PC 75-175C RP.SOI.~ITIQti V~. Pf.75-175 ~ A RIiSQLIITIQ^] OF TI[F. CTTY P1.Ay~I?dG CO;CRSSIO`J OF TI!E CITY OF ANAIIL•I"1 Th1AT PHTITIO`d FOR CONDITI~VAi. USE PiiR'fIT 1d0. 1;S~i Br: cRn~*rFn, IV PART. ti91i8RF.AS, the City Planning Commission of tlie City of Anaheim clid receive a verifie~l Petition for Con~litionnl lise Permi.t from F:DPfU;dD C. TAFOLLA. 162A Rolling I~ills Drive, Fuilerton, California ~?635 (Owner); ALICF 14. TAYLf?R, 1163 tlayfair Street, Apt. A, Anaheim, California 92S0~ (Agent) of certain real property described as: Thc land refcrre<t to in this policy is situated in the State of California, County of OranEe, City of Anahein, an~? is described as follows: Lot 35 of Tract No. 1392, as shown on a Dfap recorded in book 42~ pages 7.5 and 26 of hfiscel2aneous t•taps, records of Orange Coimty, California. WIII:RL•A5, tlie ~ity Planning Commission ~lid liold a public hearin~ at thc City tlall in the City of Anaheim on AuFi~st 1R, 1~75, at 1:30 p.n., notice of said puhlic hearin~ ha~~ing Ueen diily given as require~l by lnw and in accordance with the provisions of the Analieim ~funicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consi~ler evidence for anel against said proposes conditional iise lncl to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection tlierewitli; ancl {1'ItF.REAS, saicl Commission, after ~lue inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, 1n.d after clue considerati~n of all evirlence and reports offered at sai<i hcaring, does find and detcrmine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional iise pernit is authorized by Cocle Section, to wit: to permit an office in an existing resiciencc, wixh wnivers of: (a) S1iCTIQ": - tfinimi~m side ard setback. (i~ feet required; 5 eet 3 inches and S eet 6 in- cTs existing) (b) SGCTIQ*1 18.41.064.Q10 - Minimum sideyard landscaping. (3 feet required; none proposed) (c) S1iCTIQN 18.41.QG6.Q50 - Pdinimum ntunber of arkin s aces. S spaces required; A sPnces proposed) (d) SGCTIO'J 18.41.068 - Re uired block wall. (6-foot high block wall reqiiired; 4•oot 6 inches~ 4 foot~ and no wall existing) 2. That 19aiver 1-a, ahove-mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis th:-t the biiilding is existing and, therefore, a hardsliip would be created if said waiver were not granted. 3. That thc petitioner stipulated to withdrawing Waiver 1-h~ above- mentioned, and to providing the miniminn landscapinp, required along the east and south prorerty lines in conformance to the Code. 4. That the petitioner stipulated to withdrawing Waiver i-c, above- mentioned, and to providing five (5) parkin~ spaces in conformance to Code standards. 5. That Waivcr 1-d, above-mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis that the adjacent property to the north is under a resolution of intent to the CO (Commercial Office) Zone and said waiver would not be necessary if sai~i zoning Mere finalized. 6. That since the subject propcrty may become part of a redcvelopment ~roject nrca, the Planning Commission does hereby determine that the subject conditional use permit shall be granted for a period of two (2) years~ subject to review and consideration for extension of timc, uPon written reqtiest by thc petitioner. 7. That tlie proposed use, as yranted~ will not adversely affect the aJjoining lan<1 uses and the growth and development of the area ,in Nhich it is proposed to be located. RESOIATfION N0. PC75-275 ~ ~ 8. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use, as granted, is adequate to allow the fi~ll development of the Proposerl use in a marmer not detrimental to the particular are: nor to the peace, health. safety. and gener.al weifare of the Citizens of *lie City of Anaheim. 9. That the Conditional Use Permit, as grlnted and under the conditions imposed, will not be detrimental to the peace, healtt~, safety, and general Melfare of the Citizens of the Czty of Anahcin. 10. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and no corresponctence was reccive~l in opposition to subject petition. E1~NIRONDIF:NTAL ItdPACT REPQRT FI'~DI~d~: That the Direc:.or oF the Pevelopment Services Aepartment has determined that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Sectin 3.Q1, Class 5 of the City of Anaheim Guiclelines to the Requirenents for an f:nvir~nmental Irnpact Report and is~ therefore, cltegorically exempt from tlie req~iirement to file an F.IR. NO{4, TIICRI:FORf, BE IT RGS~l.VIiD that tlie Anaheim City Planning Commission docs hereby grant, in part, si~bject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the follo~aing conditions which are ]iereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed iise of the subject property in order to prescrve the safety and ~eneral welf.are of the Citizens of ti~e City of Anaheim: 1. That this conditional usc pcrmit sliall he granted for a time period of two (2) years, subject to review and consideration for an extension of time by the Planning Commissio~~ and/or City Council, upon written request by the petitioner znd witli consideration beir;g given as to whether the subject property has or will become part of a redevelopmer,t project area. 2. That the existing striictiire shall Uc brought up to the minimum standards of the City of Anaheim, incluciing the Uniform Ruilcling, Plumbin~, Glectrical, Mechanical and Fire Code:; as aclopted l~y the City of Anaheim. 3. That tlie vehicular access riglits, except at street and/or alley openings, to Ilarbor Roulevarii shail be dedicated to the City of Anaheim. 4. That trash storage areas shall be provideci in accordance ~±th approved plans on file with tlie Office of the ~irector of PuUlic {Vorks. 5. That this conditional use permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification :Vo. G5-66-G3, now pending. 6. That subject property shal& be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on filc with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit 1~0, 1; provided~ however~ that the minimum reqiiir.ed 1lnclscaping shall be provi:~erl along the east and soutli property linss and a totai of five (S) parking spaces shall he provideJ in conformance to the Code~ as stipulateci to hy the petitioner. 7. That Condition Nos. 3 and 5, above-mentioneci~ shall be complied with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the tirne that the building permit is issued~ or within a period of one ycar from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such fiirther time as the Plannin~ Commission and/or City Council may grant. 8. That Condition Nos. 2, A, and G, abovc-mentioned, shall be complied witli prinr to final building and zonin~ inspections. THE FORF.G~ING RESOLUTIQ~' is signed and approvecl by me this 13t.h 3ay of August, 1975. ~ ~?~2Grr~ ~AIR5IAN~ APJAHF.IM CI LANNING CQDIMISSIQN ATTf:ST: 5~~~~~~~I =f Jic'fi3:J SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COA4IISSIQN -2- RES6LlffIQN N0. PC75-175 ~ ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORVIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF AVNIfiIM ) I~ Patricia B. Scanlan~ Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim. do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed 1nd adopted at a meeting of. the City Planning Commi~sion of tlie City of Anaheim, held on Augiist 18, 1975, at 1:3Q p.m., by the folloiaing vote of the members thereof: AYCS: C01~'L~IISSIONLRS: IIARNES~ IIERBST, JOINSON, KING~ MORLEY, TOI.AR, fARANO NQF.S: CO"fdTSSIONERS: *IONE ARSIi.NT: C0:•4dISSIONERS: NONE Itl IVITiiGSS Wfif:RL•OF, I have liereunto set my hand this i8th day of August~ 1975. ~~~,~'~-~.~~~ SF.CCL•TARY, A~ANF:It4 CITY PI.ANNIYG CO!41ISSIQN -3- RF.SbLUfION NQ. PC75-175