PC 75-192~ ~ RF50LUPICJI~1 NC1. PC:75-192 A FtF50LVTI0N OF Tf~ CITY PLANNN71`iG CONALCSSZON OF Tf~? CITY C)F' .W~1TIF:7M TfiI~T PETITI0:1 F'OR VARIPSA~; I~. 2730 BE GRArTfi'I~. WI~RFIIS, the City Planning Crnmi~sion of the City of Anaheim did receive a verifiecl Petitioa for Variance frcm ?.,F.ImY C. RAI~tSF;Y, 6471 W~t.esn Avenue, ~7, Ruena Park, G~ 90621 (O~,~ner) ; JERFQ' III~LU~RSaI, 2114 North Moocly, Fli].lerton, CA 92631 (Agent) of certain real pro~xty situated in the City of. Anaheim, Ccxinty of Orange, State of California de.5cribed ~s: The East 70 i•eet of the West 377 feet of the North half o£ the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quartes o£ the Southwest quarter o£ Section 14, 7.bwrLShip 4, South Rar~ge 11 ~4est, in the Rancho Los Ca}rotes, i.n the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cala.fornia, as per map recorclecl in bo~k 51, nage 11, et seq, of Miscellaneous Maps in the office o£ the Ccunty reoorcler of said Caunty. Esccept therefmn that portion oonveyed to the Orange County 1'loocl Control Disisict, by deed reoorded March 5, 1959, in book 461a, page 499, Official R2CiC:TC~S. Said land is also }mown as Parcel 3 of Parcel Map recorded in book 34, page 38 on Fehruazy 11, 1971. WI~Rr'A5, the City Planning Cannission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall i.n the City of Anaheim on Septenber 15, 1975, at 1:3~ p.m., nota.ce of said public hearin4 having been duly given as ra3uired by law and in accoYtlance with the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear anrl mnsider evidence for ar~cl against saicl proposecl variance and to investigate and make findings and reocsrtrnrulations in connection therewith; and WF~E~'1L;, said Camussion, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itseiE ancl in its behalf, and after due wnsidpsation of all evidence anci reports offered at said hearing, dces find and detenni.ne the following faets: 1. That the peti.tioner requests the following waivers £ran th~ Anaheim Muniaigal Code, to construct a nine-unit apartcnent oarrplex: (a) StXTION - Maxitmm building hei~ght. (one story perm~t ; two stories proFQSed). (b) S~GTI0:1 '_8.34.065.011 - biinimtAn distance beL~.n buildi s. tcu =e~t I~feet r ' ; 3 eet~'{arx 10 ee~mposed) . 2. That Waiver 1-a, aUove-mention~l, is herety granted on the basis that the acljacent RS--l~ 43,000 wned pnopertY t~a the east is designatc:d on the Anaheim Cs~..neral Plan for madiian-density, residential uses and, theref~,re, the waiver may not be necessary in the future if said adjacent pro~erty develops with sai.d residential uses. 3. That Waiver 1-b, above-mentioned, is here2yy granted on t]ie basis that the Planning Cartnission has previously granted similar u+aivers to allow for tk~ d~veJ.ognent of nanro~w lots; and, further~ on the basis of the speci£3c develorment plans as st~kmitted. 4. That thpse a~re exceptional. or extraordii'u'~xy circtiun~tanc~5 or wrx~itions applicable t~o the pmperty irnrolveri or t~o the intended u-Se of tne pmperty that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vi.cinity a~i zone. 5. That the requested varian~e is necessarY for the preservation anci enjayrt~ent of a substanY.ial. ~ro~xtY right possessecl by othes property in the sazne vicinity and zone, and denied to the pmp~..rty in question. 6. That the request~l variance will nbt be materially detrimPntal to the public welfare or in,juriaus to the prapextY or•i~ravernnts in such ~ricinity and wne in which the property is located. 7, That no one indicated their presencx~ at said piiDlfc hearing in opposition; and no co;.-responcience was received in apposition to subject petition. RESOIdlrICN No. PC75-192 . 1 .v'~ll~'~7]'AL T-DiPA('.T F~1RT FINDING: ~ ~ That the Planning CamLission does hereY~y reoartnend to *..~e City Counci.l that the subject project 1~ e~:~ fnz~ the r~,tre!ient tc~ file an er~vironneztal impact report, pursu4nt to the provisions of the Californi.a F~virormwntal. Qual.it; Act. NC~], T[~tF~(1RE. ~E IT RGSOIVID that the Anaheim City Plannirx3 Catmission does h:reby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the followiny oonclitions which are heseby four~d to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro~osed use of the subj~~ct pnoperty in orcler to presPSVe the safety and general wel£aze of the Citizens of the City of A.-u~heun: , (1) That trash storage areas shall 1~ provi.decl in acwrdance wa.th approvecl plans on file with the Office o£ the Dir~tor ~f Public Wbrks. (2) That fire hydrants shall be ilstalled and chargecl as reaui.recl ancl detenninecl to be necessaty by the Chi.ef of the Fire DeFartrnent prior to crnmencenent of structural fr~ninq. (3) That subject pmperty shall be served ky unclergrrnUa~ utiliti.es. (4) That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be wnstr.ucted along the east are~ south proFerty ].i.nes. (5) That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory t~c the City Enqineer, (6) That the aumer(s) of subject pmpPsCy shal]. pay to the City of Anaheim the apprapriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as detern~ined to ~ appropriate by the City Council, sa~d fees to be paid at the t,ime the ~,uilding permiL is issued. (7) That thi.s variance is granted subject to the cxmpletion of Reclassification No. 66-G9-6 now pending. (8) That appropriate water assessnent fees as determinec? by the Director of Public Utilities shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building peer.mmit. (9) That subject property shall be develop~3 precisel.y in accordance with plans arrl specifications on file with the City of Anaheim maY'kecl Exhibit Nos. 1, 7., and 3. (10) That Condition Nos. 1, 3,. 4, 5, and 9, ahave-m~tionecl, shall be oa~liecl with prior to final kuilding anci zoning insp~c~ions. Tf~ FOIi~ING RFSOLLfiYON is signed and a by me this i5th day of Septenbes, 1975. ~ //'c~~'/ ~ , NiAI~:71n CITY PIAbL"IING C'~@4ISgION ATT'f',SI': ~ / ~~_~~~~~~ srx~r~r, Arv+.~~a~ crrY r~rmrIIVC oa~s~ssic~ SI71TE OF CALIFORNTA ) • COUt•TPY OF ORNT]GF ) CITY OF Ati~IM ) I, Patricia B. Scanian, Secretaty of the City P].anning Crnmission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cert:ify that the foregoi~ rr•;:~lution was pass~ and adopted at a meeting~ of the City Planning Oanni.ssi.on of the CiLy of Anaheim, held on Septenber 15, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the followir~g wte of the manbpss theseof: AYFS: ODPT'IISSI~: BAFd~IF•S~ f~I2P5T, JOflNSC7N~ KIt~IG. NDRTTY, 1l~IAR, FARN~IC? Nt7F5: OON4~'IISSI(1NERS: NCR~IE AASfT~T: ~ffSSIO[~F2S: NCR~ IN WI'Ii~SS 4~OF, I t.u~e heseunto set my hand this 15th day of SePtenber, 1975. • Cc~4-Gr__c-aJ/~! ~~ic.-C-Q,>c.J S~.TATiY~ ANPI~:IM CITY PII~INING pC(~R~QSS1dN