PC 75-246m ,~ i' ~ ~ RESOLiTr20N NO. PC75-246 A RESOL[TPIO~iI OF RZiE CITY PLAtaIING CONA~IISSION OF TI~ CITY OF AI~HEIM TF~1T FETTTION FOR VARiANCF. I~`J. 2'S5 SE GFtF~TPEC, IN PAPT. WF~RF.AS, the City Planning Crnmission of t1r~ City of Anaheim did receive a ver.ifieci Petition for Variance fran SEVI7TPH & OLIV~ G'ORPORATION, 649 South Olive Street, S~ite 1200, Los Atigeles, California 90014 (Owner) ; DE N1~LAY dF SOUPF~1 GILIFOIL'~7La, c% Melvin A. Fixley, P. 0. Bo:s b8, M-ywoa3, California 90270 (Agent) of certain real property situateci in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: That portion of Parcel 3 in the City of Anaheim~ Ca.inty of Orange, State of California, as sha.~m on a map fileci in book 93, Page 15 of Parcel Maps, in the office of tlle C~~u~ty Recorcier of said County, described as follaas: IIeginning at the tdortheasterly corner of Parcel 1, as sha~ni on a map filed in book 19, page 38, of Parcel D7aps, said point of ix~ginning being also on the Souttnaesterly line of Manchester Avenue, a radial bearing to said point bears Plorth 55° 08' 37" ~ast; t}ience, along the Nortt:westerly line of said Parcel 1, Swth 71° 37' 45" West 184.80 feet r_o the :lortln,estesly onrner thereof; thence, North 37° 26' 16" West 230.00 feet; thence iJorth 71° 37' 45" Iast 184.80 feet to the i.ntersection with a ciuve concave Souttnaesterly and having a radius of 2,458.00 teet, a radial line to said point of intersectian bears North 44° 46' 49" East, thence, Sautheasterly 230.09 feet along said curve, also being the Souttiwesterly line of said afcrenentioneci t~fanchester Avenue through a central angle of 5° 21' AS" to the point of beginning. t•n~RSAS, tl•~ City Planniix~ Ccrmission did hold a public hearing at `he City Iiall in the City of Anaheim on Nov~il~er 24, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as reZuired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Nh~nicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, t~o hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to i.nvestigate and make firdings ancl recarmenciations in connectian there~rith; and IVf~itEAS, said Camnission, after due insFx~.i.on, i.nvestigation and study made ~y itself and in its bal~alf, arr3 after due amsidesation of all evidence and reports offereci at sai3 hearing, does find ancl determine the follawing facts: 1. That the petitinner requests a variance fran the Anaheim Municipal Code to peznut wnstruction of a mrporate office building with laige meeting faci2ities, with the following waivers: a. S~ION 18.06.060 - Minim~nn nvmber of parkim~ ~aces. (74 rc~uue3; 36 proposed) b. SEGTIOtd - Minimian building setback. (10 ~eet required; 1 foot proposed) c. SECrION 18.44.062 - t4axim~nn block orall height. 2. That Waives 1-a, above-mentioned, is deleted as being unnecessary since petit'oner imiicateci the facility w~ould be usal solely as cozporate offi~.:es, not lodge meetings, and sufficient parking ~+ras therefore avai"lable. 3. That Waiver 1-b, above-mentionecl, is granted on the basis that the adjacent property, although wnxl resid~tially, is developed with a ornmercial use. 9. That Waiver 1-c, above-,mentionExl, is granted si.nce petitioner inclicated the eight foot block wall would su,.~^round an interior garden area, to inclucie fountain arr3 ~ctensive landscaping, arxi since the adjacent propPSty, although zoned residentially, is developed with a ca~mezcial use. ,. That the petitioner stipulatecl that ttroe proposed building r~uuld be usc.d solely for corporate offices and not for lodge meetinga. 6. T.hat there are exceptional or extraordinary ciscianstai:ces or conditions ar~licable to th~ propASty involved or to the intended use of the propesty that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the s~ne vicinity and zone. IiE50LUZ'IGN tvu. PCir2d6 i ~ ~ ~ 7, Tha;: the requested variance is necessary for the preservation arxi enjoyment of a suU.stantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity anr3 zone, and denied to the propertY in 4uesti°n• 8, That tt~ requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfar~-:;r injnrious to the property or improvanents in such vicinity arxi zone in which the propertY is located. 9. That no c,ne indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition anc: no wrre-pondence was received in opposition to subject Petition. ~TVIF20I~SE~TAL INIPACt' RE~ORT FTbIDING: That the Planning r.rnmission does hereby reoam~l to the City Caancil that the subject proje~.~-t be ex~t fran the requiranent to prepare an enviroiunental impact report, pursuant to the prwisions of the California Em~iroranental Quali±y Act. NOW~ Tf~RF,FOF~3, HE I•r Iti'SOLVID that the Anaheim City Planning Crnmissi~n dces her~y grant, in part, subject Petition for Variance, upon the following conciitions wl~ich are hereby fowxl to be a necessary pserequisite to the proposed use of ihe subject property in order to preserve the safety and general weliare of tYr_ Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this Variance is 9ranted subject to the arnpletion of Reclassification No. 75-76-14, naa pending. 2. That subject property shall be developed substanti.ally in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheun marked EJchibit Nos. 1, 2~ ~cl 3~ prrn,ide~i, hawever, that the proposed building will be used solely for corporate offi::2s ar'.d not lalge meetings. Tf~ FpRF',GOII7G RF.SOT.iTPION is signecl and approved by me tlus 24th day of tkrvanbez~, 1975. S/. char ~lorley CHAIR[+4,N PRO T:~3~'ORE AN.~IM CITY PLANhIING O~?~'dISSIOU Al^"if~'SLC~~ ~ I/b~i s/111et1~ ~urgess STxR~4U'tY PI~ TI7II?ORE A11AfIEL'd CIi'Y PLANi7L'dG CAT•T~IISSIOPI STAT~ OF CALIFI?RPT.G1 ) COU:•PPY OF ORAIIG[: ) ss. CIi'Y OI' ANAFi~L^1 ) I, A1et]~a Burgess, Secret~~ry Pro Tc3npore of thc City Planning Cartnission of the City of I1nal~eim, do hereby certi£y that the fore~oing resolutidn was Passecl and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Ccmnission oi the City of Anaheim, held on 2~Iova~il~er 2.1, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., tr/ the following wte of the manbers thereof: AYFS: CO!•'MISSZOIJF.RS: I~12BST, KIt1G, MOF2LEY, TOLAR IdOrS: CQ'~'A'ffSS:~ONERS: NOI~ rlT3SIIli: COh^u•tISSIOt~RS: SAI~idES„ FARAI~O, JOIIIISON I;~ [•TIT;~F'SS WI~I~OF, I have hereunto set my hancl this 24th day of NweN~es, 1975. ~ -, S/Aletha Burgess . SF.CRETF~RY PFb~ TFR,'~ORE AI•U~FiETht CITY P71~NNING OONL+ffSS:i0i9 -2- ItFSpLLTrION N0. PC75-246