PC 75-26.d A~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC%5-26 A RESOLUTION OF 1'HE At~AHEIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSIAN DENYING ANO RE~QMMFNDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMAHEICI DENIAi. OF REQUEST FOR STREET INAME CHANGE - STATE COLLEG[ 60ULEVARD ~IHEREpS, a zequesz was sabmitted by the President of the California State Univer56ty aL Fuller~on proposfing to change the name of State Coll•ege Boulevard to UnAVersity Bs~ulevard, extendJng ChrouQh t.he ci[ies of Anaheim and Fullerton to its 'term9n~s at Imperial Highway; an~ ~1HER"E/~S, a previaus rzquest fof ~he sub}ECt name change was considered by the Anaheim City C~uncif and on NbvPmber 14y 1972, 1he malority on said Councii, reroembRrimg the name ofi the street had 'oeQn chan•ged from Placentia Avenue to State College Bou?evard anpsa~ximately tem ye.a;rs prior, were opposed xo any further change of the name on 'the basis of the sY<pense property owners and businessus wouid ?ncur ~iy such a cha~ge and, Yhe.reupon, dec.ITned scheduling a public hearing on the is5ue; however, Councilman Tham (presentl~ the MayorJ~ reyuested that the record show that he did not oppose the holding of a ~publ'fc hearing on the request; and WHER€AS, ihe Anaheim Ci2y Planriing Commission did hold a`ubli6 hearing a[ the City N~11 in the Lity ~f Anaheim oro February 3, ~975, at 1:30 p.m., naticc ot' sairb p~ubl~G h~aring t,s~ing been duly given as req~ui~ed hy law and in accorda!ice wixh t'he prov~sion~ of tY~~ Anaheim Mun(cipal Code, to hear and conslder evidence Sor a»d agait~5t safd proposal an~J to investigate ancl make findi~gs ancl recor.!~endations tn cunne~ctior therew~th; ~nd WHEREAS, ~akd Ldrtiraissinn afier~due inspect6on, in~>estigaCion and study made by itself and in its ~enalf, and after-;iue consideratiort of all evidence and reports af~er~ed a: satd pub~ii: hear~n~y, 1~0E5 •HEREBY FIND: D. That 'Ehree 1;3) ~~tte~s we~e received in oppasition to the pcoposed street mairr~ ch~nge. Z, Th~t six (6} n~ersans apWer~red at said Hublic hearing i~ opposition tc the prr~p~seci ~stra:eC nan~ c~hanye, rep:ese~ting approximately ten (10) persons pi•esent in c,ppos•itOon, 3, 7hat undc;e expenses would he incurred to the City of An<~heim for new street ider+tification~stg.rrs, incl~-~ding st~~dard street name si,yns and mast-arm street n~me sigms attacihed to traffic signal standards. 4~ Thati b~~5ir,eSSes and e~esidents along State College Boulevard would incur undue expens~s ~ar new check.s, stationery, advertising brochures, forms, etc. ~, 7hat there would be confusSon during the transition period ~f several years. b„ that the reasons Frr the pr~posal are not adequate. ~Ip;~?, 1'HERErt~RE, fiE YT Rf5i:WED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herc~~,y deny ane' s~corr~nene~s to the City Council denial of request for street name change for State College Boulevard, on the basis of the foregoiny findings. `HE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me thi 3rd~3y of February, 1975. ~~ HA RMAN AN E CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST; ~ ' .~ ,~ ~~,J SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RFSOLUT)ON 'N0, .~c75-z6 ~ --;~ ' ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia B. Scanla~, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that 'the foregoing resolution,was passed and adopted at a meetiny of the City r^lanning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held bn February 3, 1975, at 1:30 o'clock p.m., by the foli~v:ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, GAUER, JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE , ABSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSTAINi COMMISSIONERS: HERBST IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of February, 1975. ~~~~~J~ ,~n~~,N-/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -Z- RESOLUTION N0. PC75-26