council that the petitioner show cause why the Conditional Use PermiC No. 1052 should not be terminated. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this llth day of October, 1973. ~~~yt~-~ ~ ,..P.P CHA'RMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI~S'I~~ ATTEST: L%~~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHE M CITY PLANNING CObiMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) gs. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission o£ the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foreging resoiution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on October 1, 1973, at 2:00 o°clock p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, KING, SEYMOUR. NOGS: COMMISSIONERS; NONE. ABSENT: COMhIISSIONERS: ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WHEYEOP, I have hereuni.o set my hand this Ilth day of October, 1973. ~ L~~~ i~~~ __ SECRETARY ANAHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON RESOLUTION N0, PC73-219 -Z-