PC 75-204~ RESOLUPION I~. PC75-204 ~ A RESOLUrld~7 OF TI~ CITY PLF~tJNIf]G COI~A~IISSIO~T OF THF CITSt OF ANAI~IP'! RECODP~.TIDING TO TI~ ~~ITY COUNC~ OF TEiF. CITY OF ~AF~IM THAT PETITICIJ FOR It~CL4SSIFICATION N0. 75-76-4 BE APPROVEI). Wt~REAS, the City Plann~ng Cartnission of the City of Anaheim did,initiate a verified Petition for Reclassi.fication on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: P~L 'I440: That porti~n of the land allotted to Pnulencio Yorba and to M. J. Y. de Scully according to a map attached to and made a part of the Decree of Partition of the Rancho Cancn de Santa Ana in the County ~f Orange, State ~f Cali£ornia rencierai in Case No. 1978 of the. 17th Judicial District Court of California, a certified copy of which is recorded in Book 28 page 158 of Ze~s in the Office of the Crninty Recorder of Los Angeles County, located in the Ci~y o£ ~nahe.im~ County of Orange, State of California described as follawsa Beginning at the Northwesterly corner uf 's:he land shown as the lan3 of Ray anci Claudia Costillo ~ntaining 0.993 acres of 'i:and said Northwest wrner also being Station 8 of the Prud~;~cio Yorba Allottlnent, all as sknwn on a Map of Survey recorded in Book 9 page 50 of Record of S~rvey reoords of Orange County. California; thesice North 86° 24' 35" East 389.40 feet to the point of beginning of description o~ntained in deed recorded in Book 9572 page 587 rec~ords of Orange County, Cali.fornia; thence South 57° 10' 07" West 67.25 feet; thence Sauth 8° 31' 09" West 9]..91 feet; thence South 8° 31' 09" West 11.50 feet; thence South 30' 21' 25" Fast 72.48 feet to the Northeasterly a~,rner of the land described in the deed reoorded ~^ "ook 6566 ~ages 835, 836 reoords of Orange Caunty, Californi.a; thence South . 21' 25" East 417 feet plus or minus to an intersection with the tdortherly right o~ way line o£ Orangethorpe Avenue; thence North 84° 17.' 49" West 230 feet plus or minus along the Northerly right of vray line of Orangethozpe Avenue to an intersectian with the EasteY'1y li.ne of that certain parcel ~f lanl designated as J. Coleman Travis, as shaan on a Map o£ Survey recorded in Eook 9 page 50 of R~eoord of Surveys records of Orange County, California; then..e North 5° 00' 25" East 525.86 feet to the Nortlieast corner of said J. Col<3nan Travis parcel; thence North 79° 53' 40" West 235.60 Eeet; thence North 4° 59' 35" Pasi: 46.42 feet, to the point of beginning. WF~F~S,. the City Planning Caimission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on October 13, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in acoordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, tA heax' and consider evidence for am3 against said proposed reclassification and to anvestigate and make findi.ngs and recannendations in connection therEwith; and Wi~~AS, said Ca~mission, after due inspection, investigation and study mar.~~ by itself anci in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at sai.d hearing, does find arrd detennine the follaa.ing facts: 1. That 'the Anaheim City PL~u~ing Camtission proposes a reclassi£ication of the abave-described propert}~ £ran the CQUNTX OF ORANGE Al (GENERFIL AGRICt7L'I'URAZ.) DISTftICT fA the CITY OF ANAHEIM RS A-43 ~ 000 (RCSIDENr7AL/AGRtCUL'I'[JRAL) 70NE. 2, That the proposed reclassification would establish the City of Anaheim holding wne on the subject prope~'ty pendin4 finalization of a develogmnt zone. 3. That the proposed reclassification is in oonforn~ance with the Anaheim ~eneral Plan. A. That the subject pnoperty Was annexed to the City of Anaheim under the "Orangethozpe-Nixon Freeway Annexation." 5. That the propose3 reclassification of subject praperty is necessary and/or desira~le for the orderly and groper developnent of the oartmuiity. 6. That the proposed reclassification of subject propertY does properYy relate to the zones a~l theis permitted u.ses loca].ly established in close proximi.ty }~ ~ubject property and tn the zones air3 their rn.+n;tted uses generally established througtnut the crntmmity. REBpLUTT(7N N0. PC75-'l04 7. That no indicated their Presence said public hearing in opposition and no corres~ndence 4ras received in oppositi~ to subject petition. ~IVIRD?~INlh,V'PAI~ II~IPAGT ItEPOF2T FIN]DING: That the Planning Ca~¢nissi.on does herel~y reca~nenr3 to the City Council that the subject project be exenpt frcm the rer~~irenent to prepare an em~iroranental i~act report, pursuant 'to the Prrn'isions of the California E~iroranental 4~1.it1' ~. NOW, Tf~REE`OFtE, IIE IT RE.SOLUID *..hat the Anaheim City Plannin4 Carmission does hereby recrnmend to the City Council of the City o~ Anaheim that s~b7ec~ Petition for Reclassification be approved and. bY so dpin~J~ that Title 18-2oning~ the Anaheim Municipal Cale be amended to exclude the above-descri.bed Proper~l' the CO'JNPY OF ORANG~ A1 (G'E~~ff.~2PS+ AGRICULTURAL) DISTRICP and to incoxporate said descr~.bed pro~sty int.o t`n~ CITY OE' ~f~TM RS A-43~000 (I~SIL~7AL/~1GRICULTI7R11L) 'i.ONE~. . TE~ Fp1t~pING RF~OT~TPION is signed and approved by me thi.s 13th day of Octobes, 1975. ~ ~ ~T~II1I~I~4 CITSt PIAI~JING 00.'dA'QSSION ATrFa'"T: ~~~~~ ~ .s~rr.~r, ~a~ crr~r Pr~uuri~c cor~ssial SPAT~ OF CAI.TFORNIII ) OOtJ~aTY OF ORAtdGE ) ss. CITY OF AT~It4 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Curtnission of the City of Anaheim, do herebY ~esti.fY that the foregoing resolution vras passed and adopt~i at a meeting of the City Planning Catmission of the City of Anaheim, held. on October 13 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following ~rote of the mgnbers thereof: AYES: CQ`~II~'ffSSIOI~RS: 3ARNESr F~S'P- JOHNS~1~ KINGr NDRLE.'Y. TOI~AR. ~ARANO t~O~S: CON~'IISSIO~:RS: NdI~ p,~~: C~II+ISSId~ff~tS: NOI1E 7S] WIZT~..SS WHEREOE, I have hex'eu.nto set my hand 'this 13th day of October, 1975. ~ . ~ S~~fARYi ANPd~IM CITS[ FLT~iNING OOtM'QSSION _2_ ~ION N0. PC75-204