PC 75-242~ 'o~ I 't, ~ ~ RF•SOLUPION N0. PC75-242 A RESOLiJrICfid OF TIIE ANAHCIM CITY PLANNING OONA'lISSION REC70.^q~]DING '1'0 Tf~ CITY COUI~ICIL OF TFIG CITY UF` ?1I~EIE7M Z'FIAT I~SOLilPION N0. 5765, ADOPTED II] CO:I~IDCT.T.ON j~TITfi RELZASSIFICATION N0. 59-60-65, SE AN~IDF•D 'SC) DELE7.F: CONDITIOtd N0. 2 PER~'~.INING 2t~ DFF~D RESTR'CGTION5. WI~A.EAS, on Januasy 19, 1960, the City Council of the City of Anaheim approveci R.,~classification No. ~9-60-65 in Resolution No. 57G6, t~o charigE fran the R-A (AESID~~TTAL/ AGRICUL2"JRAL) Z(7NE into the C-3 (I~AVY,OONp+~RCIAL) ZONE property' consis`a.ng of approximately 0.3 a~e located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, appmximately 650 feet west of Euclid Wag~, said approval being subject to certain conditions; ancl WE~R~AS, tl~e petitioner re~uests an amenEtrnent to the oondiyi.ons o£ app.roval of Resolution Nd. 5766 appro~~eci January 19, 1950, anci Ordinanee I~o. 1445, approved r^ebruary 16, 1960, in cc.nnection with Reclassificatior No. 59-60-65, to delete Condition ido. 2, to wit: "That the owner of the property place of reoord standard City of Anaheim C-3 Deeci Restrict.ions, apprwecl by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit the use of the propPSty to retail and wt~lesale tire sales; with front wheel alignment ari3 }~rake adjustment ~,ork to be perfonned inside ~ buildinq". 47f~REAS, the subject pmpesty was zoned CH under Reclassification 59-60-65 effective Feb~~~ry 16, 1960, arx3 is cuxr=_ntly occupied by petitioner who proposes to wntinue the existing business involving autarobile repair and tsuck rentals, both of wtuch are ~nnitted uses in the CH F.one but not pennitted on subject preperty because of deed restrici:ion currently in effect; and Wf~REAS, the exist'siy non-oonforming uses (autarobile repaix and truck rentals) on subject property were established subsec;uent to recordation of deecl restricticas aixi, a~ar:.ntly, in conjunetion with the pe~.~mi.tted use; and Wf~RP7~S, the Anaheim City Planninq Catmission did hold a public hearing at the C~ty Hall in the City of Aiiaheim on Navenber 24, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly qivesi as required by law and :n acwrdancs wi.th the provisions of the Anaheim I7unicipal Cocle, Chapter 18.03, to hear aixi wnsider evidence for anci against said proposal and to investigate and make findings and reconmendations in wnnec:tion therewith; and W[~REAS, the Analiein ('.~eneral Plan designates subject property for general caanescial uses; arid Wf~In'1~.5, the pmposed reclassification of subject propert-y cioes properly relate to the zones and their perniitted uses locally established in close prox~mity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout the caTmunit~; and WHEREAS, no one indiczted theis ?rPSence at said puL~lic heari.ng in oPposition, and r.o oorrespondence :as receiveci •;ri opposition to subject petition; an3 WE~AS, the Dir~ctor of ~'u: Plaruiirn7 bepartrnent has detesmined that the proposed activity falls ~aithin the definition of Se.c'-aon 3.01, Class 1 of the City of Anaheim Guic'.elines to the Rec~uirana..nts for an Environmental 7mpact Report aixi is, therefore, categorically exa~i: fran the requirenant to f.ile an EIR; ard Wf~REAS, said Ce~mission, after due inspection, irnes'tigatian, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due oonsideration of all evidence an3 reports offereci at said hearing, DO~S HEREBY Fa1D that said Condition No. 2 is no longe: ner.essazy. N(7~a, Tf~RL•'EiORE, SE IT RF50L~ED that *1~e Anaheim City Plann9.ng Cannission dces heseby reccnmerxi to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that tha proposed amendment Y.o Resoluta.on No. 5766, adopted in connection with Reclassification No. 59- 60-65, 1~ al~roved anci that by so do.ir.g, Cc~ndi.i:ion ~10. 2 of Ordinance No. 1945 also be deleteci, L~asECi on the foregoi.ng fi-riings. RE~'iOLUTICXd N0. PC75-242 ;~ ~ ~ ~ TI~ FOT~GOIt1G RESOLU.~ION is signed and approved bY Tne this 24th day of IlovenUer~ 1975. S/Rich~rd~ _ CI~IRMAt7 PRO "i'II"IPORE ' ANAHEIM CITY PIADR]NNING CC)NE'lTSSIO:Q ATT"'~~sa~C~~f.~~1 ~~ . ~L?/ S/Aletha Burgess S~~ARY PRO TEt+1PORE AI~i~IM CITY PLAN[d]':dG CONII~SSIOId STATE OF CALIE'ORNTP, ) COtTi~TY OF ORANGG ) ss. CITY OE ANAI~IlN ) I, Aletha ~~mess, Secretazy Pro Te~ore of the City Planning Cannission oE the City oi P,naheim, do hereby certify that the foregoanc7 resolution w~s passed and adopteci at a meeting of the City Planninq Catmission of the City of Anaheim, held on Nov~s 24, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the m~nbers thPSeof: AYES: CCY•II~IISSIOI~RS: HERHST~ KING, MJRLEY~ TO~R NOES: CC~~A~IISSIObIETLS: NONE ABS~7P: COI~9MCSSIO~R5: &IRNES, FARAI~10~ JOHNSWi IN WITI~SS Wf~REOF, I have hereuni:o set my hand this 24th day of Novanber, 1975. ~~~~~~ C +:./~'v`.~ ~p/ s/Ale~ha IIurgess SECRT~ARY PRO TENIPORE ANAi~IM CITY PI11rIf1ING COI~'@~ffSSIO*I -2- RESOLUrION N0. PC75-242