PC 75-2570 FPSOLtTrION i~. PC75-257 ~ ~ A RESOLifPION OF TI~ CIAY PLAialING CC~'TISSSZn'7 OI' Ti~ CITY OF AiTAFIEIM TIII1T P~PITION FOR VARII~7~ DTO. 2754 P,~ GRA~v~ Wf~REAS, the City PlanniuxJ CaRnission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verifieci Petition for Variance from WILLIAD4 M. CiAW, 2 Rue Va]bonne, Newpo~-t Deach, California 92GG0 (Owner); ITAYD G. SEDSAtT~~, 203 E. Simmns Avenue, Anaheim, California 9280i (Agent) of certa~n real prop~sty sitvated in the City of Anaheim, Counry of Orange, State of California descril~ecl as: Ttie South 314.74 feet cf Lot 9 of Orangzwood Tract, as per map reoordeci in book 7, paye 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county reoon3er of said county. P~adG tlierefran the East 252 feet ther~f. AiSO EXCEP''i'~1G thesefran the West 252 feet thereof. WHE~S, the City Planning Camii.ssion a~a ~ia a~lic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Decanl~es 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing Pavim,~ been duly yiven as re.,~~red by lao~ and in acoordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Ifi~nicipal Cocle,, Chapter 18.03, to hear arwl wnsider evidence £or ancl against sai.cl proposed vaziance ancl tA investigate ar~.3 make firxlings anr3 recQrt!~endatiuns in connection therewith; and W[~AS, said Cannission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself arrl in its Uehalf, and after due consideration ~f all evidence and reports o£Eerecl at said hearing, does find and detennine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests a variance fran the Anaheim Municipal Caie to }r.smi.t outdoor storage of trucks and tractors with the following waiver: SE(.TION 18.21.030 - Penti.tted accessory uses. (Outrioor storage of trucks ancl tractors not permittecl) 2, That there are exceptional or c~ctraordinary circ~unstances or oonditions applicable to the property inwlved or to the intende3 use of the pronert-y that do nnt apply generally to t>>e Pmpesty or class of use in the same vicinity arr3 zone. 3. That the r.equested variance is nec:essary £or the preservation air3 enjoyment of a substantial pz'op~xty right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and deniel3 to the propesty in question. 4. That the re2uested variance will not be materially detrimental to the puUlic wna.fare or injurious to the property o~ improvcir~nts in such vicinity anri zone in which the pmperty is located. 5. That the petitioner has stipulateci the r.ear yard storage area will be oiled to keep dovm the dust. 6. That the petitioner has stipulated to the stora~e of no m~re than ten (10) trucks or fsactors at any one time. 7, That the r~uesteci waiver has been granteci for a periai of one •(1) year. 8. Tl~at no one irr3icatc~i their presence at said public hearing in a(~ositi.on arid no corz'esponrlence 4ras rece~ved in opposition to subject petition. IINI3~II+~1'PAL It1PAC.T RQtOKP FINDIIIG: That the Director oE the Planninq Departrnent has detexmined that the pmposc~i activity falls within Jie definition of Section 3.01, Class 1 of the City of Anaheim (~icielines to the Requirenents for an Ernirorm~ental Impact 12eport and is, therefore, categorically exe~t fran the re.c~~;renent to file an EIR. t1~J, Tf~1~RE, B~ IT 1iESOLVED that• the Anaheim City Planning Carmission does heseby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the following oonditi~ns which are hereby found to be a necessazy prerequisite to the propose:i use of the subject FtESOLLTrldN N0. PC75-257 ~ ~ property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of tlie Citizens of the City o£ Anaheim: 1. That the owner(s) o£ subjeat propesty shall wixlitionally deed to the City of Anahein a strip of land 32 feet in width fran t}:e centerline of the street along 5imrons Avernse. 2, That all enqineering r~uiranents of the City oE Anaheim along Sinsnons Avenue, inclur3ing preparation of imprwenent pl.ans arui installation of all ir.g~rovenents such as curbs anci gutters, sideavalks, street gradir-~ ~nd pavirxJ. drainage fa.cilities, or ottier appuL'tenant ~rk shall he a~nplied with as requised by the City ~inees anl in acc~z~iance with stzndard plans anci specifications on file in tiie Office of the City Fhginees ar.d. that street lighting facilities along Simrons Avenue sha13 be installed as required by the Director of Public Utilities and in acco~ice with starx3arcl plans anl spec;~fications on file in the Office of the Dixector of Public Utilities; ar~d that a boncl in an amount and fonn satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation oE the above-mentioned rec;uisenents. 3. That the owner(s) of subject pronerty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the stm~ of 60 cents pcr front foot alonc; Sismnns Avenue for tree planting Inirposes. 9. That subject rroperty shall Ue developed substantially in accorciance e~ith plans atul specxEications on file with the City of Anaheim marked EXhi]~it Nos. 1 arxi 2. 5. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, and 3, above-mentioned, sha].1 Ue canplied with prior to the cam~r:ce~nt of the activity authorizod urxier this resolution, or prior to the time that the buildi.ng ;'~n^;t is issued, or wit~in a periocl of one year fran date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Pl~ning Cotmussion and/or City Council mzy grant. 6. That t1~e petitioner has stipulatod the rear yarci storage area will be oiled to keep down the dust. 7. That the petitioner has stipulated to the storage of no m~re than ten (10) trucks or tractors at any one time. B. That the requested waiver has been granted for a p~sial of one (1) year. ~ . Tf~ FpP.E00aIG FtESOLUPI0:1 is signod and apprwed by m° this 8th day of Decani.rs, 1975. S/L'1 d Farano~ ~/~ . QIAIR~+,N, ANAHiFi 1 CITY P ING OQ"~IDIISSIC7f1 ATPEST: S/Alet1~ SF)Q~Tl~RY PFi~ Tf~3~9PORE At~Itd CITY PLAt7:1ING O~:~P~'QSSZON ST11T.°. OF CIILIFORt1IA ) COUNMC OF OFAtdC~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAI~IM I I, Aletha Burgess, Secretary Pro Tettr.ore of the City Planning Camussion of tne City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed arxl adopted at a meeting of the City P].anning Cartnission of the City of Anaheim, held on Decsnbex 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., k7y the follaaiux3 wte of the manbers thereof: AVF4: COt~~RSSI~kIEFtS: BARNES, FARAtJO, I~R6ST, KING, JOFLNSCJN~ D'DAL~.~:Y, TOIT~R NOFS: OCY~'A'tISSIOIJGRS: NQNE .AFiSEt3T: CON6+IIS5IOIIERS: NOt~ IN WITtg'SS WF~3iDOF, 2 have hereunto set niy Ix~ncl this 8th day of Dec~~er, 1975. Ci ~S~IU~~ . 5/Aletha Burgess SE~PARY PRO 2a~4FORE ANAF~INI CITY P~]IIlG OOP'A'BSSION -2- RESOLVPION N0. PC75-257