PC 75-207~ RESOLUTIODI NJ. PC75-207 ~ A RG.SOLUPIO:I OF T!~ CITY PL~N.''7IN~ ~''~'~ISSIC)*I nF ~T1~ CITY OF' ANAF~IM IZi~4~~ING ZC) T[~ CITY ~IINCIL OF Tf~ CITY O~' ANFIHEZM Tf~T PEPITI~I FOR RELZT~SSIFICATZON N0. 75-7fr8 Hl3 APPR(J~/ED. Wi~.~'~S, the City Planning Carmission of the City of Anaheim did initiate a verifieci Petition for Reclassitication on certain real property situated in the City of Anahcim, i.ounty of Orange, State of California, describe3 as: That parcel of lan3 located in the Cwnty of. Orange, State of California, describod as ~ollows: IIeginning at u~.vir.~ in the eXistin4 City lunit line cf the City of An~-zheim as establisheci by tYhe Mohler Drive No. 2 Annexation t~ said City, said point of }~q~ynq beynq jn ±}~ northerly terminus of the line descr.ibed in said annexation as N 6° 3f1' 33" E, 361.67 feet; thence following along a portion of saicz I~'bhl~s Drive No. 2 Annexation boundazy. the followinq courses and dist~nce~s: S 6° 30' 33" Wr 361.G7 feetp the7lCe N 62° 09' 14" t+1~ 449.10 feetT t17er1Ce leav7.17q said anner.ation boundary N 6° 55' 10" E, 209.35 feet; thence S 77° 45' 30" E, 229.30 feet; thenCe N 58° 28' 00" E, 133.32 feet; thenCe N 4° Og' 00" E, 20.00 feet, thence N 65° 10' 30" E, 135.24 feet to the rbint o£ be4~~4• IV[~RF,7,S~ t~u; City P].anning Catmission did hold a public hearing at the City I?all in the City of. Anaheim on October 13, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai.d public hP~ring having been duly given as required by law and in acoordance with the provisions of the Anaheim bhuiicipal Code, Chapt.~s 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for arx3. against said proposed reclassification and to irniesti9ate and make findings anci recamiendations in oonnec:tion therewith; and W1~I2FA,S, sai,d Cannission, after due inspection, invPsti9ation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at saicl hearing, does find and detennirse the following facts: 1. That the Anaheir,iCity Planning Camussi.on proposes a reclassification of the above--descrit~d PrapertY frcm the RS-A-43~000(SC) (P~ESIth~1PIAL/AC~52ICULTUIt11L - S(~IIC CORItIIY.)R OV~2I,AY) 2f)NE to t~le RS-HS-22~QQ0(SC) (F2ESITiII~'PIAL~ S1T1GLE-FA^ffLY FIII~.SIDE - SC~IIC OORRIDOR O~-ERLAY) Z04QE. 2, That the I~naheim General Plan designates subject propertY for low- density residenti.al develognent, and the proposed zonirx~ would i~lernnt that density designation. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject propP-rty is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly aaid proPer develognent o£ the oamNnity. 4. That the proposed reclassification of sul-~ject proPer.tY does~~operly relate tn the zones aMl their peLmi.ttecl uses locally established in close proximity to subject property arrl to the zones arxi their pesmitted uses generally established throughout the camnuuty. 5. That ~ one indicateri their presence at sai.d public hearing in opposition; and no mrrespondence was received in o(mosition t.o subjECt petition. ~g~ryn~'~AI, It~II'ALT REPORT FINDING: That the Planninq Cannissfon does hereby recrn~ to the City Council that t~e subject ,T,~7ect be exenpt fran the requiranent to prepare an errvison¢nFntal impact reoort, pursuant to the provisi.ons of the Californi.a F~vi.ro~nental Quality Act. ~, ~~„~pgE, ~ IT F~5'JI,UEp that the Anaheim City P1ann~g Carmission does heseby r~anr+end to tiie City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petiticn for ReclassificatS.on k~ appraved and, by so cloiuxJ. that Title 18-7.oni.ng of the Anaheim Nh~nicipal Code be ~nended to exclude the above-described property fran the RS-A--43r000(SC) (RFSIDII9TITI./~ZC[JLTUFiF~L - SCEIdIC O~RRII~R OVEl~J1Y) Zf7~1E zild tC~ i.noorporate sai.d described propertY into tt~e ~-HS-22,000(SC) i~iDE^~'IJ~L~ SII9Q~- ~~Y ~y5~ _. ~n~ ppg~pg pVIIUAy) ZdNE upon the follawirxJ conditions which aze hereby foiv~d to be a necessary prerequisite to the propased use of subject properiy in ordeX tA ?~reserve the safetY anci 4eneral `~elfare o£ the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: • P,ESOLiTPIC7N N0. PC75-207 1, That t~e~ reclassification proceedin4~e 5ranted subject t° canpletion of ann~xat-ion subject properLY t~o the City~ Andheim• 2. That a preliminarY title report shall ~be furnished prior to t.he , , s}r~wi.ng legal vesting of title, adoption of the orciinance re..oning the propertY legal deseription, ancl ~ntaining a map of the prc~',pertY. 3. That ordinances reclassifying the propP-rtY shall be adoptod as each parcel is ready to cam~ly with oorr3itions ~r.rtaini.n~7 to such parcel,, provir7ed, ~~ n however, t1~at the word parcel shall mean presently e~:isting parcels of recorci and any parcel or parcels approved by the City Cauicil for a lot split. 4. That the o~.mer(s) of subject r~roPertY shall pay to the C~ty of 1lnahev* the eppropriate park and recreation in-lieu £ees as determina3 ~ Y~ a~ c~'%rj4`~= ~i ~~e City Crnmcil, sairl fees to he paid at tt-z time the YyuildincT Pennit is issue3. 5. That the a+~nes(s) of subject pm~rty shall pay appre~riate drainage asses~nent fees t~c the City ~f Anaheiir, as detc~~mined i~y the City Erx3ineer prior to issuance of a building ~t. 5. That fise hydrants shall be installecl and cly3rged as requirefl and detennined to be necessazy by the Chief of the Fire ])eparb~nt prior to cam~encenes~t of structural framing. 7, That trash storage areas shall be provided in aca~rdance with a~rwed plans on file with the office of the Director. of Public Works. 8, That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a n~anner that is satisfactory to the City Engineez'• g, 2'hat Conclition Nos. 7 anci B, atx~ve-+nentioned, shall he oarmliecl with prior to final bui].d9ng ar-d zoning inspections• TI~: FOI~ING I2FSOLVPIa"T is signed arx3 approved b!~ ru' this 13th clay of October, 1975. .e' ~ ' CHA.iPJN~P1, AI~I1UiEII~I CI'fY PI~Fl*1"IIT;fG C7D'- R'II . .*SS~O T A J 5P~R~PIIRY~ I~W~IM~ P7ADEQIi~G LtX~lISSIpfI STATE OF CALIFUFIIA ) p0UP7PY OF ORADIGE ) ss. CITY OF Ai1AHEL'~i ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Crnmission of the City of Anaheim, do herebY cesti.fy tbat the foreqoing xesoluti.on c~rds ~a~s~ ~ adc~t~l at a meeting of the City Planning Crnmission of the City of Anaheim~ held on Oct.ober 13 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follcNring wte o.f the menbers theseof: AYES: (JCM4'QSSIO:~ta: EiAIaiF.S~ F~f~.Slr JfhWS(7N~ KING. M7RI~EY, TOIAR~ F7~.RJ1N0 N(~',S; C~'II~ICSSIO~FtS: N(7.tE p,BS~."fP: COhA'QSSIUIERS: N(7['IE Ir? WI'IT~,SS Wt~RF70F, I have hereunto set my hanci this 13th day of October, 1975. ^ ~~/ C.,.1~~if~,/ Sf~E.TAP.Yr A~IAF~L"4 CITY FLA.N^IING QONd~¢;'SICF1 _ 2 _ RIESOLUPION N0. PC75-207