PC 75-235~ ~ RFSOLLTPI(7N N0. PC75-235 A RESOLUPICxd OF TfII: CITY PLAD1NItdG CONA'QSSICF.d OF Tf~ CITY OF ANAHEIM TI~AT PETITION E~OR VARTAtTCCE N0. 2750 BE GRANTED- ~~I~ItEAS, the City Planning Ca~mission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance fran OSGT~ IAUDFRSACK, 121.01 Burns Drive, Garden Grove, California 92640 (Owner); BOB BURG"Lltd, 2219 W Lir,ooln Avenu~, Anaheim; Californi.a 92801 (Agent) of c~stain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, describe3 as: ihat poi-tion of the East half of the Scutheast quarter of the Southeast quarter oi Section 7 7.bwnship 4 South Range 10 West, San Bernarciino Base anci Meridian describerl as follaws: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Section 7 a~d running th~ce South 89° 34' 20" P~est 531 feet to the centexline of I~atl~yn Drive as shown on a map oE Tract No. 1633 recorcled in book 47 page 50 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; thence tlorth 0° 16' 10" West along said cen~exline 325.50 feet to the centerline of a 50 foot street shown as Ranchito Street on the map of said Tract PJo. 1633; tlience North 89° 36' 20" East along the centerline of said Ranchito Street 7.SE feet; thence North 78° 38' 32" East 50 feet to the most SoutherZy oorner of Lot 44 of said Tract No. 1633; thence North 78° 38' 32" East along the Southerly line of saicl Lot 44, 81.45 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 45 0£ said Tract tdo. 1633; thence tdurtii 89° 36' 20" East along the South line of said Int 45, am3 the Easterly extension thereof 144 feet to the East line of said Section 7; thence South 0° 16' 10" East aloixJ said East line 350.19 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEP'PING Tf~REFF~M the East 190 f~et of the South 190 feet, measured along the Soutlz line thereof. pSSO ~}C(~P'PING TI-~RII'12(J.4 the West 150 feet thereof. ATBO E;~TING Tf~I~'Ft~~l that portion lying within Kathryn Drive and Ranchito Street as sha~m on the map of Tract No. 1633, rec:orded in Hook 47, page 50, of Miscellaneous Maps in said office. p,I,Sp EXC~PTiNG TI~•1 the Southerly 40 feet thereof. ~,1f~REAS, the City Planning Cattnission did hold a public heai-inq at the ~"'ity Hall in the City of Anaheim on Nwanber 10, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said p: ~lic heati'ing having bean duly given as required by law and in accordance w2t}• th.~ provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear arxi consider evidence for and against said proposeci variance and to investigate ancl make findirgs anr3 r~tions in ~ronnection therc~aith; and Wl~REI~S, said Ccnmission, after due inspection, investigation ancl study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evicl~nce an3 reports offereci at said hearing, does find and detesmine the follawing facts: 1. That thP petitioner rg uests the following rraivers fran the Anaheir,i t~u,n;cipal Code, to permit an exist9ng free-standing sign: a. SECI'IUN 1fl.05.093.021 - Maximt~ct ntanber of signs. T p tte'; 4 existing) b. SECPION 1R.05.093.0231 - Minirm.sn distar:ce Uetween signs. (300 f~et rc~uired;, 32 and 46 feet exa.s-~- 4) - 2. That the above-mentioned oraivers are herei7y granted for a period of one (1) year, subject to review aixl oonsideration for an extension of time by the Plannim3 Gsmi.ssion ami/or City Council, upon written request by the petitioner; said waivers beang granted on the basis that the petii:ioner demnstrated that a 2~ardship would be created if sai.d waivers kere ~t granteci. 3. That there are excepti~nal or extraordinary circians+~nces or wrxlitions applicable to the pmpes.~ty im~olved or to the intende3 use of the property that do not apply gen.~ally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. RESO"~TPION N0. PC75-235 ~ ~ 4. That the r~uesteci variance, as yranted, is necess~ry for the presesvation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by othes property in the same vicinity and zone, and denieci to ttie property in question. 5. That the requesteci variance, as granted, will not Ue nateYially detrunenLal to the public welfare or injurious to the prooesty or impravc~ents in such vicinity and zone in which the property is locateci. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; anci no cor.responcience ~ras receivec3 in opposition to subject ;~etition. II~VIR(Rd~FPAL It•1PACP RL~ORT FI:7DIIJG: That the Director of tlie P].anning Department has cletenninecl that the pmposed activity falls withi.n the definition of Section :1.41, Class 11, of the City of Anaheirn Guidelines to the Requirenents £or an F~virornnental 7~act Report anci is, therefore, categorically exe~t fran the r~~irenent to file an EIR. 21C7W, TI~RE~'OI~, BE IT RESOLUED that• the Anaheim City Planning Camtission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the follawing conditions which are hereby found bo be a necessary prer~uisite to the proposed use of the svbject pmperty in orcies to preserve the sa~ety and general welfaze of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this Variance is granted su~j~c:t to the canpletion of Reclassification No. 73-74-10, now penr3ing. 2. That subject pmperty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans anci specificaaons on file with the City of Anaheim marY.ecl f~chibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. 3. That this variance shall be granteu for a pesi«i of one (1) year., subject to review an3 consideration for an extension o£ tin~~ by the Plannin7 Crnmission arid/or City Council, up~n written request by the petitioner. ~ Tt~ FOAEGOING I2ESOLLrr20t1 is signed and approved by me this lOth clay o° t7ov6Z1heI'r 1975. ~~~ CHPSRh'~N~ IEIM CITSt PLr'1NNLTdG IXk~iISS20N ATPEST: ~_~~~y~~~ SE~RETARY~'At~ilElid CITY PI7~NNII1G COri'~9ISSIOtd STATE OF CALIFbRIJ71s ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF At~IM ) I, Patricia II. Scanlan, Secretary of the City P].anning Cami.ission of ihe City of Anaheirn, do hereUy certify that the foregoing re:colution was passed anci adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Cattnission of the City of Anaheim, held on Novanber 10, 1475, at 1:30 p.m., by the foll~wi.ng vote of the manbers thereof: AYES: COi~II~IISSIONERS: BARNFS~ HERBSP~ ICING~ MORL~FY~ TOLAR~ F~1RP~N0 NOES: CONA4ISSICkIERS: N(RQE ABSIIIT: COifi~IISSI~RS: JOIiNSON It3 WL'P[~SS P7F~RE7oF, I have heseuntA set my hand this lOth day of ?dwen}~s, 1975. ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~PI~RY, ANAF~:IM CITY PLAR~NtNG OON9~NISSIODI -2- F2FSOIxTTIOi~I N0. PC75-235