PC 75-179~ • ~~, RGSOi.IlTI~N N0. PC7S-ll`~ P. 1?i:Sfft ~:~ T~'d OP TIIF. CTT1' PJ~AI:NII~C ~(11~E•tISSIQV ~F Tllf: CITY OF A'JAIIF.I"1 T14'~T Pf:TI i I~'•: FOR VARIAVC3i N(1. 2727 RTi i1f?lITif1. 1~IIGRF:AS, thc Cit~ PlanninP Commission oi the City of Anaheim ~l.id receive a verified Petiti~n for Variance frnm ~iR. ANl1 P•iRS, Jnll'1 SCI1f1~F.R, c/o N. Rrooke Gahrielson, 4340 Campus Drive, Scite 101, Nek~+ort Aeach, Calif.ornia 926F3 (~wners); E?'.::i?~T AP.'•iSTP.O?•:G, 1~~]4 Ticnfielc:, Downc}•, California 9~3~!1 anl ~fICfit1F:L G(1ERRF.R~, Z4]1 ~t'atson Strect, Cyp^ess, California ~(?G3~ (Agents) or'. certnin real propcrty situated in thc City o` ~+.nlhcim, County of ~rangc, Stnte of California d_,crihed as: rnr.r.r:i. ~ : Tlie i4nrth ~ acres of tL•e Sottrh 1R.10 ar.res of the East 33.10 acres of the ;:art}iti~~est qi~artrr o. thc Soirthwest Ruartcr of Section 23, Township 4 South, Range i~ lCest, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Sant~ Ana, in the City of Anaheim, Caunty ol: ~n:u:,,~•, State of Califor.nia, as per map recorded in book Z, pages 7.5fi ~n~l 7.5' of Patents, of Los An~cles Coimty, California. T:i:~P.i'iI':~ 7'!;i'.i:Lr^0?t that por±ion includecl in State f{ighway, on the t4es~, as corvc~~c~i ta the Stat.e of Cal ifarnia, by Deed recor~ic~l in book 258, page 6G, of dec;ls, ; ecor:ts of sai~l Orange Coimty. P:1R~.i•'. :': Thc `:~rr.h ~ ~cres o[ the Sontli 10.1~ acres o£ the F.ast 33.14 acres of the ;:orr.h~,est !~u.rr.er o: nc~ South~:~est quartcr of Section 23, Township 4 South Ranrc Sn ~::.-.;r, in ;hc itanchn Snn .Ju~n Cajon ~lc Santa Ana, in the City of Anahni.m, C.ount• of ~'1rn::_~c, Stat.e n` California, as per nar recorrted in book 2, Pafies ,'.56 ar~cl '~" o` I'.~:enT.e., of I.os Anrcles C.ounty, CaliPornia. EXGLPTitdG 'P111:Rrr1:~'1 t!ir ~,ortion on the {Vest com~cye~l to the State of California, hy~iiec~l recorded in book 253, paFe hF of Deeds, recor~is of sai~l Ornnne County. t;!II?RC:AS, thc City Pllnning Conmission did hold a public hearin~ at the City fiall i.n thc City o£ Anal~eim ~n !1u~ust 18, 1975, at l:sn p.n., notice of said piihlic hr.ari.ng liaving hecn diil;~ ~;iven us reqaiired by l~w and in accordance with r.he provisior:s of. the Aneheim htcmici}:al Cod~e, Chapter 1P.n3 to hear aad consider evidence fnr and ~g~i.nst saic: proposed varinnce and to invc,ti.gate and makc fi.ndings and r:,c~m;mend~r.ions in connection therewith; 1nd I+II~i:i':15, ssi~t Comr~ission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itsclf and in its bclial£, and ~ftcr duc considerltinn of all evidence and reports of.fcred at srtid hcarinn. daies find and cictermine the f.ollowiRg facts: J. Tliat r.lir petitioner r.eqi~ests the following waiver from the An~hrim ~timi.cipai Code, to pe:r.iit 1 kunr-fu studio (Chinese school of self-defense): SGCTIO;: i°.fil.02D - Per!aitted uses, (Kung-fu studio not permitted in thc HL Zonc) ?.. That thc above-mentioned waiver is hcreby denicd nn the basis that the p;:,;,nsr..: ;;:;e would nnt serve thc industrial uses in the area; that the petitioner did nnt dc;~onsr.ratc that a hardship would he crcated if slid waiver were not granted; that t;ic Plannin~ f.o~imission hns previously denied similar requests for ~ommercial us^:; in thc iT:instrial zones; .nd that approval of .~aid waiti~cr would set an undosi~:~`;'.: y~r:~c*,'^~t fo; fititi+ro similar requcsts in thc industrial x~nes, -. ,.., ,.,. are no excertional or extraorriinary circn:+!stlnces nr cor~fi~i~~r.~ ;anol.i,~a;,l,: t•~ c::~~ ;-~rn~ert/ i.nvoive~l or to the intended usc nf thc property tli;ir ,!,•. r::: n~,~,1;• ;~_., :;• ~1'.•, ±o t!i~r propr-ty o.^ f~1ss or nsc in the samc vicinity and ;..~ ,,;. i, ihat. t.hc rrqiars;:r'~~nri~nco is not necessary fr,r the prescr~~~tion ~nd enj~,:~~:n; , ,. si:b=_t.;ir,tial p:rp<~rt.• rifhi pnsresscd b~• nthcr property in thc ~1me viciniry ;:~ri ~onr., and ~Ir.nic:l to tlie pronerty in questi~n. Resolution Nn. PC75-179 I ~ ~ ~J F ~ 5. Tliat tlic requcsted variance will hc mntcrially cietrimental to the ~~iiUlic ~eelfare or injurioiis to the proPerty or im}~rovements in such vicinity and zone in wliicli thc nropcrty is located. ~i. That no one indicated their presence at saici public hearing in opposition; and no correspondence ~:~as received in opposition to subject petition. EAn'I!i0'dDtTi :TAL It•1PAC7' RTiPORT FINDi'.~;: Th1t tlie Director of the Pevelopment Services nepartment has determined that the Propase] activity £alls within the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1 of r.he City of Anaheim (;iiidelines to the Requirements for an F:m~ironnental Imp:tct Report and is, tlicrefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. ';OIV, THF.RL•FORF., RF. IT RGSOI.VrD that thc Anaheim City Planning Commission does l~crel~y cleny subject Petition for Variance on the basis of the aforementioned findirigs. 1975 Tilii F(1ItF.G~TidC RES0I.UTION is siFne<i nnd apProvcrl hy me this 1Rth clay of Aurust, ~~/~',/~ ~i'~.d CFIAIP.'tA`I, NAIIfsIPi CIT PLA?vVI"IG Cf1"'PtISSION ATTT:ST: 7 ~;~~,~ ~~~~.c~J SIiCRF:'1':1;:Y, AT~A[11:I'rl CITY PLA.~NING CO~CSISSIOr1 STATF. Of CA1.rr•or.?~I~ ) C(lll::'"Y ~F ORA~Gii )ss. CITI' OP i~:?."~llfii?1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, SecY~z.tary of the City Planninp, Cor.unission of the Cit~• of Anlheim, do hereby certif.y tliat •~~ic foregoing resolu~ion was passed 1nd adopted at a mceting of the City Planc:~:.. ComMission of. the City of 4nahcim, held on August lA, 1~75, at 1:3r1 p.Ta„ by t:.~~- En1lo~vin~ s4Ce af tl,e r~embers tncreof: AYTiS: CO'1`fiRSIONT:P.S: BM":'?~S, h1ERBST, J04~JSJId, KING, ~10RLGY~ TOLAR, FAFANO iJOF:S: COt11iISSIOVCRS: Nn~lE AIiSEi."1': C~PCIISSIONERS: NONE I;J WITN£;SS IVIlGRF.OF, I have herezmto set my liand this 1Rth day of August~ 1975. ~~ ~t-GLr'/ ~ }'Tc:,a..~.,~c...~l $F.CRI:TARY, A.VANF.I~I CI7'Y PLA'v^'.I`1G C~PT~tISSION _z_ Resolution No, PC75-17~