PC 75-173~ ~ r,r:sni!!~to:: y~. Pf.75-17.i n r.r:sot!r~mra or• T>>r nr~ni~ei~: c.i~v rLn~r.~r;;c co'r1YSSI~~~t A'•lIi}I!II:dG !'.fiS(1i,ItTIQ`3 Vf1. PC75-lA~, Ni!`lf. PRQ TU:.C, IV CO?d:~l?r.TIn"; f4ITf1 CO~JDITt~?~AT. USF: PL•P.'4IT id~. 1SA9. iVIII:RPAS, on July 7, 1975, t:lic Anahcim City Planning Commission granted Conditional iise Permit '~o. ~5A9, in Resoltrti.on '10. PC75-14~, to permit a~lrive-i» restaurant with xniver of thc r~ininur~ numher oF parkin!; spaces, on propcrty consistin;*, of aPProximltely O.A acre loc~ted at the northeast cnrner of iiall Road aml Knott Strcet; ancl 1'riir:r.r:ns, ~ue to 1 clerical error, (:onrtition of 1pl~roval yo. 1 of Resolution :do. PC75-149 i.s i.nconplete anrt Present].y rc~:is, "Tfiat the oHmer(s) of suhject propcrty sii111 clce~! to tl~c City of Anaheim a strip of :and 5.; feet in width from tlie centerline of th~ street alonp, Rall Rond, incliiding 1 25-fnot prope•rty line rldi~is"; and 1~91rREAS, sai~l condition should have incliiAerl dedication alon; Knott Streat also, since cleclir_ltinn }i1s not yet been mlde alon~ •that str.eet aml the plans suh~itted in connr,ction with Conditionll Use Permit No. 1549 indi.cate ~le~li.r.atinn. \ON, TflCRIiPORL•, BE IT RLSOL~'iifl that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy amend P.esolution \o. PC75-149, mmc nro timc., in connection with Conditional Use Pennit `do. 15d~, to 1r~encl Condition ?Jo. 1 to •ro1~! as follows: "Th1t thc owner(s) of: subjcct property sh~ll ~leecl to the C,ity of Anaheim ~ strip of land 53 feet in width fmm the centcrline o£ tlie streets along Ball Road anc'. Knott Strcet, iacliulinP a 25-foot pronerty line radius." TIIL• FOliP.G0I;1G RP.SOI,lITIO`; is signed 1nd lpproved by me thi 4th ~lay of Au~iist, 1975. ~ CIWIR`•A`I, A?JAII •T'•! CITY Pid1N`II\G C~"PIISSION AiiTST: ~~ S1iCRF.TA[?Y, AWA}I:IEd~CITY PI.AVI~ING COI~C,IISSIO?d STA,TTi Of CALIFOR?IIA ) COiI`1TY ^F ORA'r:GL• )ss. CITY Or A:JAfiEUI ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary oE the City Planning Commissian of the City of Anaheim, do hereUy certify that the f.oregoinP resolutio•~t was ~~assed and a-iopte~.l at a meeting of tlie Czty Plannin~; Commission of thc City of Anaheim, held on August 4, 1975, at 1:30 p.r~., by the followinR ~~ote of the membcrs thercof: AYF.S: CO~s•tISSIn:4F.flS: BARNES, 1{CRBST, JOliNSOiJ, KING, biQRGF.Y* TnLAR, FARANO :70ES: C0~1!1ISSI0'vCRS: ,10NE ABSP,:,T: C0:•CIISSIO'dC:RS: NO~G Iir' IVIT;JESS IJiIC:i.L•(lr, I have hereunto set my han:! tliis 4th ~lay of Au~;iist, 19?5. ~~' • I 5F:CRT:TAI:Y, At:AI! :I11 C TY P1.A?1`lI:JG C(1rAtISSION RESOLi1TI0N N0. PC.75-173