PC 75-250~ ~ It~SOLUPIO*1 N0. PC75-250 A RF.SOLUPIOtd OP Tf~ APl~FIEIf•1 CITY PLTIISIING COf+II~SSIOT~P RDCODR~NDIIdG ~ TI~: CITY COUNCIL OF Tf~ CITY OF ANAF~IM THAT I~ff?[7BST FOR DELEPIOi7 OE' CONDITTOid N0. 1 OF CITY COU[QCIL RESOLLTrIO:d t~. 5555 AVD ORDIt~ 1414 BE DINIED ~~'.I1S, on October 13, 1959, the City Council of the. City of Anaiieim approved Reclassification No. 59-60-20 in Resolution No. 5555 to change frcm the R-3, tdultiple Family Residential Zone to the C-1, t?~ighborhood Cart~scial Zone, certain pro~sty wnsisting of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Tract No. 2701, said appmval being subject to certain c~nditic~ns; and Wf~t'tE~.S, the petitioner requests an ~nenc~nent to the conditions of approval of Resolution tdo. 5555 adoptc-d Octol~s 13, 1959 and Or.dinarACe 1414 adopt~. Tdovanber 17, 1959, in connection with Reclassification No. 59-60=20 to delete Cor.3ition rlo. 1, to wit "That the awner of subject property place of record standard City of Anaheim C-1 Deed Restrictions, approveci by the City Attorney, w}uch restrictions shall .limit the uses oE the property to business and professional offices only; arsd W~S, the Anaheim City Planniny Caimission did hold a public hearinq at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Decanber 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai.d public hear~ng having been duly given as rec~,ired by 1aw and in accondance with the provisions of the Anaheim Nhuiicipal Caie, C.hapter 18.03, to hear and oonsider evidence for an1 against said proposal and to investigate and make findings and reccrt~ations in oonnection therewith; and Wt~F'1~5, said Caimi.ssion, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its k.~ehalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at saisl heariny~ DOES I~FF2IDY FIND: 1. That the deletion of the C-1 Dee~l Restrictions, will adversely afEect the adjoininr~ lazd uses and the growth and deve].ognent of th_e area. 2. That the deletion of the C-1 Deed Restrictions, will be detrimental t~o the peace, health, safety, and qeneral welf-are of the Citizens of the City o£ Anaheim. 3. That the Dixector of the Planning llepartrnent has determixied that the proposed activity falls witl~in the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1 of the City of Anaheim Gliidelines to the Requiranents ~or an F~visoranental 7mpact Report arid is, therefore, categorically exenpt fran the requisanc~t to f_le an EIR. N(7W~ Tf~I~E;FpR~, BE IT RESOLUID that the Anaheim City Planning CcYrmission does hereby recurtm_nd to the City Council of the City of Anahe.im that the proposed deletion of Condition No. 1 of Resolution No. 5555 adopted October 13, 1959, and ordir~nce 1414 adopte~l NovaN~er 17, 1959, be denied, based on the foregoing fiZdings. TI~ EnItE~ING 1tF5oLLTrION is s:~.gned and approved by me this 8th day uf Decanber, 1975. S/Fl~oyd F ~/ ~~K~ GR~IIFE'~,N~ IM CITY P7ANNING COr1~IISSI~I ATTF.ST: C.~i~~'`'~s~aJ s/Aletha Hurgess ~PARY PRD TII~ORE ANAFIE7M CITY PLPSalII4G C(r'AIISSICIN RESOLVPIGN N0. PC75-250 ` ~ ~ szr.~ oF cazg'o~uvir. ) COWPY OF oRANGE )ss. CITY OF AI~II~IM ) I, Aletha Burgess, Secretai.y Pro T9npore of the City Planning Crnmission of the City of Anaheim, do he~'eby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and aclopted at a meetinq of the City Pl.aivii.ng Camussion of the City of Anaheim, held on Decenl~s 8, 1~75, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the manbers thereof: AXES: (.'(Y7hQSSIOt~'RS: BAR~IFS~ HERBST. KING, M~FtLEY, TOLAR~ JOHNS(~I~ FARANO NCES: COrM~IISSI0I~RS: IQONE ABSII~TP: COt+A~IISSId:~RS: NOi~ IN yilT[~SS Wf~FcrIJF, I have hereunto set my hand thi.s 8th day of DecenUer, 1975. ~,/,4L'C'C~'~v ci/ S/Aletha Burgess ST'~TARY P~ R~~'ORE At~IEIM CITY PLANNING OON1~'iZSSION -2- I~'SOI~TPIdN I~. PC75-250