PC 75-178~, ~ ~ ~ RESf1i,~1TI0*: N~, PC75-1 A RP.S~LUTT0:1 OF T~IL• CITY PLANNING C(1?PtISSI~"I QF T!SF. CTTY Of ANAIiTiI`1 Tli•~T PF.TI; i'1V FOR C~'ipITIQNAL USG PERt•tIT Nr, 155~ Rr: can*~rr:n. {V11G?tGAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of. An111ein did receive a veri:'ied Pe*_i~ion for Cond•',tional llse Permit from BRIGFIAbI YQII":G ll"IIVERSITY, 50 East Srn~~h Temple Strcet, Snlt La}:c City, Utah Rnlll (ONner); ldATRP.YE}: Hf1?tES, I`7C., P. ~. 90,; i:i'!, ilpiar.d, Ca~ i.fnr ~i^ 91736 (Agent) of certain real property described as: All tiiat certain lard siti~ated in the State of. California, County o£ Orange, City of Anahcim, :lescrihe~l as follor~s: Ti:osc ~iortions of the Southcast qua.ter of tlic SoiiT.hwest qi~arter of Section S, T,-,~anship 4 Soutii, Ranre 10 {Vest, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map recorded in book S7, paFc 1~, `tisccllaneoiis 61aps, records of Orange Coimty, California, desc:-ihed as folloias: i~eginning at the Norr.heast corner of Tract }io. 21~', ns shown on a map recorded in hook 6"<, pages ~1! to 4R inclusive, ~iiscellnneoi~s ~1aps, records of saici Orange County, slirl point of he~inning also being a point in the Southerly line of the land ~tescriUed in deed to the State of California, :ecorded Novemher 23, 1955 in book .~3P1, ~~age .,7', Official Record,; thence Easterly along sairl Southerly line ~~:~,bl feet to ~r ~~~.le nnint therein; thence conti.nuing L•asterly along slid SouCl;erly line to the interseciion ~aith the Westerly line of lancl described in dceci to Rert A, i.^wi,, recorded Septe~nber 2R, 19fi0 in book 5434, page 54, Officiai Records; thence 11ong said l4esterly line ~'orth 0° 07.' 23" East to the ?Jo:thwest corner tl;erenf; thence nlon~; the Northerly line of the land described in said deed to l.ewis, North RA° 3F' A~" F.ast 114.n7. feet to an angle point t}ierein; tlicncc Nortli P~° 51' 27" L•7st (,9~.74 feet r.o an annle point therein; tiience Soiith ~5° 24' 23" F.ast 63fi.9] feet to an angle point therein; thence South RO° 31"' S~" East i4S.02 feet to an angle point therein; thence South 42° 41' SQ" lias~ 9].55 feet to an anFle point in the Gasterl.y line of the land described in dced to Lewis; thcnce alon~; said Easterly line Sont'.i 4° 0;' 25" East 49.25 feet to 1n anf;lc point therei.n; thence Sauth 1° 16' 30" ]iast 33f,.R~ feet to the Southwest corner of the inn~l descriUed in deed to the State of California, recorde~l March l.i, 1957 in bonk 5,435, page 28, Official Records; t?:ence along the Sautherly line of said last mentioned land, Sonth 89° 57' .i7" E1s~ ~n.nn feet to a point in the F.asterly line of said Sectian 5, ctistant South 0~ Q?' '3" IS~est 77~,00 feet f.rom the East quarter corner of saicl Section 5; thence along last mentioned F.asterly linc South Q° 02' 23" iVest 154.45 feet to ~hn hortheast corner of the land descril;eci i.n Qee~ to Forest T.ation Cemetery Association, recorded November 1, 1962 in Uook ei304, ~~,i~r, f,25, Official Records; tlience along `lortlierly line of land describeci in Zast mentioned deed and the Westerly extension thereoE ?~orih 89° 55' .i7" tVest t650.f1n fect tn r.he IVesterly line of the E:tsterly ]fl~ acres of the SouLheast (luarter o` said Section 5; thence Sautit 0° f12' .'.S" ;4est 1716,00 feet to the Southerly linc of said Section 5; thence alon~ last mentianed Southerly line t~orth 59° 55' .4i" h'est i~~_i,56 fcet to the Southelst corner of the land described in .lecd to tlu: City of Anaheim, recorded hiardi 1, 1~55 in book 2~"7, page 556, OfEicial Records; thence along t}~e Easterly line of 3ast mentioned cle~d and nl.ong thc Southerly nrolongltio*. uf the Easterly line of said Tract Vo. 1.)97, a ctisr.anc-e of North Q° 03' ~7" {Vest 2.462.7R feet to the point of berinning. L-xcepti.ng theretiram the portion conveyed to State of Californil by deed recorded ,Tamiary 7.4, 1975 .in book 11328, page 1791 of Off.icial Rr.cor~ls. ivnr.?;r:ns, thc Ci.ty Plannin,n, Commission itid hold n public hearing, at the City Ilall in thc Cit}~ o.`. Ar,ahcim on August 13, 1975, at 1:5n p.,~., notice of said public hearing having bcen ~hil.y given as requireci bv law and in accordlnce with the provisions o~ the ,'~nahcin t•hmicipal Code,. Chapter 1^.O.i, to hear and consider evi~.!rncr. ;'or an~'. 1P:illlSt said p~oposecl conditional use and to investigate and make fir.~lings and :ecommen~,l:ions in connection therewith; and lti'11GitFAS, said Commission, after duc inspection, investigation an~l study made by ir.sclf and in its bchal`, and after due consi.deration ~E a]i evidencc ~mt reports off^recl nt said hcaring, does find and detern!ine the following fncts: i. That the proposed use is properly one f~r which a conditional iise rcr:~i;. is m:thorizr.rl b}~ Code Section 1°.7.7.05~.~.4Q, to oiit: ~onstruct a 5-unit model liomr, ccrrniex. Resolution No. PC75-178 f . . ~ ~ t ~ ?.. That t;~:: proposed use will not aclversely affect the adjoining land uses ancl the growtlt and developiaent of the Zrea in which it is propose-l to be located. 3. That the sizc and shape of the S1tC prnpose~l f:or the use is adequate to alloie the f.ull clevclopment of thc proposed usc in a nanner not detrimental to the particular area nor to tl~c ~~eacc, hcalth, safety, anA ~~ncral wclfare of the Citizens of tlic City of Anahcim. 4. That the granting of the Conditional Iise Permit unrler thc conditions imposect, if. any, will not Ue cletri;~ental to the peace, health, safety, and general ~uel£are of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That no one in~iicated their presence at sai~l public hearinE in opposition; and r.o correspondence was received in opposition to si~bject petition. F.[dVIRO'~ iTi!.TAi. Ih1PACT RGPORT FIVDIP:G: That the Planning Corunission does hereby recommend to the Cir.y Cotmcil that t'ie subject rroject fie exempt from the reqiiirenent tn prePlre an Fnvironmental Impact Report, pursuant to the provisions of the California l:nvironmental Quality Act. :JQI~', THF.RF.FQRTi, fiE IT RL501.Vf:D that the Anaheim Cit~ Planning Commissi.on does hereby grant suhject Petition for Conditional Usc Permit, upon thc following conditions ~vhicli are hereby found to he a necessary prnreqfiisite to the proposed iise of tlie subject property in ordcr to prescrve thc s~fet;~ rind general ~aelflre of the Citizens of the City of dnahcim. 1, That trash storage areas shall he provi~led in accordance with approved plans on file with the Office of the Director of Puhlic lYorks. 2. Th1t f.irc hydrants shall he installed ~nd charged ,zs required and determined to he necessary hy t'ir, Chiei of the Fire ~ep;irtnr,nt prior to commencement of strticti~ral framing. 3, That Falmouth Avenue ~!iall bc °ully ~ic;~icated to the City for street and puUlic utility purposes from Romneya P.:ive to the rcester.ly botmdaries of thc property and f.ully improved, inclu<lin~* pavement, curb and gntter, sidewalks, street lip,hts and any reqiiired draina,r,e facilities. 4. Tliat subject property shall he scrved by ~mderfiroimd utilities. S. That drainage of subject property shall be disposerl of. in a manner that is s~tisfactory to thc City I:ngineer. G. That public utility easements shall he granted as required by r.he Director of Public Utilities. 7. That the dwelling units in this nodel arca r~ay not be solrl nor occuPied until a final tract map subdividing subject property hzs been recorded and an ordinance has been read rezoning subject property, R, Tliat a bonci in an amount and form satisfactory t~ the City of Anaheim shall be posted with thc City to guarantee the removal of thc models in thr event a final trlct map is not recorcled. 9. That subject property shall be develon^~1 snhstantially in accordance taith plans lncl specificltions on file ~~~itli the City of Ar,aliei.m marked Iixhibit Nos. 1, Z, S, 4, S, and (i. IQ. That Condition Nos. S, 6, ard ;, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to tlie commencement nf the activity ai~thorizecl uncicr this resoli~tion, or prior to the timN that the liuildinn permit is isstied, or witlii.n a period of one ycar from date ;~ereof, whichever accurs £irst, or such further Lime as thc Planning ,^.ommission and/or City Coimci]. ma~ grant. 11. That Condition Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 9, above-mrntioned, shall be complied wit}i prior to final biiil.ding anci zoning inspections. 12, That tliis conditional use permit sliall remain in fiil'_ force ancl effect for a periori of two (2) years £rom the date hereof or until all of the dwellinF units, as displayc:l in the proposed model hot~c complex, are initially sold, whichever -2- Resoluti.on No. FC75-17R ` ~ ~ occurs first, or such further timc as thc Planning Comv:issinn and/or City Council may jrant. ig~F, ~ ' • , , Tili: F~RTi~~ii•IG RI'S~f; ITi^'•! is signed and approve~l hy me thi.s ]Rth day of August, ~ A ~~/ CIIAI2" "1, A~Ir11l3iI^ CITY PT.A"J\I~G CnRt!•1ISS(nV ATTfiST: ~~ ~'• -~[~scJ SF.Ci:I:TAR'i , A?IAIII:Ii•1 CIT't P1.Aid:'T.`;G Cnt~1'dISSION rT^,•ri: or r.;;~.ir•or,~izn i COII\TY ~)F OFA.~'~F: ~55. CI7'Y OF A?JAIIIiI'1 ) I, Patricia P,. Scanlan, Secretary of the Cit•y PlanninF Commission of the City of Annhcim, ~lo hcrchvi certi£y that the £oregoinF resolution was passed and actopted at a mecting of• thc City Plznning Commission of the City of Anlhcim, hcld on AuPust 13, 1?';, at 1:30 p.m., hy the following vote of thc mc•,nners thereof: AYEi: f.r'1'lIiSIO`1CRS: JOFIVSON, }:I?dG~ i10RLLY~ TOI.AR ;a0£:S: CC1.'r.iTSS1~`iP.RS: RARVF:S, Ilf•RRST, FARANO ARSi:'dT: C~~i•fISSi(1NI:RS: 'd~idi: i:J 14ST?~ESS I;qSL• ~TGF, I havc hereunto set my hand this 1Fth d1y of. August, 1975. ~~~~~~~~ SF.CRf:TAItY, A'.~AIIP.T'd CITY P1.1~;:7`IG CO`1~4ISSIQ~ -3- Resnli+tion No. PC75-17R