PC 75-252~ ~ RFSOLiTr20N N0. PC75-252 RFSOLUrION OF Tf~ CTPY PIANNL~IG ~SSION OF TiIE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~C~JDING TO T[~ CITY OOUNCIL OF Tf~ CITY OF ANAF~IM TFII~.T PSTITION FOR RDCIASSIFICATION N0. 75-76-2Q BE APPROVED WE~AS, the Cit;~ Planr.ing Crnmission of the City of A~a}+P~m did receive a veri.fied Petition for Reclassification from TE7~Ln-ANAFff:II~IHILLS, INC., 380 Anaheim Hills I~ad, Analzeim, California 92807 (Owner); ANAFIEI2d Fi7SSS, INC., 3B0 Anaheim Hills Road, Anaheim, California 92807 (Agent) of certain real pmpesty situated in the City of Anatieim, Crn:nty of Oranqe, State of California, described as: All that certain land situateci in tlte State of California, Cwnty of Orange, City of Anaheim, describeci as follows: Proposeci Tract No. 8905, being a subdivisir,n of the follaairx3: That portion of the lands allotted to Juan Yorba an~ Paula Pesalta de Daninguez as descr.ibeci in the Fina]. Decree of Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, as per map oi partition recorded on Septanber 12, 1868, in Rook "8", paya 410 of Jucigments of the 17th Judicial District Crnirt, of Los Angeles County, State of California, QescriUed as follaas: Beginning at the most NorthASly corner of Parcel 1, as shown on a map Eiled in book 50, page 43 of Parcel Maps, reoords of said Oranye County; thesice along the boundazy of said Parcel Map, South 83° 25' 15" West ?.58.59 feet, Sauth 70° 51' S7" West 338.29 feet arr3 South 61° 10' 37" West 45.00 f.eet to a point on a~n-tanggent curve concave Southwesterly with a radius of 600.00 feet said curve being the centerline of Anaheim Hills Road as shown on said Parcel Map an@ said curve Lr_ing concentric with that certain curve cited as bei.ng concave Westerly with a radius of 555.00 feet to a central angle of 60° 05' 18" in the Westerly brnandary of Parcel 1 of deed reoorded May 16, 1972 in book 10128, page 922 of Of£icial Reoords of said Orange County, a raciial to said point bears North 61° 10' 37" East; thence ilorttraesterly along said concentric curve e distance of 74.36 feet through a central angle of 7° 06' 03"; thence parallel and concentric with saici Westerly bourraary the follow3ng oourses: tangent to said last mentioned curve t7orth 35° 55' 26" West 109.8A feet, t7orthwestesly along a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 595.00 feet a distance of 144.23 feet thrwgh a central angle of 13° 53' 19", a tangent to said curve North 22° 02' 07" West 484.66 feet, Northerly along a tar~gent curve concave Easterly having a radius of fi05.00 feet a distance of 371.42 feet through a central angle of 35° 10' 30", tangent to said curve North 13° OB' 23" East 171.97 feet, Northerly along a L-angent curve concave Westerly havixig a radius of 621~.00 feet a distance of 236.31 feet through a central angle of 21° 4ti' 09", tangent 'to said curve North 8° 39' ~16" West 321.19 feet, arxl'Northerly along a tangent curve wncave Easterly having a radius o£ 763.00 Eeet a distance of 43.01 feet through a central attgle of 3° 13' 48" to the Westerly pmlongation of that certain bearing shown as "N 84° 34' 02" E radial" at the Southwest wrner of Parcel 1 as sha~m on a map filed in book 54, page 5 of Parcel Maps, reoorrls of said Orange Ccunty; thence alor,g said prolonged line North 84° 34' 02" Eas~ 51.00 fEet to said Soutkiwest oorner; thence alonq the boundasy of said Parcel 1, Sauth 75° 45' 00" East 209.72 feet to the Northwesterly teaninus of that certain oosrse shown as "N 3° 42' 95" W 762.96 'feet" on a map filed in book 91, ~ge 90 of Rea~rds, of saici Orange County; thence along the bow~dary of said Fieooxd of Surve~~, South 3° 42' 45" East 762.96 feet, South 29° •38' 12" East 763.99 feet, South 79° 47' 29" Ea~at 310.42 feet, North 10° 13' S6" East 100.03 feet, South 79° 57' 19" East 99.93 €eet, South 10° 17' 18" West 100.56 feet aixi South 7U° 57' 17" East 10"J.11 feet to the Northerly boundary oL• Parcel 2, as shcwm on a map filed i.n boe;: 57, pages ~ and 7 of Parcel Maps, reoorcls of saSd Orange O~unty; thence along the b?tuxiazy o~ ~aid P~x~cel Map South 66° 33' S6" W~t 206.57 feet and South 13° 44' 57" Fast 48.13 f~t to the point of beginning. Wf~EAS, the City Planninq Cannisslon did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anal~ei.m on December 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., netice of said public hearing having been duly given as requised by law and i;z acoordance with the provisions of the Anaheim NLuiicipal C~de, Chapter 18.03, to hear au~d oonsider evidence for azxi againrt said proposed reclassification and to ir-vestigate arxi make fiirlixx3s arri recam~endations in oonnection therewith; anl RESOLIlTIaN Itd. PC75-252 ~ ~ ,, y~fiEf~',AS, said Cartrdssion, after due inspection, irrv~sY_iqation and sbxly made by itself ar~d in its behalf, and after due consideration of a.].!. PvS.dence and reports offered at sai.d hearing, does find and deterntine the followi.~g facts: 1. That the petitioner pznposes a reclassification o£ the abovE 3escribed property fran the R; A-43.000 (SC) (F~SIDIII~IAL/AGf2IC:ULTtJRAL - 5(': ."JZC CORRIDOR) Zd~ to the RM-4000 (SC) (RFSIDPa~TAL, MULT~'LE-FANIII,Y - SC~]IC OORRtDOR) Z(R~. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject pr~perty for low- density resi.clential uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessarY ani/or desirable for the orderly and pm~er develognent of tlie canmu~ity. 4. That t3~e proposed reclassific:ation of subject property does FxoP~'lY relate to trie zones and thei. pennitted uses locally established in close pr~aimitY to subject PropertY and to the zones airi f~'ieir ~nitt.ed uses generally estabZistx~l throughout the caimunity. 5. That one (1) person appeared in oppo~ition and one (1) letter was received in opposition to subject petition. II~VIF~L IN~ACP ~ORT FIttDING: That F~v3rornnental ~npact Iteport No. 159 supplenentinq Y+Iaster ~nvirci.*miental Irc~act Report No. 00 havinq been consi.dered this date by the City Plann3r.q ~ission (evidence, both written ar-d oral, presented tn supplenent said draft bI~4 159). the City Plannim~ Crnmissi.on believes that said draft EIR No. 159 does carif.ozr+ bo 'the City and State (~idelines and the State of California Envirorm~ntal Q~Is%Y Rct +~:i based upon such anfo=mation does hereby reoarttnm3 t~o the City Counc~X t3ia~ tYac.s certify said EIR is in ca~liance with said Et~vironnental Quality Act. N()W~ ~gE, ~ IT itESOLUID that the Anaheim City PlannirxJ Cksttmission does hereby recx,m~nd to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition fos Reclassification be apprcr~c~ci and, by so doin9r t1~at Title 18-Zomir.g of the Anaheim NSu~i.cipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described propest'Y fran the RS A-93,000(SC) (RESIDII~T]'AL/AGRICULT[JF2P,L - S(~]IC oDRRIDOR) ZO[~ ar~d to incorporate said described propertY into the RM'4000(SC) (~SIDFFSlrIAL, MULT~LE- FAt~LY - SCF~IIC CORRIDOR) 20NE upon the followirrg conditi.ons which are hereby ~aarrl to be a nr~essary prer~,;site to the proposed use of subjec.~t pzbpesty in order to preserve the safety and g°aeral ~+~elEaze of the Citizens of the City o£ Anahe~m: 1~ That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required arrl detenninr~i to be necessaiy by the Chief of the Fire Departrnent prior to oarmencener-t of stnYakural framisxJ. 2, That a final tract map of subject proPertY shall Y~ sukmitted tn ani apprrn;ed }r~ the City Counci.l and then 1~e recorded in tk~e office of the Orange County Reoorrler. 3. That oanpletion of these reclassificati.on proceedings is wntingent uPon the granting of Vari.ance No. 2766. TI~ FOI~OOIt7G ItF'SOLUPIOtJ is signed and approved by me this 8th day of Dec,-ec~ber, 1975. S/F1 F / ~~F~~ pIpN~IiNG ODP'AIISSI~N ,A~2'PESP: / S/Aletha Bu~ess ~A~L PT2U Ti•S'~ORE ANAF~IM CITY PIAt1t~iG OCMdISSIdN _2- F~SOIxTPION N0. PC75-252 ~ ~ s~~ ~ ca?~rnta~rn ) Q~UNI'1C 1JF ORAb1GE ) ~. ~ITY QF A1~4:.~IElM ,1 I, Aletha Burgess, 5earetax,y Pro Tempore o£ the City Plannir~g Catmission of the City~af i~nai~eim, do hereby certiiy that the fore9oin4 resolution was passed and adopteci at a meer.inq oL the C:.ty Planning Ccscmi.ssion of the City of Anaheim, he7.d on Ik~ember 8, 1975, at ].:30 p.m., by the fol]r,x~n.ng ~rote of the manbers theseof: A i: CON?+IISSIO:~RS: BAiZi~'Sr F?ll'~U~ HERBST~ ICB1G~ JOHIiSUIQ~ M7FiI~EY~ Rl7IAR N(1~5: ~:iY~'~'IISSIQI.'~..~5: TA~NE ABSF~IP: COf~4~'aSSIONEELS: NpP1E aI WiT[~SS WE~7DF, I}~ve hereunto set iny har~d this 8th day of Decenber~ 1975. ~L~!_~.~.ot~ ~<!;+~ -~t./ S/Aletha Burgess SECi~,TARY PRA Z~7PORE ANAHEZM CITY PIANNING OOrR~fISSION -3- F~OQ~TI'IGN N0. PC75-252