PC 75-237. j~ ~ RF50LVPIOf1 N0. PC75-237 ~ A RESOLiTrIO[~ OF TfIE CTPY P~ANNING COrT'LiSSI(R1 OF TF~ CI^_'Y OF AIdAF~Itd Tl-II1T PE,TITION EnR VARIAIQCE N0. 2753 BE GRANI~'...D. W[-~F~'7~5, tt~e Cify Planning Ccmmission of the City of Anaheim clid receive a verified Petition for Variance fran JOI~I Ii. SCUDDF.R, 145 N. Bay Front, Balboa Islarul, California 92662 (cAmer); ITASS A7sTr.AI~~IM, P. 0. Lox 493Q, 16721 Hale Avenue, Irvine, California 92664 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the City of Anahe:m, County of ch~ange, State of California, described as: PAFtC~ 1: The North 8 acres of tiie South 18.10 acres of the East 33.10 acres o£ the ldorthw~_st quarter of the Southwest warter of Section 23, Tamslup 4 South, Rarige 10 h'est, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in t.he City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in book 2, pages 256 ancl 257 of Patents, of Los Angeles County, Cali.forni.a. PAFt~I, 2: The 2Qorth 5 acres of the South 10.10 acres of t~te East 33.10 acres of the t~orthwest quarter of the Soutlnaest cnaarter of Section 23, Taanship 4 Swth, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranye, State of California, as pes map recorcieci in book 2, pages 256 and 257 of Patents, of Los Angeles County, California. Wf~REAS, the City Plannin~ Crnmission ciid hold a public hearing at the City Iiall in the City of Anaheim on Nove!~er 10, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heari.ng having be~ di:].y qiven as rer~uired by law anci in arrnrdance with the provisions of the Anaheim ~lunicipal Coc1e, Chapter 18„03, to hear and consider evidence for ancl against said pro~sed variance and to investigate and make findings ancl recaRneiuiations in connection therc-with; and WI-~RE7~S, said Cc~mi.ssion, after due inspection, investigation ami study made by itself anci in its behalf, and after due oonsideration of all evidence and reflorts offerecl at saiQ hearing, cloes finrl and determine the following facts: 1. lhat the petitioner requests the follawing waiver frcrn the Anaheua Municipal Code, to establish camiercial offices in the Tfi: (INni :STRIPS , LIP'¢TED) .',0:~: STCTI02d 18.61.020 - Pe.rmi.tteci uses. (Ca~mercial uses not pesmitte~i) 2. That the abwe-mentionecl waiver is hereby granted to pei.~mit specific types of ccnmescial offices xn the I~ Z~ne; anci the petitioner stipulated that only the two (2) existing buildincts whieh front on Anaheim Boulevarci will be used for ca~nercial office uses; sai.d waiver bei.ng granted on the basis that sunilar waivers have 1.~een ~3ranted by the Plaruvng Ccmnission previously. 3. That there are exceptional. or extraordin~*v circ~nnstances or wnciitions applicable to the pro~.-ty involved or to the intended use of t~e property ttuzt do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. That the request~,l variance is necessazy for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possesseci by other property in the sa*ne vicinity and zone, anci denied to the property in question. 5. That the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the prooPSty or improvenents in such vicinity and zone in which the Qroperty is located. 6. That no one inciicated theis presence at ~said public hearing in opposition; and no corresponrlence was received in c~pposition to subject petition. ~'VIROI~b1TAL INIPAGT E2EPORT FlI~'DING: That the Disector of the Planning Departrnent has dete.rnuned that the proposeci activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Anaheim C~icielines to the Ra3uirenents for an Envisornnental Impact Report ar~d is, therefore, categorically exanpt frcm the requisc-m~nt to file an EIR. RESOIL1rI0N N0. PC75-237 ' iv~rv, •1•iu~,vsrvxl;~ 1T RESQLVED tt~t the Ana}l~ City Pianning Crnmission ~' does hereby grant sut~ject Petition for Variance, upon the following conrlitians which are hereUy founci to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposecl use oL• the s~bject prope~.'ty in order to presezve the safety anci general welfare of the Citizens of the City of llnaheim: 1. That subject pmperty shall be ~levelopc~cl substanti.ally in accordance with plans ancl specifieations on file with the City of Anaheim markecl E~chibit ?Jos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and G. 2. 'Phat each ornmercial office-type use proposed to be establishecl on the su},~ject property, which is intended to qualify under this variance, shall be sul~nittecl in written forr.l to the Planning Deparl•ment for review anci approval in ordes~ that a aeterniina~ion may be made as to whether the proposed use would be appropriate for the site ami whether sufficient parking is pravided on the pmperty to accam~3ate an additional parking danand created ~y such a use. In ordes to provicle guidelines for staff deterniination, the follaaing type oE uses, as stipulateci to by the petitioner, may be permitted subject to the written request and review proceciure outlined above: a, DTortgage canpanies b. Invest7nent se~.,urity ca~q~anies c. Stock bond larokers d. Insurance oanpanies - branch or lxme oEfice e. Insurance agencies aixi brokerage firnvs f. Real estate firms - invest~nent, ccnmercial ancl industrial only g. Title and escraw orn~nies h. Attorneys i. CPA's j. Advertising k. I~gineering fisms - oonsulting 1. Architects m. Public relations n. P9arketing research o. Managanent oonsultants p. Telephone car~pany (clerical) q. Acwunting (clerical) r. IndusYsial psyc}iologist (consulting) If a question arises as to the decision macie by the Planning Depart~nent concerning a particular request, the matter shall L~e sulmitted to the Planning Camussion at its next regular meeting for detenninatian. The appla.cant may appeal any Plannirxy Cacrnission decision to the City Council. 3. That only the tux~ (2) buildings frontzng on Anaheim Boulevard at the subject location sl~all be us«i ~for co~r~nercial office-type uses, as granted under this variance anci as stipulated to l7y the pet•itioner. Tt~ FOItEC30a]^v RF.SOLUPION is signed and approved me this lOth day of tdovaN~s, 1975. CHAIRMAN, 1~ 7M CITSt PIANNIlJG COM^4I5SI(1N lJ . . . ~~~ - SP~ARY, AI~IM CITY PLANNING C(xMTISSION STATE OF CALIFI~RNIA ) COU:~'PY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OP ANAf1~Ib1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Casmussion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cextify that the foregoing resolution was passed and aciopteci at a meeting of the City Placu~ing CaRnission of the City of Anaheim, held on NoveN~er 10, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the manbers thereof: AYES: CONII~4ISSIOI~'RS: FiAiu~S~ F~f3ST~ KII1G~ MORL~~Y~ TOIAR, F]aRANO NOFS: COI~ffSSIONERS: i70'~iTE ABSIIVT: COM~SSIOt~RS: JOHI~SON IN V71'P[~SS W[~REOF, I have hereiuito 5- har~d this ~ daR~enbes, 1975. ~ SECRETTAAY ~ AI~IGIM CITY PTAI~I~I:dG CONII~SSIOW -2- R~OLUTION IIO. PC75-237