PC 75-145~ ~ KESOLllTI01~ .10. PC75-145 A RESOLUTION OF THf•. CITY PLt1N?IING CQPCIISSIQt] OF TI?~ CITY OF A:1A1ItiI`t TIIAT PETITION FOR VARIANC~ N0.2711 B~ GRA:~TCI). 4Il11iRL•'AS. the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaiieim di:l re~eive a verified Petition for Variance from ARDE:i STRA.YU, et al, SF61 Sunmist, Yorba Linda, Ca. 92686 (Owner); I.P.S. by Ron Ccmer, 1Q95 N. `tain, Suite D, Oranp,e, Ca. 926G7 (A~ent) of certain real property situated in the City oE Anahein, County uf Orange, Stata of California, descrihed as: The Westerly 3.Q0 acres of those portions of Blocks 2G and 25 0£ the Golden State Tract, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, pei map recorded in book 4, pages 66 and 67 of Dtiscellaneous :•laps, records of. snid Orange County, described as follows: Beginning at the iutersection of the Southeasterly line of said Block 24 with a line 184.OQ feet Southeas[erly from and parallel with that certain course cited as havin~ a bearing of South 3°25~ 46" West and a length of 1Q19.7~ fect in tl~e centerline oE that certain strip of lancl, 115.~~ feet wide, describe~ as "Parcel No. L'2-1fi5.01" in the deed to the Orange County Flood Control District, recorded October 11, 1960 in book 5455, page 535, Official Records; thence Southwesterl.y along said parallel line to the Southeasterly line of the lnnrl clescrihel in Parcel 1 in the deed to Holly Wade Davidson, recorded :farch IR, 1A55 in book 3000, page 254, Official Records; thence Northeasterly along said Scutheasterlp line to the most Easterly corner of the land describecl in the deed to Iiolly [da.le Davidson, rer.ordzd April 4. 1963 in took 85fi3, ra~e 67, OEficial Recorde; thence along the boundary of said land North 30°13'21" I•Test 177.30 f.eet and South 74 32' 23" ~dest 45.75 feet to a point in the SouCherly line of tlie lund described in the deed to the State of California, recorded June h, 19fi~ in book 6573, pa~e 167, Official Records; thence along said Southerly line. South 74° 32' 2^" West 46.49 feet to the bep,inning of a tangent curve concave Northerly havin~ a raclius of 471.99 feet; thence Westerly al~ng said curve and alonp, sai~l Southerly linr_ to the intersection of said curve with said parnllel line; thr.nce Southaesterly along said parallel line to the point of be~innin~. The Easterly line of said Westerly 3.OQ acrea to be parallel with that portion of tlie Easterly line of the land described above. hnvin~ a hearin[; of North 30 13' 21" Weat; and WIiER~AS, the City ~'lanning Commisaion did schedul.e a•public heariny at the City ilall in the City of Anaheim on June 23, 1975, at 1:30 p.:~., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendaCions in connection thcrewith; said public hearinQ having been continued to the Planning Commission meeting of July 7, 1975; and 1r11EREAS, said Commisaion~ after due inspection~ investigation and study made by its~elf, and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That Che petitioner requeats the followin~ waivers from the hnaheis Municipal Code. to construct an 86-unit apartmeat complex: (a) SECTImN - Maximum buildin~ height within 150 feet of an agricultural zone (1-ator permitted; 2 atories proposed). (b) SECTI(IN - Minimum floor area (70Q aquare feet re!luirrd; ~ 12 units with floor areas of 55Q aquare feet proposed) (c) SECTI(,iN - Minis~m distance between buildings (26 feet required; 10 feet and 17 feet proposed) 2. That Waiver :I'.-a, above-mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis that the adjacent land to the ~;ast and west ia currently zoned RS-A-43,000; however. a co~ercial (CL) devel~~pment is pending on the propoerCy to the east and the RESOLUTIOid N0. ?C75-145 ~ ~ property to the west is part of tlie Santa An1 River/ Santiago Creel: Greenhelt Plan. 3. That k'aiver 1-b, above-iaentioned, is hereby grante~i for a minir~ur~ floot area of 550 square feet, as proposed, on tl~e hasis that the Flannin~ Coimr.ission has previously granted said waiver for efficiency (bachelor) type units, not to exceed 25Y. of the total number of apartment units. 4. That idaiver 1-c, above-mentionecl, is herehy rranted on tl~e tasis that said waiver pertains to only four locations in the Proposed cicvelopnent an~j furtherinore, that said waiver pertains to b~ildin~ wall.s containin~ main entrances opening up onto patio areas. 5. That the petitioner stipulateu to tnl:in~ steps to re.luce the noise level.generated by the adjacent freeway traffic to Fi5 SbA in the privnte recreational-leisure areas of the units adjacent to tiie freeway and to 45 dhA inside the units (with windows and doors closed) ~f saicl units, in accordance wit'i the minimun IND reqt~irements for sound attenuatinn. 4. That the petitioner stipulated to constriictin~, a r.artl~'toned, typical, 6-foot hi~h, nasonry wall alonE the west property line, in a~dition to the 6-foot high r~asonry wall alons the east and south property lines. 7, That no one indicated their presence at sai!t public hearing in opposition, and no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. ENVIROATiENTAL L~IPACT. REPORT FINDIIQG: That the Planning Comnieaion recommends to [t~e City Council tnat the sub~ect pro~ect be exempt from tlie requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuunt to the provieions of the California Environmental Quality Act. NOW. THEREFORL', IiE IT RLSOLVED that t}ie Annheim City PlanninE Cocmniss[on does hereby grant sub~ect Petition for Variance, upon the followin~ conditi~ns which are hereby found L'o be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general wrlfare of tFe Citizen& af the City of Anaheim: 1. That this 'lariance is ~rante3 sub~ect to thc completion of Reclassification No. 74-75-42. 2. That the interior walls of the proposed carports•shall be stucco!d, that enclosed storage cabinets shall be provideJ along the renr wall of a.tch carUort, and that adequate bumper $uards stiall be provided to protect tiie interior walls of the proposed carporta from damage. 3. That the subject property shall be developed substantially in acco[dance with plans and speaificationa on file with the City of ~nahewa11asha1lFbeibLt Nos. 1 throuEh 7; provided, however, that a six (fi) foot mnsonrYgaid wall to be !arth- construcl•ed along the east~ south nnd west property lines~ toned, and non-typical along tlle west property line, as atipulated to by th~! petitioner. 4. That the aubject property ~hall be developed in uccordnnce with tlie HUn minimum requirements for sound attenuation to achieve a minimum noise level of 65 dbA in the private recreati.onal-leisu:e areas of the unita ad~acent to the ireeway and 45 dbA inaide the units (with doors and windows closed), as stipulated to by the petitionet. 5. That Condil•ion Nos. 2, 3, and 4, above-mentioned, shall be complied vith prior to the commencement o£ the activity authorized under tliis resolution~ >r prior to the co~encement of the activity authorized under this resolution or prior to the time that tlie building permit is issued, or within a perio~i of one (1) year from ~late hertof, whichever occurs firat, or such furtlier time as the Planning Commission and/~~r City Council may g;tant. _Z- RESf1LfiTION N0. PC75-145 0 ~ 6. :hat Condition Nos. 2, 3, and 4, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to fina]. building and a.oning inspections. THF. FOR~GOING R~SOLUTIOIJ is siEned and approved by me this 7th day o£ July. 1975. ATTF T: • ~~~~ ~~~ S~CRETAP.Y, A~yAHEIr[ CITY PLANI~ING COA~IISSL~i1 STATE OF CALIPORdIA ) COIIirfiY OF ORAP~GG )ss. CIT'Y OF A~vAtIEIH ) ~~ ~'.G~' /1.17(/ /L/ ~~/~~i :~_(~ L~' C11ATR~fAN PRO TEPIPORE" ~ ANAIiEI*t CITY PLANT7I;dG CO*4tISSIO;I I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, d~ hereby certify that the foregoing r.esolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Analieim tie~d ctn July 7, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AY~S: COPiMISSI0i7ERS: BAANES, FI~RBST, JOFiNSON, RING, TOLAR, t•SORL~Y NOL'S: C0:•iMISSIONER~: Ndti~ A$S~vT: ~OMMISSIONERS: FARANO I:d WITN~SS WHEREOF, 3 have hereunto set m;• hand this 7th day of July, 1975. ~~~~~~ ~~~J SL'CRETARY, APIAHEIPt CITY PLAN!II1G CO~ir5SI0N -3- RESOLUTIOId N0. PC75-145