PC 75-224~ RGSOLUPION N0. PC75-224 ~ A RESOLUrICRJ OF TI~ CITY PIANNING CUPR~4ISSION OP TEII: CITY OF AI~W3EZtd TIiAT PLTITION FOR 07IJDITIONAL US~ PFRt•YIT N0. 1569 HG GRAt7TID. WfiE1~1+5, the City Planning ~..a±snission of the City of Anaheim did ~eceive a verifieci Petition for Cenditional Use Pesmit fmn C3oLnF~] «ST D~UITY PROPERTIES, II~C., 3931 MacArthur Boulevard, S.u.te 104, Near~ort fieach, Cali£orni.a 9266Q (ch+*,]~s); TAYfAR RUDD, 5409 E. La Pa]ma Avenue, Anaheim, California 92806 (Agent) of certair. real pror~rty situateci in the City of rlnaheim, County oE Grange, State af Californ:.a, desc:ril~eci as: DESCRIPTIOII All tl~at certain laixi si~tuated in the State o£ California, Caunty of Orange, City of Anaheim, describerl as follows: - PARQ.3 A: T!zat portion of Lot 4 0~ Tract No. 925, as shown on a Map rzcorded in book 29, pages 42, 43 and 44 of Miscellaneous Maps, records o£ Orange County, California, described . as follaws: Parcel tdo. 1, as stwwn on a t~+1ap filed uz book 61, page 6 of Parcel Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California. PF~RCGL B: That ~ortion of Lot 4 of Tract No. 925, as shown on a Map recorded i.n b~ok 29, gages 42, 43 and 44 of Miscellaneous Maos, records of Orange County, California, descri~ec? as follc~ws: Parcel i1o. 2, as shown an a Map filed ir. book 61, page G of Parcel Maps i.n the office - of the County Recorcler of Orange County, California. t~f~PS:AS, the City Planning Camu.ssion clid schedule a public heari.ng aY, thc: Cify Aall in the City of Analieun on October 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of saicl public heariny haviny been duly given as requirecl by law and in acwrdance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hea.r and oonsidex ~ridence for umi against said prc~osed conditional use and to investigate and make findi.uxJs anrl recam~ciations in connection therewith; said publia hearim3 havim3 been oontinuecl to the Planning Ca~snission meeting of NwaN~er 10, 1975; and 'WI~REAS, said Catmission, after due inspecti.on, investigation arxl study macie Ly itself anci in its behalf, a~l atter due wnsidesation of all evidence arid reports offereci at said hearing, does find and determi.ne the follawi.ng facts: 1. That the proposed use is proNerly one for which a conclitional use perniit is autlmrized by Cale Section 1fl.61.~50.070, to wit: permit autcmobile repair ancl forklift. maintenance in the ML(SC) (INi)USTR71~f, LIMITSf1 - SCTTTIC CORRIDOR OV~RIAY) ZOI~. 2. That the Proposeci use will ~t adversely affect the adjoi.ning lanci uses and the grawth aml develognent of the area in which it is proposeci to be located. 3. That the size an3 shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to ailoor tl~e full develognent of the proposed use in a m~v~ner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, hea].th, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ' 4. That the grantuig of the Conditional Use Permit under the c~nditions imposeci, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, anc] gen~sal welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the pe~•itioner stipulateci tl^at the hours of operation will be frcm 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 6. That the petitioner stipulatec3 there will be a maxim~zn of six anployees at tt~e svbject site and, therefore, the Planning Crnmission dces heseby detesmi.ne there will be ~le parkux~. ItESOLUPZON N0. PC75-224 .K ~ C 7, lhat the petitioner stipulated there will be no outc]por strora~.Je or repair at the subject site ami the Planning CaRnission does hereby fietermine there is inadequate roan for outcloor storage. 8. That the Planning Garmission deternuned that the subject location is appropriate for ~he proposed use. 9. That no one irul:cated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; anc] no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. IIdVIRO*Z•4~aT~1L It+TAL~.' RII'ORT FII~II~G: That the Dir.ector of tlse Pla~ning De~:s~tm°n*_ has detPSmined that thn proposeci activity falls ~•~ithin the definition of Section 3.Q1, Class 1, of. the City of Anaheim Gliidelines to the P.ec~sisanents for an F~viroranental 7~act Report atri is, therefore, categorically exempt frcm the reguirenent to file an EIR. Np~q, ~f~,Ig;gpTt~~ gg IT gGSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cartnission does herel7y grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessaiy prei:ec~uisite to the proposed use of the subject property in orcier to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That subject property sl~all be developed suUstantially in acco~lance with plans anu specifications on file with the City of Fu~iheim r,~arked I~slv.bit Nos. 1, 2. 3. and 4. ~2. That tiie hours of operation for the proposed use shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., as stipulated tA }7y the petitioner.. 3. That there sliall be a maxim~n of six (6) enplrn~ees at the subject site, as stipulatec2 to by the petitianer. , 4. That these shall l~e no outdmr storage or repair at the subject sita, ss stipulated to 17y the petitioner. TFIIs FO:ZL3DIidG RSSOLUPIOId is signc~i and approve9 by me thi.s lOth day of Novc3nber. 1975. QII1IR^t~?~1, A^ ~:L1 CITY PL~°IIdI:~G 0p!~4ISSION ATi~ST: ~~ J sncxFrn~c, r,iuu~~ crrr~ , ~c aoc~u~¢ssio~a srt~ oF' c~~.n'or~rzn l ~UbTPY oF oRA*dGE ) ss. CITY OF AP]AI~Ii1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary oE the City P:Lanning Crnmission of the City of ~iaheim, cio hereUy certify that t1~e foregoing resolution was passed arxl adopted at a meetizg of the City Planniux~ Camiission of the City of Anaheim, held on Novenbex' 10, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follcxai.rxJ wte of the members tl~ereoE: AYES: COt'¢•fISSIONF,RS: BARNES, F~I2B.ST, KII1G, M~RLF.Y, ~IAR~ FARAAIO NOES: C(l~'A'IISST~i~FLS: NOI~ p,R~fiI~FP; CQ~A'IISSIOi~RS: JOI~ISON 1975. IN tdITt1I:SS WF~RDOF, I have hereunto set my hand this lOth day of i~ovenlrs, ~ ~ O ~ SECfiET11RY~ ANAi I1d ZTSC PI~TI]~1G OCN~'+~S IOi~ -2- I2ESOLiJrldN t7G. PC75-224