PC 75-259~ ~ FiESOLiTPIOtJ N0. PC75-259 A RESOLiJrIO*] OF THE CITY PLAkIl4ING ~'QSSId:I OF Tf~ CITY OF ANAf~IM Tf~,T PL•TITIOi~ E'OR VAR7~L]CE I~. 2761 BE QtANPID Wf~i~AS, the City Planning Crnmisiscm of the City of Anaheim did receive a verifiecl Petition Fbr Variance fran DL•'~/F.RITY L. C~IDIG;, 535 Jeanine Street, Anaheim~ California 92806 (Ownes) of. cPStain real pro~~sty situated in the City of An~heim~ County o£ Orange, State of California descri}x~d as: Lot 41 of T:.-act I3o. 41II2 as per rhip thPSeof remrdcx: in Pc~!: 1A8, p~zqes 2f and ~7 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California... WF~12EFtS, the City Planning Carmission did l~olcl a~rahlic t~-~'irx7 at ~he City Hall in tlze City of Anaheim on i~ecanber A, 1975, at 1:3~ p.m„ notice of said public: hearing tYZVing be~ duly given as r~uired hy law ancl in acmrc ~Znce 4tiU~ t'.xa provisions of the 1lnaheim Municipal Caie, Clv~nter 1~. ~3, to liear vx] consi•.ler. evicienee for anci against said proposod variance anci tn investigate anci ma}:e firtiiinns and reoa~x3ations in connection therewitli; and Wf~REAS, said Camiission, after. due inspection, investihation arxi stuciy mac3e by itself and in its behali-, ani after due wnsidPration of all eviclence arxi reports cf£ereci at saicl hearing, does fini and detennine the .°o11a:2ix3 facts: 1. That the petitinn~s requests a variance £ran the Anaheiritdunicipal Cocle to pesmit an existim~ qarage conversion with waiver of: SDCr20t7 18.2G.066.011 - Minimian nianber of enclos~i parkisx snaces. 2 spaces rec~iir.ed; none existuig) 2. That there are ~xceptional or extraorclinary circ~snstances or oonciitions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the proper.ty tJ~at do not apply generally to the px'opesty or class of use in the same vicinity arr1 zone. 3. That the request~i variance is necessary for the prescrvation arxl enjoyment of a substantial praperty right possesseci by other pmperty in the s~ne vieinity and zone, and deniaci to the pz+operL•y in cNestion. 9, That the requestecl variance will mt he materially detr~tal to the public w~elfare or injurious to the property ~r improves~ents in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 5. That the petitioner has stipulated the garage cornersion will rot be used for arrtnercial p~arposes. 6. That the petitioner has stipu].ated to oanplying with Buildin9. Housinq, Pltmibing, ~lectrical, Mechanical a~ Fire Caies of the City of 1,naheim, bY o~~T~4 necessary ~*'^~;ts and inspections. 7. That four (4) persons appeared in opposition to subject Peta-tion. IIdNIF~II+~7~AL IMPAGT REE~FYP FII~DING: That the Director of the Planning Departrmnt has detennined that the pLVposed activity falls withi.n the defuution of Section 3.01, Class 1 af the City of Anaheim (liidelines to the Requiranents for an F~vurorunental Impact Report ar~d is, therefore, categorically nca~t fran the requiret~ent to file an EIR. NC1W- TE~I~RE, BE IT RESOLVEU that the Anat~~eim City Plannin4 Carmission does herelr,+ grant subjECt Petition for Variance, upon tt~e followi.ng coru3itions 'ahich are hereby fourrl to be a necessary prerequisite to the prUposed use of the subject pmperty in order to preserve the safety ami general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Analieim: 1. Plans shall be s~~kmittecl to the Building Division showin4 oanPlfance wit'~ t}~e mini~mae starr3ards of the City of Anahe3~n, inlcuding the Unifoxm Buil.din4r Plunbing, Electrical, Housing, Mechanical and Fire Cales as adopted k~y the City of P.naheim, The appropriate p~anits shall be obtained for ruiy necessaty work. RESOL(1PICk1 N~. PC7~r259 ~ ~ 2. That subject propertY shal.l be developed substantially in acoordance with plans ani specificati.ons on file with the City of Anaheim marked F~hibit Nos• 1 airl 2. 3. That the petitioner has sti.pulated tlie garage conversion will not be usod for oortrnscial pun~oses. Tf~ ~REOOI2~G RESOLtlrION is signeci arni approved tN me this flth day of Decenber, 1975. S/Floyd Far~ ~'ie9~ CfU1IF8~WJ, AN}\h~t CITY PI~1~7IP1G G17f4tISSI7:i ATTFSP: (L~~~~~ ~ s,~i~tetha surqess SF7L'HI:.TI~1Z1C PRD TF2'~OF~ _ ANAHEIM CITY P7~IIdIIdG 001~PIISSI(7IJ SPI~TE OF C1~T~FOFd1IA ) ~I7C OF ORAtJGE ) ss. CITY OF AI~I~IM ) I, Aletha Hurgess, Secretaxy Pro Ter~ore of tl~e City Planning Carmission cf the City of Anaheim, do herehy certify that the foregoirxJ re.9olution we-s ~~asal nncl adopted at a mer_ting of the City Planning Ccmnission oE the City of l~naheim, held on Decent~x 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follaving vote of the r~N~ers thereof: AYES: COHP~TSSTOI~RS: BFIF~IF'S, JOHIdSUl~I, KIbIG, 'PnIAR, FARAT~ NOF•S: COhRJIISSIONERS: IiEF~1ST, NARIEY ABSII~TP:. ~SSIGPIF'.RS: NQdE II~I WITt~SS Wf~'~RDOF, S have heseunto set my hanci this tith day of Ik ck~cc3nber, 1975. ~ S/AleL~r~~~ ~ RD ~ RE pNpf1EIM CITy pIA*1NIt7G 07~'[+ffSSTON -2- F~SOIx7MQd N0. PC'i'S-259