PC 75-208<' R~SOLUPION N0. PC35-2QP, ~ A RE50L(fPION OF TIiE c:1TY PLAtdN~IG 004~SSION OF THE CITY C~~ At~t-~IFS ~i'~'~DIDI2dG TO T[~ CITY COUNCIL OF Tf~ CITY ~F ANAi~'ZM TfiAT PP.'PITIdN F'QR F~CL~7~SSIPICATION I~. 75-76-9 SE APP.~D. W1~F'11_9, t1~e City Planning Ca~mi.ssion o£ the City o£ Anaheim did' irutiate a 4:sified Petition for Reclassification on certai.n ral pmpPSty situateci in the City of F~naheim, County of Orange, State of California, descrit~ed as: That portion of land lying within t1'ie CvuntY' of Orange, State of Czlifornia, consisting o£ those porti.on of Lat 24 in Block Y, of the KraE' ~r Tract. a5 Pes' ~° recorded in Book 12, page 87, Miscellanc:ous Records or Los Angeles County, California, and of Block 25 of ihe Golden State Tract, a~ per map recorded in Book 4, page 66, Misc.:llaneous Maps, rea:rds of said Orange County, described as follows: . I3ecinning at the most easterly ~rner of the La Palma-Rio Vista Annexation to the City of Anaheim, California, identical with the southerly terminus of a line described as "N 15° 57' 10" ~9, 178.89 feet" in a deed to the State of California, recorded June 4, 1963 in Bock 6573, paqe 167, Offici.al Records; thence along sai.d annexation line arx~ alorg sai.d dee3 line the follawimJ courses and distanr,es: T1 15° 57' 10" W, 178.89 feet; thence N 64° 09' 15" W, 14.i4 feet; thP~ce S 74° 32e 28" W, 46.49 feet to the beginnin5 of a tangent ci~ve cancave r.ortherly and having a radius af 471.99 ieet~ thence alon4 said curve through a central angle of AO° 18' O1" an arc length of 331.98 feet; thence t1 65° 09' 31" 'W tan4ent 'to last-me.ntioned curve 89.65 feet; thenc? N 7° i9' 33" ~4, 7^.88 feet to a point 25 feet nortk:erly of, as measured at right angles, to the centerline of Frontera Street, as slxnan on State Division of HighFrays Nbn~ltation Map No. b~'-1837-?. on ~ile at the Office of the County Surveyr~r of said Oran,3e County o£ Map No. 8874; thence leaving the aioresai.d annexation 7.ine and deed line S 65° 09' 31" E para1,1e1 wi,th sai.d centerline of Frontes:a Street 120.76 £eet to f:he begi.nnin4 of a tarxJerit curva concave northasly ar~d having a radius of 375.00 feet, said curve being concentric with said centerline of Frentera Street; thu~ca along said curv? through a central angle of 44° O1' 00" an arc length o£ 287.~8 feet; thence N 70° 50' 29" E tangent to last-~nentioned curve and parallel with said ca^terline of Frontera Street 76.44 feet; thence S 30° 13' 21" E along the northeasterly line an~ its norttnaesterly prolongation of land described in deed recarded APril 1, 1968 in Book 8563, page 67, Official Records, a distance of 25B.78 feet to a corner of lastanentioned deed, sai.d corner bei.ng on a curve the center of which bears S 27° 17' O1" E, i2,325.70 feet; thence SautihresteY'1Y along said curve and aZong the southeaste~'ly li~e of last-mentioned deed through a central angle of 0° 22' 28" an arc length of 80.55 feet to the point of beginnirxJ. WI~REF:S, the City Planning Ca~ni.ssion did hold a public hearing at the Ci*_y Hall in the City of Anaheim on October 13, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearim? having been duly g=ven as required by law and in accordance with the pmvisions o~ the An~heim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to _hear and consider evidence for anc; against said proposed r.eclassification and to investi9ate and mrzlce findings aixl reca~~endations in a~nnection therewith; and Wf~AS, sa3d Casmission, after due inspection, irivestigation and study made by itself and ia its behalf, and aft~r. due wnsid~ation of all Avidence and reports offered at said hearinq, dces find ar. ,letei'mine the follawing fac.~*_s: ' 1. That the Anaheimf=an the COLNPY 0"r' ORF~;GG Al~ (~C~RAL AaGRI1CULTI)RAL) of th= above-de~ribed Pro~Y DISrR2GT to the CITSt OF ANAHEIDt RS-A-43.000 (I~IDF~lT7A'~,/AGRICULTURAL) ZdNE. 2. That the proposed reclassification would establish the City of anaheim holding zcne on the subject propertl' exc~Pting the high~y rights-of-rray. pendin9 £inalization of a develogne~it zone at a later date. 3. ~t r~ p,naheim General P1an designates the riajority of subject property as portions of the rights-of~ay for Glassell Street and Frontera Street, and the ramainder for special pai'k uses; and, therefore, the Proposed x'eclassification is in confoxsnance with the An~heim G~ei'al. Plan• q. That the subject propexty is currently penfiinq annPxation to the City of Anah`im uzrles' che "kYentera No. 2 Anne~ration." I2ESOLTJrI01v N0. Pc;75-208 •• 5. That th roposed reclassification of ~je+t ProPertY is r:ecessary ' and/or desuable for th rderly and proper developnent the caRmuii.tl'• 6. That the nroposed reclassification of. subject property does pro~slg relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally establishecl in close proximitl' to subject pmperty arrd to the zones and theix pei~nitted uses gesiesally established tlv.-oughout the ca~mmity. 7, That no one indicated the~s Presence at said public hearing iri opposition; and no corres~ondence ~~ras received in opposition to subject Petition. ENVIR0I~7E~TAI, :ih1PAGT REPOFtP FINDING: That the PI.anning Ca,mission does hereY~y recaimmesid to t1'ie City Council tk~t the subject project k~e exenPt fran the requisement to prepare an enviroranental impac~t repoLt, pursuant to the provisions of the Cali~ornia F~virorunental Quality Act. ~q, ~~'pR~r ~ IT IZGSpLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Conmission does hereby recatmend to the City Council of the City of P,naheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be aPpmved and, bY so doing, ~hat Title 18-7,oning of the Anaheim Nlun.icipal Code be amendecl to exclude the above-described property fran the COUNTY OF ORA~yGE A1 (GG^~L AGRICIJLTORAL) DISTRICP and to incorporaf.e saici described property into the CI'PY OF A.^TAHEL*3 RS-A-43~000 (P.ESiDE~~IAL/~1C;RICULTIIRAI,) Zpi~ upon 'the following coixlitions which are hereby found to be a n~essary presequisite to the Propos2d use of subject ProPertY in order to preserve the safety and genesal welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That these reclassification proceedings are granted subject to oampletion of annexation of subject proper'tY to tne City o£ Anaheim. ~ gp~,~pINr, 1tESOLUTIO^I is signed and approveci by me this 13th day of Octr~ber, 1975. ;~~~' ~. , ~ crM ~r~urm~c o~r~ussiorT AZTEST: ~ ~ ~ SD(~2ETAR1'r ANAHEIM '%TT P~1NING COI~'A~SSIOTI STATE OF CALLEY)RN7~1 ) C`OUNI'Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF A4~IM ) I, Fatricia B. Scanl.an, Secr'etary of the City P]znnisxJ Crnmission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoinq resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Cannission of tt~.e City of Anaheim, held on Oct,ober 13 1975, at 1:30 p.m., hy the follaaing vote of the manbers ther'eofe AYES: CC~'A'iISSI~S: BAFd1FS~ HERBSPr JOFII~S()[1~ KIPIGr N~RI,EY~ TOIAR~ FARANO NOFS: G'C~'P~SSIOPIERS: NDNE F,ggI31P: C'0~'AIiSSIONERS: N~~ 1975. IN 4Ti~'NESS Wf~RDOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of October, ~ ,.~ J ~r, ~u-~~ crrx Pr~sv~r~c axa~assioN -2- ~sor,vr=oN rro. Pc'ts-zos