PC 75-172~ ~ ~ RL•s~i,IlTIn~ p~n, Pr;75-172 Ri:SOT.lITIO`: ~P T!~l: CTTY PL,ti~>II;d~ C~r~P!TSSI~•1 (11' Tliii CTTY ~P A'~.411P.i'1 TI1:1T PP.TI'!'7~`! F~I: V.4RT,1`:CF. 'd~. 272(: nr: cun~rrr!~, I'J PART. {'~~r:r.r•.ns, tlir. City P1lnninn Commission nf tlir_ f:i.fy ~f An~heim ~ii~~ receive 1 verified Petition for Variancc fron R08E^T P. F1AT,L, 5;:'. ~Shitin{~ iVoods Road, Glendlle, California 912Q^ ((?wncr); U'dITf:~ SIC?d SF:RVIC:Ii, Attn: C.P.. Gemr~ell, ln,^,5n Shr,rman !Vay, Sun Valley, California 9135?. (Agent) of certlin real prnperty situ~ted in the City of Anaheirn, Coimty of ~ringe, State oi' Californil descrihe~~ as °ollows: All Lhat r.ertazn land situate~l in the Rancho San .iu1n Cajnn dr. Santa An~, describal as follrn¢s: That portion or tlie Soutlieast quar.ter ~!' tlie '~orthtiae.<,t qiilrter of. Section 2fi, Toianship 4 Sotttlt, Ranre 10 Nest, S. B. R. f, !!., ~lescribed as follows: Corir~encinF at tlic SOU1~7C15t corner oF the :Iorthiacst qulrter of snid Section 2(~; thence Vorth SR° 41' 15" lVest, alan~ tl~e Soiith line of sai<i :Jorthwrst qnarter, n distance o{ C6~7.'_F f.ect; `.hence North 0° Q1' 47" I:ast ?I5.'S feet to a poznt, said point bein~ thc true point of be~inning; thence South 84° 44' O1" Tiast 20.00 fect; thenr,c Sot~th ~° Ol' 47" 19est A4.~~(1 fcer,; thence South R~t° 44' O1" East 2R0.(17 feet; tltence Nortli !)° Q1' 47" F.ast Z0.0~ feet; thence South ~3° a4' nl" F.ast 3~R.1R fcet ta the Scuthr:esterly line of the land Sescriheci in n deed Y.o t}ie St1te of Cali£o*nia, fi]e~~ "larch l2, 1~5' as ~ociiment No. 25n7]. in the oEfice of the P,eRistrar of. Titles nf flrange Coimty, California; thence *lortli 3^° i~' 1S" '."est 11onr sai~~ Soiithoresterly linc a distance of 707..34 fcet; thenr.e :dortit .^,4~ 4A' nl" 1Vest 16] .0' fcet to a linr, that bear.s ~lortli ^O nl~ 47" ~ast frnm t~ic truc point of beginning; thencc South 0~ Ol' 47" 19est ;n8,02 fcet to t~~e true point of hep,innin,r,. lVl(GRP.AS, the Citv Plannin,v, Commission di~l hold a public hearinr, at the City llall in the City o_` ;1nlhein on Au~ust A, 1~,^•5, at ?:3r1 p,n,, notice of s1i•! public hcarim; hlvin~ been d!ily qiven as reaiii.reR by lm~: anrl in accor~lance with the provisi~ns of the Anaiir.im llunicipal Codc, ChaPter 1~.~;, to ',icar ara~ ronsider evi~lence for and against saici proposed variance and to investi~ate aml r.1ke findinFs and recommendltinns in connection therewith; and 1411ii.".GAS, said Commission, lfter due inspection, investigltion aral stuc.ly nade by itsel!' anc! in ~ts belialf, an:l a`ter d~ie consi:leration of a7.? evidenr.e nn~l reports of.f.cred 1t slicl Lcaring, cloes find and determine tlic fo11rn~!ing facts: 1. Th1t thc petitioner reqiwsts t!ic followinf~ wnivcrs from thc Anaheim :dunicipal Ca<le, to construct six (6) free-standinfi signs, in addition to one (1) existint; sic;n: a, SF:CTIOV - Ptaximum s,:~,iber of free-stan:iznr, sifins. siGns perraittc~. ; 6 siv,ns proposcc ; 1 si~n existin!;) b. SECTI~*I 1R,05.093.~23 - Pernitte~l siYn location. (mininiim ~listance of 4no lot tiui~lr.h to adjacent parcels re- quired; 4 signs at 16°~, f°: lnrl 5°~ distance proposect) c. SF:CTIQ`J 1S.05.093,m_37_ ~tinimiun distance hetiaeen free-stanrlir.!; signs. ce re~~uTe:~ 19~~ 5]~~ 75'~ ].0~'~ 115~~ ancl 2?_fl~ proposecl) - - - - - d. SrCTI~`i lR,f15.093.02~1- !•1aximum sign l~eight within 75n fer.t of a resiclential structiire. (25 feet permittec~; 30 fcet proposc~l) SF:CTIQ'; 1S.OS,n93,0252- M1tinimuro sign hei~ht. (8 feet re:~uired; 3.R feet Pr~pose~l) RESOL11TInN 'Jn, PC75-17? ~ ~ 2 That 1'laivcr 1-a, nbovc-mr.ntioncJ, i.s hcrchy s*,nntc~l, in part, to per.^it tltrce (3) frcc-st~n:lin.^, signs consistinr of one (1) existing free-st~m'inr sirn on tlie northerly i~ortioii of si~hject prol~erty ancl two (2) nr~rosecl £rer,-st~n~ling si,r,ns (signs nos. 1 an~l 3) on the snntherZy portion, since thc petitionr,r sr.ipulated that foi~r (4) of tiic proposc~l sirns (sign nos. 4, 5, G, and 7) rvill hc modific~l to conform to thc rec~~tireme~its for an-sitc :lirectional si!;ns nnt ~lesignc~! to bc vir_~,ed from the street, sai~l four (4) signs Uein~! a maxir:um of fonr (4) £eet in hei~*ht, three ('i) sq~~are feet in si.gn arel an~l nor. visihle from the ncij~cent ~~iihlic street. 3, Th1t IYaiver 1-b, 1h~ve-mentioneel, is hr.rcl~y Frlnte~l, in r1rt, to permit one (1) of thc approve~l £rec-stan:lin,r, signs (sirn no. 3) to be locltc~l withi.n the prohibited distance frori tlie adi1cent pnr.ccl t~ the soiit~i (sai-1 propose~i ~listance beins,~ less than 12D feet), since the Petitioner stipulated that thn nthcr four (4) signs (si;*,ns nos. ~1, S, G, and 7) Eor wliich the ianiver iaas oriainally req>>este~l wil.l conforni r,o the rea,iiirements f.or on-site directional si rns not ~IC51!?71P,c~ ta he vicwe~l from the street and slid perriittec! si!;n shail not be c).oser tlian (,5 Eeet to thr, s~uth property line. 4. That IYaivcr 1-c, above-mentioned, is hereby ~;ranted, in part, to permit three (3) free-standing signs (sign nos. 1 an~l 3 on tlie sotrtherly norrion ~f. siibject pr.operty and tlie ceisting sign on the northerly portion) sai~l si~ns bein~; a:listance of ?.10 feet an~l 215 fect apart; said waivcn c~inR Frante~i in pnrt since the petitioner stip~ilated that the oth~r four (A) si~ns (si~n nos. 4, S, ~i, anc'. ') will conform to the reqtiirei~ents for on-site ~lirectional sinns not ~lesip,ne;1 to br. viewe~l fr.cm tlre street. 5. That ltaiver 1-d, aUovc-mentinne.l, is liercl,y ~rantecl on the h~sis that the Planning Commission '.ias pre~~iously grantecl sirnilar waivers in thc ir~unediate area, said si~ii (sign no. 1) tn he a masiniim of tltirty (3~) feet in heiglit nn:l locate~l a minirntm of ,'.2Q fect from the adjaccnt residr.ntially-zone~l pmperty to the south whir.h is currer.tly ~?evclope~i ~aitl~ 1 mohilchome park. 6. That !Jaiver i-e, zbove-mentionc~l, is ',tcreLy •leterinine~! to he tmnecessary since tlie petitinner stipiilatec'. r.o re]ocltinf! said sign (sign no. 4) away fmm the intcrsection oE tlic strect and drivr.way alonr Hanchestcr Aveniie an~l flirthcrmore, sai~l sign to hc no~lifie~l to conforri to tlie requiremcnts for on-sitr. •~irectional sip,ns not Jesigne~l to be vie~,e~.l frnm thr, strect. 7. That the petitioner stipul.ate<l to develop the siihiect nronerty precisely in lccordancc itith thc siibnitte~l pl.ans, ns mndifir..cl by t!iis rr.~~l~ition. S. 'fliat tliere 1re eaceptional or r.xtraor~linary circ~imstlnces ~r con-litions applicaUle to the property involvc•.: or to the intemle~l usc, as ~;r~nte~~, of thc property tlizt ~'o not apply };encrally to the propcrr.y or c]ass of:~asc in thc samc vicinity and zone. 9. Th~t the re~iiestc:l v:irianr.c, 1s ~;r~nte~!, is ncc.r.sslry for the preservation 1n:1 r.njoYnent of. a substantill property ri;ht ~:ossessed by ~ther property in the slme vicinity nn~l zonc, and denicu to tlie property in q~iesti.on. 10. That tlie requested vlriance, 1s ~rante•1, ~oill not br.. nateri111y detrinental to the public welfare or injurious t~ the pr.operty or improt~er..ents in such vicinity 1n~'. zone in which thc propcrty is ]or.ate~.l. 11. That no onc indicatec.l their presencc at snid publin c~lring in o~~rosition; 1nc1 no corresl~onclence was receive~! in opposition to siihject petition. F:VVIRO"E1F.'!TAL IPIP~CT RF.PORT FIyDIyG: 'i'flat thc Director of: thc ~evclopr.ient. Services Departnent has detcrriined that. the nroposed activity falls wi.t',iin the definition of. Section 3.~1, C,lass ll, of the City of Anaheim Giiidelines to tlie Requirements for 1n C:nvironmental Implct Rerort ancl is, t}ierefore, categor.ically exempt from the requirement to file an F.I[•:. VOW~TIIT:RT:rQRF., BF. IT RFS~LVCD that the Anaheim City Planning, Commission ~loes I~erel~y grant~ in part, subject Petition for Variance, upon t?ie followinp, conditions Nhich are hr,reby found to be a necessar.y prerequisite to the pronosed use of the subject property in order to Preserve the saf.ety ancl general welEnre of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: •. 1. That trasii storage areas shall he provi~ie~l in accordance with aPprovecl PIAf15 on file wit}i tite Office of. the ~irector of. Pi~blic l4orks. _2_ RESQIdffI(1N VQ. PC75-172 ~ ~ , 2 That subject prop~rty ~hall be develope~l preci.sely in accordance with plan; and specifications on filc ~~~ith t?ic City of Anahr,ir^ mar!;crl iixhihir. :dos. 1 throu{;h ~, provi~le~l, ;io~~evcr, th;tt Sign 'los. ~1, ;, h, an~i 7 shal ] conforn Y.o thc Co~le reqnirr.mcnts f:or on-sitc ~lirectinnal signs not ~lesi~ne:l to hc viewecl from tlic strcet; 1s stipula~e~l to hy t'.:e p~tiYioncr; a~l•litirnillly, tlilt Sin.n No. G sh1?1 he reloclte-l away from tlie intcrsectinn o~'. thc strect an~l ~I7'1VC191Y 11on~ ?tanchestcr Aventie, ns stiputnte~l to by the petitioncr; and that thr, rropnscc~ thirty f3~) foot hi~h free-standint; si~ti ('lo.l) shal] be a mininnm of 23~ fec*. 11^1v fro~ the ndjlcent mobileliome park on the r~si~lentiall.y zoned propcrty to the santh. 3. That Condition tdos. 1 ancl 2, ahove-mentione:l, shnll be comnlied with pr.ior to Fin11 biiil~lin~; an~! zoning inspections. TIIP. F~!;TiG~I`?C, RiiSOi.UTIO\' is signed 1n:1 approved m this At'i day of Aurust, 1975. / ~ CIII1TIt~~A~lri~t CITY PfJ1~d^JI~ir, Cn~~CaISSJqN A1"fI:ST: S3iC.RT:TAl2Y, Ay.AltrI~1 CITY PI,i\;J'JIN(; f:~~•C•tISSI~:1 STATG QF CALIF(1R`dIA ) cou!uTV or• ~r.n,~Ci; )ss. CITY OF AVAFt?iIi 1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City P1lnnin~ Commission of. the City o~ Anaheim, cin hr,reby certify that t!~e foregoinR resol~iY.inn w;~s pnssed an~l adopted at R IDCCLliIQ nf tlie City Planning Commission of the City of Anlheim, heJcl ~n August 4, 1975, at 1.:.;~ p,n,, hy thr, follotoing votr. of the meiabcrs thcreof: AYfiS: CQiC•tISSIO?~ERS: RAR~I?S, )ICRRST, JOI[?JSnfl, I:IDIG, ?tORLfY, TOi.AR, FARAN~ NQF.S: CO~f•1ISSIONI:RS: NQNE Ai3SIiA1'I': CObC•fISSIOVP.CS: NONE I;J WIT}II:SS IYIIT•.RP.OP, I have hereimto set ny han:l this 1th day af Aupnst, 13?5. , `~_aJ,~,~ a.,~~ IiC°TiTARY, A"!:1FfP.T`? CTT'Y PI,A>J??I';G C!1:'~tISSIQN -3- RF.SOLUTIQN Nf1, PC75-17?