PC 75-209~ RESOLVTIdf] NO. PC75-209 ~ A RESOLUPIO.I OF Tl~ CITY PI~NNING COI`P7ISSION OF''PH~ CITY OF ANAHETM THI1T PETITION EbR VARIRAICE NG. 2738 E~E GR~NPF~D• WE~S, the City Planning Carmission of the City of Anaheim clid receive a verified Petition for Variance fran RD3EF~T P• AND Ff2~I~INE E• ~~~ 1776 Holbrook Street, Anahevn, Cal.ifornia 92805 (Owners) ; PARAC~I BUILT~EF'S, situatc~i~in the Street, Anaheimr California 92801 (Agent) of certain real propei.'ty City of Anaheim, CountY of Orange, State of California, described as: Lot 1G of Tract No. 5990, as shaan on a map recorded in book 237, pages 31 agis 32 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Ornnge County, California. W~, the City Planning Caranission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Oct.ober 13, 1975, at 1:3Q p.m., notic~ of said ~ublic h~.ytlq }~~y~q been duly given as rex~n; red bY law and in accordance with the provisions of t`~e Anaheim Muni.cipal Cale~ ChaPt~' 1~•~3~ tO h~ ~ COnsider evidence for ancl against said ProPoSeci variance and to irn~estiqate and m-ilce findin~s and recaimendations in connecti.on ther~~% ~ WI~I2F,AS, said Crnmission, after due inspection, i.nvestigation and study m~ade by itself and in its behalf, and after due considesati.on of allf ~Sence and reports offerecl at said hearing, does find and detennine the following 1. That the petiti.oner r.equests the f.ollaaing waives fran the Anaheim rM,*+; cipal Code, to construct a house acldition: SrGTIO?4 - Maxuman co~e~'aqe. (35$ pernutited: 46~ pr.opcse~i) 2. That the above-mentioned waiver is herebY 4z'anted on the basis that althouqh the present Code specifies that the maximwn lot cwerage in the RS-5000 7one shall not exeeecl 358 of the lot area for dwelling units with three b~3Z'c~o~s or less, the dwelling was originally constructed witl'i aFProXimately 40~ lot coverage and the proposed addition woulfl increase said lot coverage only 6$ whi.ah is hereby determined to be a minimal request; and~ furthe;-, that similar rec~uests have przviously been granted by the Planning Cann~ssion. 3. That these are exceptional or extraDrdina~-Y ~i~~~~s or corxlitions applicable to the pmperty i.nvolved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generallY to the Pr°PertY or class of use in the sa¢ne vicinity.and zone. 4. That the requested variance is necessarY for the preses~ration and of a substantial property right possessed by other Pr~Y ~~e ~ vic'u~i.+it~ytarxi zone, and denied to the pr°Pert-7' ~~Nestion. 5. That the requested variance will not be materia]_1X detrimental to the public welfare ~r injurious to the Pr°Perty °r ~~~ts ~:~ such vicinity and zone in which the prc,pertY is located. 6, ~t ~ one iridicated their prPsence at said public hearirig in ~ opposition; and no coi:'reSP°ndence '~as received in apposition to sub]ect I~tition. ES`]VIF~2~TPAL 7TaPAGT 2iEPOT~C FINDING: That the Disector of Dwelognent Servic~s has determined that i•he proposecl activity falls witlun the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Anaheim (~idelines tn the Ile4uuenents for an f~viz-o~Ztal Impact Rep~rt and is, *herefore, cateyorically ~xe~t fram the requ~s'a~~t t° fiZe an EIR. NC1f4, TFg'.ItEE'OREr SE IT RESOLUID that the Anaheim City Planning Ca~mi.ssion does hereby grant sub7ect Petition for Vari.ance, upon the follawirxJ w~litions which are hereb,y fa•arxl t~o be a necessatiy 17rerequisite to the proposed use of the subjert P~y y~ o~rles tn ~reserve the safety arr3 general weltare of the Citi.zens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That subject. Property shall be developed substantially in acwrclance with plans and speci=i=ations on file with `.he City of F,naheim marked Exhibit No. 1• 2~SpLiTPION N0. PC75-209 ,'' Tf~ FpRE~JING LUTICIN is Signed and approved ~e this 13t,h day of pctAberr 1975. . l~d •1~ , ~vr~~~a ciTSt ~rr~.rrc ~~QSS=cmr ATi~'ST: C~~~-~i°' ~ ..:!~:%s4J 5'P~tAT~Y;,T~~~' ~' . aT~ ~SSIOAT STP.TE OF CALIEOF'~?'A ~ :;~',~J'?'19C O~ ORANC~ i:~~+ . i+~'~ 1r'-" ANAFIIi?"'~ ; g5, ~7~~,,1~y~ ~3, Sc~'' ' Scc,z'etazy oE t r Ci,tj, planning Camnission of the ~ii:y dr Ayui'r~.~ clo ~ ,~. "Y= °: - ?~ ~t~e fc* ~ rasolution was passed and as7opt~~] u~ ~:c~Y; ;:: •:. tne C~t~r s~1_~; `¢?.."~7 Gcr`:~' :~. :~f ttie City of Ar~ahe.i.m, held on OcY_ob~s 13 Y975~ ; `io3~ ,3=.:n.r, ~;~' t:he :'.•°:;~,>cr:"F„_; tirote o£ the manbers thereof: piYI3J: COA1M2'u'.5Y27'iU..;tJ: -_°,~,•~::~_,tw'i~ F~'~l'iS`I'r ,KINCz~ NpRLEY~ TOI71R7 L^'ARF1b10 ilOES: COAT`'IISSIONG`.•'SE ~7c:)iINSOi] ABSF~F~: C(2~AIISSIO~lERS: b1~ 1975. N WIT:~SS ?~f~REOF, I have t:ereunto set my hann this 13th day of Octobes, .• ~ tJ S~TpRy~ I1~4ilEIM CITY PIAtINING C~N[~ffSSZON -2- AE50T~I1.PICRI N0. PC75-2tl9