PC 75-190~ ~ x~sor,vrxcmT rx~. rc~s-~an A RFSOLUMON OF TH£ CITY PIANNING C~OPR~'~SSIdN QF Tf~: CITY OF 1~NAHEIM THF1T PETITICRd F~R CONDITIJNAT, USF PPTi~'Q'P A]0. 1563 HR GRAP~. Wf~S, the City Planning Catmission of the City of An~-iheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Pesmit fran THCt~'~S A. DC)RB~, JP.., 11R11 I~as Palmas Ds~ive, Santa Ana, CA 92705 (Ch+mer) ; AKIRA AtTD ~SFIIKO SAI2h, 19f17 Faul~er Drive, Placentia, CF 92670 (Agents) of certain real pro~s'ty situatecl in the City of Anaheim, Counbs of Orange, State of '.:'~=:lifnrnia, descri.hed as: ;.nt 4 in Block B of Tract No. 13, as slxx~rn on a Mag reoorded in Book 9, Page 12 of Miscellaneou.s N1aps, records of Oranqe Count,y, Ca]-i£ornia. F.~ccepti.rx~ therE.fr~n th~ Sautherly 37A.44 feet. Alsc: excepting therefrom the Nor.therJ.y 195:00 f.eet, measured fran the centeriz.^~P of the street adjoining said Lot 4 ~n the North as said street is shaFm c.7 ~ai~ MaF~. WI~F?RAS, tiYee Cit~ Planni.ng C.aRnission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Ht;ahE.im on ~~:p~'~i~ber 15, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., nota.ce of said public hearing having '~,ee.ct. c3~~,ty gi~en ~5 zequired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the i~nahe9m M~trt,i.cipa~~ Gode, Chap~s 1R.03, to hear and consid.er evidence for and againe~t saiCt pro'acas~ cond:i~i.onal use and to investigate arxi make firxlings ancl r~.rnmenc7ations i.n tr~maect;.t~n ther~~ith; and 4,?~;Rti;AS, ss,id Crnmission, ~*~r due inspection, investigation and study made by itseli ~sl ir ~~~s behalf, anc[ :+£tel: due consideration of all evidence ancl reports offered at sa~rl `~-~lring, drys find and cietesmine the follawing f.acts: 1. That the propa~eci use is properly one for which a wnditinal use pennit is authorized by Cale Section 1~.44.E150.O1OP to wit: permit on-5al.e bees and wine in an existing resl-zurant. 2. That the petitioner stipul.atecl to ~~tmitting a written request for tenni.nation of Conditional Use Pezmit No. 1212 on the subject property. 3. Thati the propose~l use will not adversely affect the acijoini~~g land uses ar~c1 the growt~.h and developmnt of the area u- which it is proposed to be ].ocate.cl~ 4. TYti-tt the size ancl shape of the site proposed for the use is adec7tlate to allaa the full develognent ot tre proposed use in a manner not detritmntal to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the granting of t}ae Conditional Use Penni.t under the conditionti imposed, if any, will not be detrimental ta the peace, heal~.h, safety, aixl gen~al welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahe3m. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hea~'ing in • opposition; and no corresponc~ence vras received in opposition t~o subject petition. ENVI~~ITAL IMPACT REPORT FII~DING: That the Disec~or of the PlannirxJ Depart~nerit has deteimined that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the Ci~ty of Anaheim C~idelines to the Requirenents for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore, categorically exe~t fran the requirene~zt to file an F.TR. NOW, TI~,'f~~pI2E, ~ IT RFSOLUED that the Anaheim City Plannirx~ Camtii-ssion does hereby grant subject Petition Eor Conditi.onal Use Penni.t, upon the follawinq con3itions which are hereby frnmd to be a necessaxy prere~uisite to the proposed use of the subject propertY in order to preserve the safety and gen~ral wel£~re of thc: Citizens of the City o£ Anahei.m: 1. That this conditional use pernii.t is granted subject Go the petitioner suksn.itting a written request for tern~i.nation of Conditional Use Penni.t No. 12J.2, as stipttlated to. RESOIdTPICx~I N0. PC75-190 ~ . ~ ~J 2. That subject property shall be developec] substantially in accordance with plans aryd specifications on f.ile with the City of Anaheim marked ~shibit Nos.. 1 and 2. TH:E FOI~ING RF50IZr1~I0N is signed and approved by me this 15th clay of September, 1975. ~~~ /~ CE~IPtR1N, ANAF~]St Ci'TY PLi~iVNIf~G ~'P'RSSIC'Rd ATPEST: ~~i.~ ti~~ ~<~~~ SDCRE.Z'ARSi~ ANAF~7M CITSC pLANNING OONi~ffSSION STATE OF CALIFOISITA ) 0.~UNPY C1F ORAt~]C~ ) ss. ~ CITY OF ANAFIEIM ) 2, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretaiy of the City P7.anning Crnmission oE *_he City of Anaheim, do hereby cerL-ify that the foregoing resolution was passed aMl adopted at a meeting oE the City Planning Camtission of the City o~ Anaheim, held on Septenber 15, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follawing wte of the menbers ttiereof: AYFS: IXk~R~'BSSIONERS: BAFiNE'S~ JOHNSC![J, FCIlVG~ N17RT.~.1~ '.['OIARr 17~RLEY~ FAFlANO rroES: cnrrasszor~RS: r~ r+as~rr: c.a~xssior~ris: t~ 1975. irr wrrr~ss wc~oF, x r,a-~ i,er~to ~t ~ r~r~a tni.s IS~th day of Septenber, Q~~ ~ ~~~~ ~r~mr, r~rn~ crr!c ~urrarc ax+~+ussxc7rr RFSO~I~CN N0. PC75-~190