PC 75-244~ ~ 7 RESOLUPION NU. PC75-244 A RESOLUTION OF TIiE CITY PLANNING COI~II~IISSION OF TFIF. CITY OF ANAF~If4 RF7CONQ~IDING TO Tf~ CITY OOUNCIL OP TE~ CITY OF I~NAHEEII9 TF1FiT PFPITION Ft~R REQ~ASSIFI('..ATION N0. 75-76-13 BE APPRWED. WHES~S, the City Planning Camussion of the City of Anaheim did initiate a verifieci Petition for Reclassification on certain real property situateci in the County c~f Orange, State ~f California described as follows: Beginning at a point in the existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim, said point of beginning being in the Southeast oornes of the Wagner-Rio Vista Annexation to the City of Anaheim; thence North 0° 02' 50" N'est 20 feet along a portion of said City limit line to an intersection wi.th the centerli.ne of Ball Rr~ad; thence leaving said City lunit line and following along a portion of the reoonstructed centerline of IIall Road as shown on the construction plans filed in the Orange County Surveyors office as Plan No. 9490 the following courses and distances: South 89° 02° 28" East 97.21 feet to the beginning of a cvrve concave Southwestexly anci having a radius of 1?.00 feet, a radial line bear.ing North 0° 07' 32" East passes thro~qh saicl point; thence Southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 30° 27' 33" an azc distance of 637.94 feet to an intersection with the Nortlierly prolongation of the Eastcsly 19.ne o£ the land described in deed recorded in Book 8725, page 110, records of Orange County, California, a radia? line bearing North 30° 33' S2~° East passes througli said point of intersectior.; thence South 16° 57' 34" West 724.01 feet; thence South 57° 35' 33° West 90.47 fc.e;: u~ a;! intersection w~th the South line of Lot 9 of the I'letchPS Tract as shoFn~ on 3;nap rE~•xu~ded in Aaok 3, page 320, Miscellaneuus rc~~is of Los Angeles C.ounty, Cal~fo:.~riia; thence North 8~° 32' 37" West 574.42 feet to an intersection with the c~~ter].ine of Eaton Way; thence North 0° 28' Q7" East 873.73 feet k.o an intersectien ~vi.ti~~ a line parallel with ancl 30 feet Southerly of the centerline of Ball Roaci said point of intersection being a point in tt~.e existing City limi.t line of the City of Anaheim as establishecl by `1ie aforanentioned Wagner-Rio Vista Annexation; thence following along a portion of the aforanentioned City limit the following courses and distances: North 89° 34' 20" East 20 feet, idorth 0° 02' 50" West 10 feet, North II9° 34' 20" East 130 feet to the point of beginning. WI~REAS, the City Planning Camtission did liold a public hearing at the City fIall .i.n the City of Anaheim on ?]ovenber 24, 1575, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having l~en duly given as rc~uixed by 1aw and in accordance wi:th the pmvisions of the T,naheim tfiinicipal Code, Chaptes 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for ancl against said proposed reclassification and to investigate ancl make findings and recrmnendations in connection therewith; and WI~RT'~S, said Camu.ssion, after due inspection, investigation ancl study made by itself and in its bei~alf, and after due considesation of all evidence and reports offeseci at said heaxing, does find and detennine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the above-described prope_~-ty fran the County of Orange A-1 (GFT~ERAL AGRICULT[IRAL) DISTRIGT to the City of Analleim RS-A-43,000 (ItFSIDEt1PIAL/AGf+.ICULT[JRAL) ZOt~. 2. That annexation of subject property to the City of Anaheim undes the Ball-Freerray Annexation is currently pending. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject propes~ty is necessazy anci/or desirable for the orclerly arid proper develognent of the canm:nity. 4. That the proposed reclassifiration of subjer.t pmp~rty does pro~sly relate to the zones and their pennitted uses lccally established in close prox3mity to subject property and t,o the zones and thEir pernd.tted us~s generally established tlu-oughout the ccmm~nity. 5. That no one indicated theis presence at said public hearinq in opposition and no correspondenc~ kas received i.n opposition to subject petitian. II~TIFmId+lEblPAL IMPACT REPORP FIb]DItdG: That the Planning Cannission dces hereby rearmienrl t~o the City Council that the subject project be e~canpt fran the requui.rmient to prepare an envirormental inqaact report, pursuant to the z~rovisions of the California Errvirorrmental Quality Act. RESOL[TPZC7N N0. PC75-249 ~ ~ NOSV, TIiEFtEFORE, SE IT S~.SOLUID that the Anaheim City Plannirx) Cmmission dces hereby recrnmend to the City Council of the Ciiy of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal C,ode be amended to excluc3e the abwe-described properky frcm tlie County of Qrange A-1 (~RAL AGRIC[JLTURAL) DISTRICP and to ineorporate said describecl property into the City of Ana:ieim RS-A-43,000 (F~ESIDIIJ~IAL/AGRICULTUFtF1L) ZONE upon the follawing conditions ;ahich are hereby found to be a necessary prexequisite to the pmposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety anci general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That these reclassification proceedings are granted subject to the cenpletion o£ annFxation of subject property to the City of Anaheim. Tf~ FOREGOING RE.SOLiTPION is signed and aPpmved by me this 24th day of tdov~nUer, 1975. /2~~'r S/R~.chard Mor~ CEIFIIRMAN PFtn TF3~C%RE • AIQAF~IM CITY PIANNING C70NA~IISSION ATPEST: ~~"""~'~ S/]~letha Burgess SECF2E.TARY PFtn TII1@032E AT~41i~IM CITY PI3~,l~NING G'Of~A'QSSION STATE OF CALIFOANIA ) CO[R~'PSC OF OW~NGE ) sS. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, ;ilethea Burgess, Secxetary Pro Te~ore oE the City PlannirxJ Camu.ssion of the City oi Anahevn, do hereby eertify that the foregoinq rescilution was pas~~ anci adopted at a meeting of the City Plannir~1Can~n.i~.gss~~e of the le~nbers~eroof;held on I~ova~~s' 2~1, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by AYF.S: CQ•II+IISSI(1NERS: HEftBST KING~ MORI~Y~ TOL~P. IJ(~5,,; COJ~~ffSSIOI~RS: NIXQE ABSf3~1T: CONII~7ISSIOi~RS: BAI~Sr FAFiILr10r' JOI~ISON It~ WITNESS 47i~1~I0F, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of NovsnUer, 1975. Ci~~r~ ~eU .d~•LQ~ S/Aletha Burgess _. SL•'CREPARY PIt~ TEMPORR ANAI~IM CITY P?~li~?i~]G OCYT'IISSION -2•, 32ESOI~fiION N0. PC75-244