PC 75-197~_ .-~ r FtESOLU~I~17 Nc~. Pc'.75-197 A RFSOI,i7PICS*I OF Tf~ CITSC PLAI~~fIING CONC~4ISSIC1f] OF Tf~: CITY OF A}~FIEIt' TfiAT PETITIO"I FbR VAR7At~ICF '.~G. 2734 SF. C+ WTTf'I~. ~~1f~:TtE'd+S, the City Plannirx) Ca[~niss.ion of t1~e City of Anaheim dici receive a vesified Petit9.on for Variance Eran RD~' L. & Q~ L. AL~ERF',C3G. 2Z~~ rlorth R«~~d Drive, Anaheim, C1~ 9280F (Owners\ of certain real property situated in the Ci*yo uf Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California de.scribc:d as: The ].arrl referred to in this re.port i.s siwated in the St~te of Cabi~ornia, County of Orange arid is described as follows: The East 8R feet o~ the -+7est 220 feet of the East half of the *Iorth half of the *1ort3 half of the Nortta*est quarter o£ the Plorthwest quarter of Section 12, Tcwnship ~' South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon 8e Santa Ana, as s}xx~+n on ,~ me. recorded in Book 51, Page 1(1 of Miscellaneous Maps, rec:ords ~of Orana,e Camt~ , California. E}CCF~TITIG T[~t the Ncrth lE0 feet. Wf~J1S, the City P].anniixJ Carmission ciid }ml ~ a public hearing at the Cii Hall in the City of T.naheim on Septc3nUer 29, 1~75, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sa.' publ3.c ltearinq h.1vina been duly giv~n as r.c~uireci by laor and in accor8ance with t'::~ provisicns of th~. ~-{heam Nlunicipal Code, Chapter 1?.~3, to hear air3 eonsic~ - evidence far ~~ri against said proposed variance ar~d tA irn~estiRat~ arx9 make f~ndin. 3 and reoannendations in rnnnection therewith; ama WI~~1LS, said Cortmission, a£tes du2 in,~-pection, ir~vestigation z.n~? study m ie by itself and in its behalf, :uid after due cor.sidasation of all evidezce arx3 repc -s offered at said hearirxJ, does find airi deterr~ine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests thc follcx~tin4 waivers frcm the J1nah~ .sn ~,*+; cipal. Code, to permit an existirig qarage cvm~ersion: ~ ~ (a) SDC'TIfmT 1R.26.063.011~ - Minimiun front sethack `o a front-on ~t. :aqe. 25 eet renusr ; 15 eet exis~~ ~ (b) ST.GTICJ"d 18.26.Q6f.Oln - Mi.nimwn nurnber of parY,i.nq 5-nares. (5 e k"~`. re~uired; 3 snaces aYisting) 2. That PJaiver 1-a, ahove-m~ntion~l, is hereY+Y 4L'%inted on the }~si= that the c~-;rport structure Has }xxilt in <~uccordance with ~~ setl~ar_k recniirenents in el'fect at the time of ite construction; a~ that despite subject pronerty t~ei.m7 locat~.~i on the cuivecl portion of a"l~uckle", because uf the wiclth of s.~hj~:t proPert•,~, bei i ~3 feet, the spaces typically pravided in the ciriv~,•.~y are availa~le on the street. 3. That Waiver 1-b, abwe-mentionod, is herebY cTr'ant«? or. the basi.s hat despite subjact ~roperty heim7 locatc~cl on the curveci~x+rtion of a"}muckle", be~ use of the width of the subject propesty, heisxl 93 feet, there i~ roar~ f.or tt~ee (3; on- street parking spac~es, in additi.on to the t~•x~ (2) rarkirxT spaces providerl within the carport structure. 4. That the PlanninQ Camiisyton does heretN net~smi.ne that disa~rova' of the subject rec~est would cr~.~lte a hardshi.p for the petitioner, Particular'.y s ice the subject property is in excrow and thc new awners ar.e sati.sfied with the proP''~~h' as it i~ gresently wnstructed. , 5. That these are exceptional or extraordinary circ~anstance~ or oonditi.~~s applicable to the Pr.operty invo].ved or to the interided use of. the pmrx~sty that :o not apply generally to the pn~perty or olass of use in the same vicinity and zone. 6. That the requestal vaziance is ttecessary for the preservation : xl enjoyimnt of a substiantial property right possessc~l by other px+opesty' in t11e s~:ie vicinity arid zone, arr3 derued to the praperty in c~es~ion. 7, That the requ~sted variance will r~t ~ mater.ially detrfimsital to t e public welfare or injurious to the pzoperl.'Y ar 3~r~rovc~nents in such vicinity and zc e in which the pnopertY is locat.erl. B. That r+~o one indi: ated tlleir presence at said rr,;~-+!.ic hP.arinq ~ opposition; arui no correspordence rra:t recived in oppositton to subject petition. F~.SOQtJPIfN t~. PC75-197 ~ ~ IIVVI~TTAL II~'1PACP REPORT FINDIDIG: That the Director of the Planninc7 Depart~nent has detexmined that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the Requirenents £or an Ehvirormiental Inq~act Report ancl is, therefore, categorically exanpt fran the rec?uisenent to file an EIR. NdW, TF~1tEi~RF., SE IT RL'SOLVID that the Anaheim City Planning Ccnmission does hexel~~ grant subject Petitior ~or Variance, upon the follouring c~nrlitions which are hereby fowxl to be a neces~ary prere~isite to the proposed use of the subject propP.rty in order to preserv2 the safety and qeneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. T'nat appropriate ~•r~ter assessz~ent fees, as determined by the Direct~or of Public Utilities, shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior tn the issvance of a building perniit. 2, That subject property shall be developec'. substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City o£ Anaheim marked I•~hibit Nos. 1 and ?_. TI~ POREGOa•IG RESOLTTPIOTi is signed and approv~ }~rl ~ this 29th day of Septanber, 197.5. , ~~~~~ --~~~ CE~IRMA*T, AIdAIII:'Q~'! CITY PL}1N"T1T:G Q'X~~IISSI~fi A'iTf;ST: ( ~.iA~l./~na~ ,v~S~~r~-CI~~ S~CREPPI~RY~ A~~IAHL;Ifq C PI""RIT.NG C'(?PM~IISSION. STATE OF CALIFC1RPTf11 ) COtR~I.'Y OF ORANC~ ) ss. ~ITY OF APiAHE~`4 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secret~iry of the City Planning Ca[ertission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cesti.fy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adapted at a meeting of the City Planni.ng Caranission of the City of Anaheim, held on Septanber 29, 1975, at 1:30 g.m., ]7y ~the follvwing vote of t2ie members thereof: AYES: COt~+1~'SSSIOi~ILRS: EARI~S. I~RBS'P~ JOHNS021, IC7DTG ~LAP. NOES: CCk'N'iISSI0NER5: FARANO raesIIV:: cora~sszora:RS: r~~r~r 1975 1N WIT:iESS T9FIEFtI'OF, 2 have heseunto set my hanci this 29th day of. Septenber, ~~~~~_~cJ,B~a~,~~.~ SECRL•TARY~ A*IAAGLM CITY PI,~N~TlIG CO^'~]ISSION -~-. RF.SOI'lJTION N0. PC75-~197