PC 75-215.. ~w ~ ~ RE;SOLT7PIOtI i~, PC75-215 A RLSOLUTIOid OF' Tf~ CI'.CY PLI~NNI~IG O~MMISBI():Q OF Tf~ CITSC 0° AT•I7UI~It~T RLY:O P~ffidDING ~ T}lE CITY O~UNCIL OF TIiF. CITY OF AI~f~I*4 T[11i Pf.TI?'I~N FOR RFX.T.TISSIFICATIO:~I N0. 75-76-10 ffi' APPi~DVF.~. ~~h~1~S, the Citv Planning Ccmnission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verific~i Petition for Reclassification frcm ImL11TdD T. REY~IOLt~S, 5Q5 South Sunkist Stseet, Anaheim, California 92806 (Owner); AT4ICAL II~IGa~f:TtTJG CO., 222 E. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California 92803 (F.ngineer) of certain real pm~erty situa~ed in the City of Anahei,-n, County of Orange, State of California, described as: All that certairs land situated in the State of California, County of Orange, City of 1+naheim, descri}~eci as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the ~utlnaest r~uarter of Section 12 ~ Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S. B. B. & M. WE~REAS, the City Planning Ca~tnission did lwld a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on OctobPx 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heari:ig having been duly given as requireci by law and i.n accordance ~•rith the pmvisions of the Anaheim Muni~ipal Caie, Chapter 18.03, to hear ancl consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make fi.ndings and reornmendatior.s in connection therewitlz; and Wf~REAS, said Camussion, after due inspection, investigation arr3 study made kn1 itself am3 in its behalf, and after due consideration o£ all cvidence and reports offered at said hearing, does fincl ancl determ.ine the follovring facts: J 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the above-described property fran the RS-A-43,000 (RESInIIdT2AL/AGRICULT[JR~1I,) ZONE to the RS-7200 ~~szv~aruw, SL~IGL~-F71P~Y) ZO~. 2. That the P.nahe~m GPneYal Plan designates subject property for low- de~sity residenti.al use. 3. That the pronosed r.ecZassification of subject property is necessary ancl/or desirable for the orderly and proper develoFanent of the cara+.nmity. 4. That the pr~pos?~ reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the ~ones and theis pPSmitted uses locally es,.ablished in close proximity to s+abject pro~~sty and t~o the zones arul their pernutted uses geriesally established throughout the catmunity. 5. That the proposed re:::7.assification of subject pmperty rc'quires the dedication and inprrn enent of abutting streets in accorckznce vrith the Cisculation Ela~nt of the General Plan, due to the anticipatecl increase in traffic which will be generated by the intensificaticn of land use, 6. That no one irxlicated theis presence at said public hearing in opposition; and no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. IIJVI:20T3t~]'.CAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Planninr Carmi.ssion does herelyy recrnmend to the City Council that the subject project k~ Pxa~t fran ths r~+~irenent to prepare an enviroranental impact repor.t, pursuant to the ?ravisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. ~ NC149, Tf~1ZE~'ORE, ~ IT RFSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cc~ni.ssion does hereby recan~d to the City Cfluncil of t1~e Citl of P~naheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-7,oning of the Anaheim Municipal Cale he amended to Fxclude the above-describ~l prop~sty fran the RS A-43, 000 (RESIDI3~TIAL/AGItZCULTtJItAL) ZOI~ and to incorporate said described pmperty into the RS-7200 (RFSIDFNPIAL, SINGLE-FN~LY) 7•0[a; upon the follaw.ing conrlitions which are heXeby found to be a necessary prerequis:i.te to the proposed use of subject propex'ty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charqed as require3 and deterniined to be necessaxy by the Chief of the Fire Departr~ent prior to amnencenent of structural framing. FtESOLiTrION N0. PC75-215 ` 2, That a~inal tract map of subject pr ~ shall be sulmitted to aryd approved by the City Council arid then be recorded in the Office of the Oranqe County Re~order. 3. That arnpletion of these reclassification proceedings is contingent upon the granting of Variance No. 2'743. TF.~ FOAEGOaiG 1~SOLUPION is signed and approved by me this 29th day of October, 1975. AITEST: G2~%t-GGGA~ SDCRETARY, ANA,'~IP1 CITY PLANNIIdG CC~^'A'fISSION STATE OF CALIF'ORiQIA ) COUT'i'Y OF OR71tdGE: ) ss. CITY OF AY~1I~If'! ) ~e /~/ L~ :Z~~ CY~IR'97~.P7,' PItO ' • RE AI:~It•1 CITY PI~F~NNING OOt•'N9ISS20*] ~ I, Patricia II. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planni~ Ca[mission of the City of Anaheim, do heseby certify that the foregoing resolution was gassed arid adopteci at a meeting of th~ City Planning ranni.ssion of the City of Anaheim, held on October 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m. , by the follawing wte of the manbe~ss thereof : AYES: ' CQ'~'P9.ISSIO[~RS: BARNF•S, HERBST~ JOH[~~SON, ICIDtG~ ~IAR~ NDRIEY NO~S: CONL~'12SSIOAtS3RS: NCR~ ABSPII~T: CONAtISSI~RSe' FARIINO IN WITNfSS Wf~I2E0F, 2 have hereunto set my harxl this 24th day of October, 1975. O~~~J~ SECP,F,TI~ItY~ ANAFIEL~I CITY PI~AI~IdING OONA7ISSI0*I -2- RESOLLTPION N0. PC75-215