PC 75-243~ ~ 'S F.'F'SOL'UTTCRJ I~. ~~75-293 A RESOLUPION OL' TI~': CIl'Y PLANIQING ~•~+IISSI(7N P,F Tf~ ~Ims U~ ~Z"1 TE31,~ PE'PITION FOR VAR.'C•~ICE IvT). 2~~f $E Q~'TrF•D. ~{.~-~~, ~.k:~ Gi~y P3.~~u~tning C~.~imi.ssirr:: of the !'ity of Pnaheim did receive a ~e~afiul ?etition for Varianc^ -.`'^an R. S, ANU J'F~t7 ?4. N!,`'rviCK, 12269 Sky Iane, Ips <,r:,c>;c^, Cali~~rnia 9004~1 (U~;:,. ;~:': '.CUPIE I~.°TL~Sr c/n liill Dres, 5922 Kester Avenue, ;;~r. i:cao~~s. ~:~1.i.fornia 91411 ~AgeY~:: .-. ::.:t.' ~ertain real p~o~sty described as: ':1~:: `~s~~^:~~.~~? i?esc.ril,~; 1Zea1 `•~~o{~e~c.tY in #.t~ `~t~'~te of CaliEornia, County of Orange, :.'ity of F,nan~~s.;~: Thf~• ~~?P~t J.E4.71 f~ac af t: .`t,' ~~ =-, ;~?' ~~et of. _.;,'::-theast quarter of the I7orthwest cruar~ei c£ Secti<~a ,';im~ms.~i.p 4 S~u•~ ,~n.q k:~~.=..:.~; in the Rancho San Juan Cajoa de Santa Anr3.,. I~:x.'t1.u ~ ^~ = ~' r~heim, partly in the City of Fullerbon, a11 an the Coiuity ~.1,?' C7~aixJe, ',, UE C' ?;~~~-nia, as per map recorcied in IIook 51 Page 10 of Miscella~u~us Maps, :~: che offic~~ of the County Recordes of said County. E~:cept the tlorth 188.00 feet th~szof. WE~FiEAS, the City Planning Ccmnission clid hold a public heari.ng at the City Hall in the City of I~naheim on Nwembes 24, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by 1aw ai`.d in acoordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal C'_ode, Chapter 18.03, to hEar ancl consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recc~mendations in connection therearith; and Wl~I~AS, said Crnmission, after due inspection, investigation and study mzcle by itself and in its behalf, and after due wnsideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, dces find ar~d detezmi.ne the following facts: 1. That the petitione~- requests a variance frcm the Anaheim Municipal Code to establish an automotive tunrup shop with vraiver of: SECPIOPd 18.44.020 - Pesmi.tted uses. (Autarotive tvn~up not pernut~-the CL Zone) 2, That the petitiones'has indi.cated the proposed use will be limi.ted to autarobile tunrups only and all ~,ork will be conducted inside the buildinq, and no autarobile regair or painting will be done on the prenises. 3. That the petitioner has stipulated that signing for the proposed use will be in accordanae with CL Code standards since access to the subject property would be by one drive~ray fran Leron Street, said driveway being locat~i adjacent to the southerlY P~1~Y line. 5. That there are exceptional or extraordinaxy circ~stances or conditions applicable to the property inwlveci or t~o the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class ef use in the same vicintty and zone. 6. That the requesteci variance is necessary for the preservation arvl enjoyment of a substantial property right ~vssessed by othex' proPer~Y i~ '~1~ ~''~ vicinity arr~ zone, anci denied to the propert~y in question. 7. That the requested variance will not be materially det;.imental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvanents in such vicinity and zone in 4inich the property is located. IINIFtOATf~t7TAL IMPAGT 12~POIYi' F~]DING: That the Planninq Ccnmi.ssion does hereby reoanrn~d to the City Council that ~he su.bject project be exmipt fran the requirenent to prepare an enviroiunental impact repo:-t, pursuant tc~ the provisions of the California EYnriror~enta]- S~lity Act. t~d, TI~IZEE~~RE, IiE IT RESOLVID `..hat the Anaheim City Planning C.cmnission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the folZavicx! oonditi.ons wlu.ch are hereby foi~.nci tn be a necessary prerequisite tA the pmposed use of the subjec:t RESOLL7PIdN NO. PC75-243 ~ ~ , ,~ propesty in on3er to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of tie City of Anaheim: 1. In the went that subject property is to be divided for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing, a parcel map to record the approved division of subject property shall be sul-mitteci tc, and approved by the City of Anaheim and then be recordeil in the Office of the Orange County Reoorder. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provideci 9n accor.dance with approved plans on file with the Office of the Director of Public Works. 3. That subject property shall be developeci substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exiv.bit Nos. 1, 2, 3, anci 4; provided, however, that the driveway fran Leron Street is located adjacent to the southerly property line. 4. That Condition No. 1, above-mentioned, shall be ocmplie~ with prior to the ccmnencanent of the activity autl»riz~i under this resolution, or prior to the time that the building ~*m;t is issuxl, or within a period of one year frcm date hereof, wnichever occurs first, or such fu1-ther time as the Planning Crnmission and/or City Council may grant. 5. 'Phat Comiition Nos. 2, and 3, above-mentioned, shall be oamplied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. Ti~ FOF~ING 12ESOLUTION is signed and appraved by me this 24th day of :;ovanber, 1975. ~~^ . i~ /~/G`~~~ ~.C~ S/Richard Morley Cf~~IRMAIQ PRO TEt~ORP ANAHEIM Cl"I'Y P7~ANtI2t1G C~A'QSSION A~./'--~~'°'f~/0/ /~ S/Aletha Surgess ~ SF.CRL•TARY PRD TL~'IPORE AI~IFIEI'~ii CITY PLANNING CONIl+IISSI(7:1 STATE OP C}1LIf'ORidIA ) COUtTi'Y OF ORAtdGC ) ss. CITY OF ANAI~IId ) 2, Aletha Burgess, Secretary Pro Ta~ore of the City Planning Cartnission of the City of Anaheim, do Y~xeby certify that the foregoi.ng resolution was passed aixi aclopted at a meeting of the City Planning Camu.ssion of the City of Anaheim, held on Novgnber 24, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., ]7y the following wte of the menbPxs theseofs tIYES: C(k'R~7ISSIONERS: F~2BST, KINC~ NARILY, TaLAR NOES: CO[~'Il~IISSIONETtS: NCH~E 11HSFT7T: CCk~'QSSIOi~ERS: BAF~IES, FARANO, JOHNS0IQ I[d WITI~SS [~RDOI', I have hereunto set my hancl this 24th day of NovanL~s, 1975. /~~~~ c~~"'~, `y~ S~e~ ~~S SECRETARY PIip TEN6.~AG AI~IEIhS CITY PIANNTNG CObP7ISSI0N -2- AFSOLUrION N0. PC75-243