PC 75-260• ~ ~ r F21'.$~I,UfI0I1 IdC1. PC75~ ~60 A RESOLVPIOt1 OF TlIG CPiY PI1~iTi1ING CONP~Q~SIOT] OT` TE~ CITY OF A13FNEI [ 1ii11i PITTTIO?I FI~R VARIAT]C~ P~. 27F,2 P~ Gft1L7:Ef) t~i~;ItFAS, the City Planning Crnnission oF the City of Anaheir~ d: d receive a verific~] Petition for Variancc f.ran IIOLIllT~Y IWtI3~P ]1PA7I"R"Ti~, •140 W. ~range~xxx7 Avenue, Anaheim, California ~?.302 ((~mer) ; RnPTRT t~l. i1YLf)r, 157Q I:. ..7th Strc~:t, Suite A, Santa Ana, California 97.7~1 (Agent) of crs~iin real prc~sty sit iatc~31 in the City of An~}ieim, County of Or~ne~e, State of Calif~ornia descrilxxl as: Tract I4o. 5302 ar~d Lot No. Z of t7iscel~.srtc:rnis Mans, HooY, 195, Pacres 3~ ar ] 31. SJf~l2G~S, the City Pl~nnisx3 Camussion Qid ]nld a~ublic hearirx at the City I1a11 in the City of Analieim on i)ecc~er 8, 1975, at 1:3Q p.m., notice of said Inil~lic hearing having l~een duly qiv~n as rec7uired lry la~~~ anci in acoorc xnce witli die provisions of the Anaheim :~'Ainicipal Caie, Chapter 1^.~3, to hear and mnsicler evidence for and against saul proposeci variance and to investi~ate and ~a}:e firr3inqs and reoartneniations in connection t1~~ere~aith; and ~~I~IIl'115, said Crnmission, after due inspection, irnestigation , v~d stur3y mac:e kr+ itself arxi in its belialf, an3 aft~s duc mnsideration of all evid~ce and re~rts offerecl at said hearing, does fiixl arrl deternune the follawinc~ facts: 1. That the pe.tition~s requests a variance fran the Anaheim t~nicipal Code to pezmi.t an existing sign with waiver of: SF•~PIO;d 18.QS.OE30.030 - Maxitman sign <-tirea. (~2Q ~s e f~at permittai; 6Q sr~uare ee~t proPo~ed) ~ 2. Tl~at there are exceptional or c~ctraorclinaxy circ~a:istanais or corditions a~licable to tl~e pmperty inwlved or to the interx]«1 use o£ the pa~pesty that do rx>t a~ly generally tn the Property or class of use in the same vicinlty and .^.one. 3. That the rec;uestc~d vaziance is necessary for the pre.sesvation and enjoyment of a substantial proMrty right possessecl hy other propPSty in the same vicinity arci zonc, a~xl denie.~ to tlie property in c7uestion. 9. That the requestFxi variance will not be materially d~~trimental to the public w~elfare or injurious ~:;. the property or im~rovm~ents in such ~~icinity ard zone in which the ProPertY is loca:., •i. 5. That the Camussian has detetminod the existing siqn i: non-confo~, ani the permit was issued prior to acioption o£ the Anaheim Sign ordir,znce. 6. That sl~ould property be sold in parcels other thc3n as at present, the requestc~cl variance would beocme invalid. 7. That no one uxlicated theii- pre.sence at said Ini.~lic hearing in oTx.~osition, arr3 no corresponcience was receiveci in opposition to subjc~;t petition. I~NIIY9II•'II~~1T11L INh~ACP IiEPORT FIf1DING: That i:he Dixector o£ the Planninq DePartrnent has detetlnined that the proposeci activity falls within the definition of Section 3.(11, Class 11 of the City of Anaheim cl~idelines to the Rec~:isc3nents for an ~nviror~us-tal Impaet Rc~port a~i is- therefore, categorically exa~ frcm the requirmier-t to file an EIR. t~Uf,q, T~~pgE, H~ IT IiTSOLVE~ that the Anaheim City Plaru ~ing Cartnission does hereby grant subject Petition £or Variance, upon the following corditions which are here]7y fourtii to be a necese,axy prerequisite to t~ie proposed use of the subject pmperty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That subject property shall be developed substanti.ally in accordance with plans aixi specification: on file with the City of Anaheim marked Echibit Nos. 1 arxl 2. 1~SOTJ7PIW *]C~. PC75-260 ., " ~ ~ ~ 2. That should pmperty be ~id in parcels other tian as~ at present, the requested variance would becane invalid. Tf~ FOREC~ING RESOLiltl(hI is signeci and approved by me this f3th day of Decenber, 1975. S/ F1 d Farano~~ / ,(~ /• CIIAIRN~AN~ NIAIS:Ii•1 CI'I'Y PLA;IIlIt~G CXJP9•tISSI~'R4 ATP~ST: 4e9G"i..r v~/ S/Aletha BurgesS SfiCREPARY PRO T13II'ORE AI~IM CIiY PLANIIII]G OOI~'PffSSIOId STAT~ OI' C}1LIFORIIIA ) COU[~PY OF ORANQ: ) ss. CITSt OF AtdAFiEIM ) I, Fletha Burgessr Secreta.!y Pro Tar~pore of the City Planning Crnmission of the City of Analieim, do hereby certify that tiie :Eoregoim~ re.solution ~,*as pass~ ancl aciopted at a rieeting of the City Planning Ccmiission of the City ~f Anaheim, held c~n Decent~es 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., t~ the follaauig vote of the menbers thereof: AYES: O~~Y~ffSSIONCFtS: BARIQES, FAIiP.DTO~ HERA~T~ KII]G, JOSIIdSOP1, 6'S~RLF•.'Y, 'P')LAR NnFS: CCYrA'IISSIdI~RS: NdNE p,ASENT: C(k'A7ISSIONERS: IIOI•IE • IIJ WIT[JFSS W[~F, I have hereunto set my hand this Rth day of I)ecenber, 1975. ~1~~.P.~f+~iv ~~~~/ S/Aletha Bur4ess Sf]CRLTARY PI20 Tf•~~RF. ANAHPII4 CITY PI7,NI1It~G CQ°T'QSSIO:I W2- ~SpLLTrIpN 2~1J. P~75-~60