PC 75-226~ ~ ~LiTPICJDI I~O. PC75-22G A RI'SOLLTrIOt7 OF TEIE CITY PIANNING Q~[MSISSION OF Tf~ CITY OF ANAHEL"'I ~R~CJDING TO TI~ CITSt COi7NCIL OF Tl~ CITY OF A"~IM Tt~,T PEfITI04] FOR RDCIASSIFIC11TIdN NO. 75-76-6 BE APPF2f7VII). ~~E~RF.~S, the City Planning Carenission of the City of An3heim did receive a vesifiui Petition for Reclassification fran E[~vLARD R. MERGER, et al, 1282 ~ast Santa Ana, elnaheim, Cali£orni.a 92804 (Os~mer) ; E. J. C1at~BCLL s 00. , 720 S. f.Uclid Street, Suite 9, ~lnaheim, California 92804 (Agent) of cestain real property situated in *~~ City of Anaheim, County of Ora7ge, State of California, described as: The land referrecl t~o in this report is situated in the State of California, Crnmty of Orange and is describad as follows: That portion of the I~ortheast Ten (10) acres of the Nortitrv~est quarter of the Soutlnvest quarter of Section 17, 4bwnship 4 Swth, Range 1~ West, S. B. B. & M., describecl as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Sout}n;est quarter, saici point being South ~i9° 53' 31" West 24~.50 feet fmn the Northeast oorner of saici ten acres; thence continuing South 89° 53' 31" West 161.61 feet; thence South 0° Q6' 29" 7'ast 310.06 fePt; tllence Swth 89° 29' 49" Fast 119 feet to a curve concave, Southeastesly, having a radius of 80 feet and a radial li.ne through said point bPars tlorth 89° 29' 49" West; thence Northeasterly along sai.d curve through a central angle of 61° 32' 05" a distance of 85.92 feet; thence North 0° 06' 29" j~est 242.27 feet to the point of beginni.ng. WI~i2FAS, t]ie City Planning Camtission did schedule a public hearing at the City iiall in ihe City of Anaheim on October 13, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said puUlic hearing having been duly given as reyuised by law ani in accordan~e witii tt~e provisions of the Anaheim t~'hinicigal Caie, Chapter 1II.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and tn irnestigate and make findings arrl reca~ations in connection therc~rith; said Fublic hearing having been oontinueci to the Planning Ccnmission mee*;*+~of October 29 nnd November 10, 19'75; and Wt~F',AS, said Catmission, after due inspection, investigation arxi study made by itse2E and in its behalf, ar~d after due oonsideration of all evicience ar~d reports offereci at said hearing, does firxi and detenn3ne the following facts: 1. That the petiYioner proposes a rec~assification of the abwe-clescribeci property fran the RS-A-43,000 (RESIUFIaPIF1T,/AGRICULTURAL) ZOt~ to the RS-720Q (1ZESID~~TIAL~ SINGLE-FANaLY) ZO:~. 2. That the Anahei.m General Plan designates subject property for low~- d~sity residenti.al uses. 3. That the proposed reclassific~,~ion of subject pr~operty is necessaty and/or desirable for the orcierly and proper developn~nt of the ocsrtminity. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject pmperty does propesly relate to the zones and their pennitteci uses locally established in close proximity to subject property arxl to the zones and their permitted uses g~erally establisheci t)Zroughout the oanmuiity. 5. That the propose~ reclassification of subject property requir.es the clc~iication and u~rovc~nt of abutting streets in aooordance with the Circulation Elc~ent of t3~e General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the intensification of larrl use. " 6. That one (1) per~on appeared at saici public hearing in opposition to subject petition; and sai.d person also sukmitteci oorrespond~nce in opposition to subject petition. I•:t7VIF~~'Il~TlT11L IMPALT F2EPC)F~P FINDIPIG: That the Planning Camu.ssion does hereb~~~ reoamiend to tlie City Council that the subject project be exc3npt fran the requirenent: to pre~are an rnviroranental impact report, pursuant to the pravisions of the Califorrhia F~virorniental Quality Act. RF50IxTTICJtl N0. PC75-226 ~ ~ NpN], Tl~RE, ~ IT I7FSOLVID that the Anaheim City Planning Crnmission cioes hereby recac~msxi to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition L•or Reclassification be approve~i and, by so doin4, t1'~at Title 18-7,oni.r,g of tl~e Anal~eim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the aUove-ciescribed property frUn Uie FtS-A-43~000 (RESIDE~lP711I/1~G'RICULTURI,L) 7,OI~ and to inoorporate said describer3 ProP~Y into the RS-7200 (ItE.SIDFl7P7AL, SaIGLE-FANBLY) 7.a~E upon the following condi.tions which are hereby found to l~e a necessaLy prere~uisite to the proposed use of subject property in orcier to presesve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the awner(s) of subject property stv~ll deed to the City of Anahei.rn a strip of lanci 32 feet in width fran the centerline of the street along Or~e Avenue for street widening p~ui~oses. 2. That street liqhting facilit:-;s along Orange Avenue shall l.~e installc~s3 as r~uireci lyy the Director of Public Utilities and in acco~+dance with sta~x3ard plans and sFecifications on file in t1~e Office of the Director of ?ublic Utilities; anci that a honci in an amount a~ fonn satisfactozy to the City of Anaheim shall be postecl with the City to guarantee tt~ installation of the above-mentioneci requisenents. 3. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the siun of 60 cents per front foot along Orange Avenue for tree planting pur~~oses. 4. That trash storage areas shall be pmvidocl in accordance with apprwell plans on file with the 0£fice of the Director of Public hbrics. 5. That subject prop~sty shall be servecl by underground utilities. 6. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory tr~ ttxe City F~gineer. 7. In the event that the subject property is to be divided £or the piu~ose of sale, lease, or financing, a parcel map to recorci the appraveci division of subject property shall be suhnitte3 to and approved by the City of Anaheim arxi then }x reoordo~l in tlie Office of the Orange Cwnty Reco~iPS. 8, That the wmer(s) of `ubject property shall pay •to the Cfty of l+naheim tlie appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as detesmined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be r a.d at the time the buildim3 ~it is issued. 9. That appropriate water assessnent fees, as detetiminod by the Director of Public Utilities, shall be gaici t~o t1~e City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building pPx~ni.t. 10. That oa~letian of these reclassification proceedinys is oontingent upon ;he c3ranting of Vari~nce No. 2739. 11. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezaninq subject propesty, Conciition Nos. 1, 2, and 3, above-mentioned, shall be oa~leted. The provisions or rights granteci by this resolution shall beoQn~ null and wi.d by action of the City Council unless said wnditi.ons are oanplied with within one year fran the dace hereof, or such further tim~e as the City Crnuicil may grant. 12. That Conditi.on No. 7, above-~nentioned, ~hall be ca~lied wirh prior to the time t1-at the building petmit is issuecl. 13. That Corxiition t~os. 4, 5, 6, abwe-me~itioned, shall b~ canplied c~ri.tn prior to final building anl wning inspecticns. Tf~ FOF2EGOING I2ESOLiTPION is si.gned and approved by me this lOth ciay of tY~venUer, 1975. ~ .~-/ ~ I[4 (:ITSI PI1~t~t~IIJG OON4+ffSSION A~.ST: ~ I ~~~ S~ETAAY~ At~U1fI~7Id CITY F'IANNING ~~ffSSION -2- Ft~507,STfION NO. PC75-226 ~ ~ STATE OF CAi,IE'ORdIA ) COUtdTl' OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIN( ) I, Patrici.a B. Scan].an, SecretaLy of the City Planning Ccamission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certi£y thaL the foregoing rasolution was pass~i ancl aciopted at a meeting of the City Planning Cantiission of the City of Anaheim, held on Novgr~er 10, 1975, at 1:30 p.m.,. by the follawing vote of the me~nbers thereof: AYES: COh4~'lISSIONIItS: IQNG, NI~RGEY~ TOLAR, FARANO NOES: CCY~IISSI~FiS: BAI~IES~ F~2BST AASENT: COt•fi~IISSIONERS: JOHNSON IDI «ITNESS WI~RDDF, 2 have heseunto set my hand this lOth day of Novenber, 1975. ~~:~ ~ s~rr~Y, ~rni crrY r~t~~c oor~ssio~a -3- RESOI~TPION t10. PC75-226