PC 75-241~ ~ Ri»SOLUPZC):Q N':. PC75-241 A RFSnL(TrIC7*I ~F' TI~ CIiY PLAITNING COM^'QSSI~7N nF THF: CITY OF 7~~1F~'sP.d TFp1T PF:TITION FC)R VARIAIIC~ t70. 2760 RE DL•~1IF.~ 'eg~S, the Cit~~ ~iazning Cartnission of the City o£ Anaheir,i did receive a ve,`ifieci gPtition fer Variance £rcm OTt7uvGF. U'~IFI::~ SQ?~L DISTRICT~ 3~~ TI°rt11 Giais~eil~ ~'~'3nge, California 926E6 (Owner) o£ cestain real prooerty situated in the Ci~:; of Ana}.~>ir.i, CountY o£ Oran4e, State of California, describecl as: That porti~n of the lard allotted to Paula Peralta de Dtznin4uez, as descrilx~d in the Final Cerxne of Partition of the Rancln Santiago de Saitt-.a Ana, which was entered Segtembes 12, 1869 in Book "B", paqe 410 of Judymcnts c£ the Dis*sict Court of tihe 17th Judicial Distsict in and for Los Angelas County, also included within the Escecutors Deed recordeclc'Jctober 30, 1970 in Aook 9.}~G, Pa9e 927 of Official Reoords, Jescribal as follc7ws: ~~~,~~~ra.rx~ at a point distant 11 89° 12' 19" W, 2.03 feet fran the southeast wrner of 7~rart: tdo. 936, as shcn+m on a man recordai in Book 30, pa4es 1 and 2, !discellaneous Mraps, recorcis of saici Orarx3e County, said point of beginnin4 hei.n4 a point in a curve cCn`~:ave westerly and having w radius of 1n00 feet, a radial line bearing S 85° 10' 50" ~ passes through said point: thence Southerly arxl Sout}n~estesly along said curve tl~zough a central arx3le of 12° 02' 06" an arc distance of 21Q.05 feet; thence tangent t~o sai.d cu~.ve S 16° 51' 08" ~+1, 173.74 feet to the beginning of a tangc~t curve concave easterly and having a raciius of 1000 feet; thenae Southwesterly and swthez'ly along the last mentioned curve throuqh a central angle of 17° 37' A2" an are distance o£ 307.67 feet; thence tangent to the last me~tioned curve S 0` 46' 34" E, 29.44 feet; thence t] 74° 15' 00" F., 495.II? Peet to the be4inninq of a tan4ent curve concave southesly ar~d having a radius of 6QQ feet; thence t7orth~astesly, Easterly and southeasterly along saici curve throu5h a central angle of. 29° 30' 00" an azc distance of 308.92 feet; thence S 7G° 15' 00" F•., 1Q?.5~ feet to t1x: beqinnirxJ of a tarigent curve wncave norther'ly a-x3 having a radius c,`. 5f1Q feet; thence southeasterly alorxi said cuive tlirwgh a central angla of 0° 57' 3~3" an are distance of 10.0G feet to an intersec:tion with a line beari.n4 S 2° 49' 54" ~9, a radial l.ine bearing S 12° 47' 22" W passes t}irough said Point of intersection; thence i•1 2° 4~' 54" E, 5R4.50 feet to an intersection with the nortli line of that certain 27.666 acre parcel of lancl stxn~m on a riap of survey, rec,rorcied in Book 94, page 15, Record of Surveys~ in~~ the office of ~;~e County gecorcies af said Oranqe County; thence 1~ 39 18 Ol t+i, 793.50 feet; thence td 89° 12' 19" T4, 2.03 feet to the point of }x~i.nnin9• P~~y y~q th~se~rcm an easenent for road and pul%lic utility purposes over, urxler arrl across arr3 alon4 the follaainq portion of tl~e ahove desaribed c~arcel oE larxi descri.#~:3. as follcr~vs: Beginniny at a point distant T~ 39° 12' 19" I4, 2.03 feet fran the southeast corner of i'ract T~o. 936, as slxnm on a map rewrdea in Aoo1; 30, pages 1 and 2, Miscellaneous Maps, recorcis of said Orange County, said poi.nt of Ueginn~sx3 beux3 a F~oint in a curve concave westerly anci having a radius of 1000 feet, a radial line bearing S 35° 10' 5g" ~ passes th.."ough said [~oint; thence Swtlx:rly anci Southwesterly alo~ said curve Uuroug~~ a centraZ. angle of 12° 02' 06" an arc distance of 210.05 feet; thence tar~qent to saiai curve S]~6° 51' 08" W, 173.74 feet to the tx~5innf.n9 of a tangent curve conr,ave easterly an~l having a raclius of 1000 feet; thence Soait.hwestesly ~~th~ly alonq the last mentioneu curve thorugh a central angle of 17° 37' 42" an arc distance of 30',.67 feet; thence tarx~ent t~o the last rnentionc:d curve S Q° 46' 34" ~, 29.44 feet; then~e t7 74° 15' 00"' E, 99~.R2 feet to tlte beqinnarn3 0£ a tangent c-urve mncave southesly arxi having a radius of 60Q fcet; t3~ence Northeasterly, ~asterlY a~xi Southeasterly alorxJ saici curve through a central anqle of 29° 30' 00" an arc distance of 30A.92 feet; thence S 76° 15' 00" E, 109.50 feet to the beginnin4 of a tangent curve concave northerly arxt havi.ng a radius of 6Q0 feet; thence Sautheasterly along s~~zid curve through a central ~u~91e of 0° 57' 36" an arc distance of 10. Q6 feet to a pc~int in a line rear3ng S 2° 49' 54" W a radius li~e L•earing S 17.° 47' 22" Ta pssses tlu~ough saici point; thence N 2° 49' S4" E, 38.62 feet tc~ an intersection with a line parallel witli atxl 3t3 feet noz'therly of the centerline of Nohl Ranch S~nad, a radial line Uearing S 13° 28' i4" W passes throu4h saicl point of intersection, said point of intersection being in a curve ooncave norkherly and l~aving a radius of 5G2 feet; thence t3orttn+es~.erly along said parallel li.ne arxi along said curve t}u'ough a central arx~le of Q° 16' 46" an arc distance of 22.74 feet; thence N 76° 15' 00" ti~ 109.50 feet tiaix3ent to said curve to Y.he beginning of a tangent c,-urvz concave sourheasterly ary,i having a radius of 638 feet; thence 'Jorthwesterlv, Westierly and Southwesterl1r alorx3 said curve through a central angle of ?.9° 3(1' 00" an are distance of 328.49 HESOLtTPIO~~ '30. PC75-241 feet; th~nce S 74° 15 ~" W, 396.40 feet to the beg ~ of a tanc7ent curve concave ru>rthc~sterly anc3 liaving a radius of 25 f`e" thence Sauttn,,~est~sly, Westerly, :7orthwesterly anci Northerly along sa~3 curve through a centrsl anqle of. l0II° 31' 31" an arc distance of 47.35 £eet to an inte~'section 4~ith a line parallel with and 53 feet easterly of the centerline o£ ImPerial IiigYn~ray, said point of i:ztersectian being a point in a curve wncave easterly and havim~ a raclius of 947 fe~t, a radial line }~2~L1cJ S R7° 13' 29" E pass~s thraagh said point; then~ :~ortherlv a1~ng last mentioned curve through saici central ang].e, an arc distance o~ 232.67 feet; thence N 16° 51' OR" E, 173.74 feet to the beginning of a curve concave westerly and having a radius oF 1053 feet; thence ?lortheasterly along said c.uve through a central angle of 17.° 14' 33" an arc distance of 225.00 feet to an intersection with the nor:.h line of that certain 27•Gf,G acre parce2 of land shoom on a raap of survey reoordeci in Arx~k 94, page 15, Record of Surveys, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; t1ie~Ce ?1 89° 18' Ol" ~?, 51.10 feet; thenCe N 89° i2' 19" S9, 2.03 fec~t to the point of lx~,inninq. Also reserving therefran an easenetit for stonn cirain ~~oses cYVer, under, along arxi across the followir.g descri.bed parcel of laml: Ca~mencirx3 at tlie point of beginning al~ove descri}x~,1; thence S 89° 12' 19" E, 2.03 fc:et; thence S fi~O lII' O1" E, 51.10 feet to the true point of beginning, said point of lx~yvlnim3 Ueznq a point in a ciuve wncave r~orthwestery arr.i havi.r-g a radius of 10~3 ieet, a radial line Uearing S 85° 23' 25" E passes through said point; thence Southerly and Southweaterly a~ong said curve throu4h a central angle of 12° 14' 33" an arc distance of 225.00 feet; tl~ence Sautheaster7.y 5 feet to an intersect'ion with a line parallel with a~x3 SR fc~'c easterly of the centerli.ne of I~erial Higk~y; thence 17ortheast~sly and Ptortheasterly and Nort}~xly along said parall.el line to an intersection with the north line of Parcel One al~~e descrik~ed; thEnce N 89° 18' O1" td, 5 feet to t1~e true point of beginning. 4II~R~S, the City Plannin9 Crnmissi.on did holci a public hearing at the City Ilall in t~~e City of Anaheim ~n t~wanb~x 14, 1975, at 1:30 }~.m., notice of said public he:aring having been duly given as requirecl by law and in acoordance with the provisions of tt~e Anaheim Plu:~icipal Code, Chapter 1R.O:r, tn }~:c and consider evidence for arxi against sai.d proposc~ variance arsd to inves~igate a;nd make findings a~nci reca~ations in c.ronnection therewith; aru3 WE~RCAS, said Catmission, after ciue ins~ection, investigation and study made by itself ami in its bF~alf, ancl after due consideration of all evidence and reports o~ferod at said hearim~, does firxl and detennine the follawing facts: 1. That the Petitioner requests a variance frcm the l~naheim Nhu-icipal Code to canstruct a school with the following waiver: S~CPIO!d - Prohibited roof-tmunteci~ ig~n t. (]taof- mountod eau~..l'~r~ent prohib~in the Scenic Corri.dor Zone - Overlay) 2. Thati the above~mpntioned waiver is here}ry deniod on the basis that the site develogn~sit star~dards of residenti.al ar-d carmere±al properties in the Seenic Corri.dor Zone-Overlay prohibit roof~rour-te9 oquignent, including exterior-mour.te3 and grounii-rmuntecl radi.o and television antennas. 3. That the granting of the rc~uestoci waivAS ~.ould estabiish a preec~cient to ott~er cartnercial and residentfal properties in the azea, and furtl~ermore, that gi-ant:ing of the requeste~.i waiver w~uld establish a double standard for the public ani priva~te sectozs of t}:e oor~mmity. 4. That there are no mcceptional or ectraorciinary circianstances or concii•ti.ons aprlicable to the proPertY inwlvcici or tea the interx3eci use of tae property that do rx~t apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity arri zor~. 5. ';hat the petitioner failed to establish that the requested variance is ne~essary for the preservation and enjoyrnent of a sui~stantial pmperty right possessc~ci lyy othes pra~exty in the same vicinity ancl zone, ar~d dc~siied to the pro~sty in question, said showing bein4 a prer~.?uisite for the granting of a variance; arx3 tl~at the gz'anting of• this variance Nuulci be clearly 4rantin9 a use that others i.n the same vicinity ancl zone aze lxinq deni~i. -2- xFSOUrriw r~o. ~s-Zai ~ 6. That the requested variance w1?.1 be materially detrimental to the public wel£are or injurious to the property or ~mprovanents in such vicir.ity axxi zone in ~~lLich the property is located. 7. That no one ~nclicated their presence at said pui~lic hearing in opposition, arn3 i.~ oorrespondence oras received in opposition to subject petition. Naq~ Tf~gEFpR~, gE IT gGSULUED that the Anaheim City Plaruiiny Cacmi.ssion does hereby deny subject Petition for Variance on the basis of the aforenentionecl iinds. TI~ FOI2EQOI[dG RESOLLTrI091 is signed and ap~roved by me this 24th day of Novanber, 1975. ~ ~ ~~~~~i'~l ~i i ' `~ / S/Richard Morley CHFSRNg1tQ PF3~ TIT~RE 1~NAHEIfQ CITY PLAl~II~]ING OONH~9ISSION 1i'~f:ST: ~J ~GL/~~~ ~~i . S/Aletha ess SI:CRL•TI~RY PF20 TF29P~R~ a,~1~i~gq rITY P;:F,:~TsNG COrM9ISS7Cv STAZ~ OF CALIFORt~1 ) CpUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OL' ANAHEIM ) I, A1~t1~a Burgess, Seeretary Fro Tenoore of the City i~Zanning Cam~i-ssion of t11e City o= Anah°im, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed aix? adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Cartnission of the City of Anaheim, held on Nov~nl~er 24, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follaai_7g vote of the manUers thereof: AStES: COi~E~IISSI(~IERS: ~II;ABST, KING, M~RLL•'Y, '.PULRR IJCES: COA'F.~IISSIONER&: N(A~ p,g3ENT; CON~ffSSIOI~RS: BAId`IE'Sr FARA*30, JOHNSON ~ IN yA],*P;~ES.S ~~REDF, I have hereunto set my hatid this 24th day of Nwanber, a/ ~~iv/ 1975. ~~~.~c„C/u'+' S/AlEtha B~''~Iess S1~~II~C PRO TEtR'ORE I~Np,1.3E7M CITy pLANNING C01~'A'ffSSI(R~I -3- RESOTiTfION N0. PC75-2A1