PC 75-261~ ~ RESOLiTPI0i1 N0. PC75-261 A RESOLUTI0IQ OF Tf~ CITY PLAIIIQIl4G Cl'INR~QSSICR•I OF TfIE CITY OF AIAHEI[•2 TI~,T PL•TITION FOR VARiADY'•.E N0. 2763 SE GRAIITL•'t~ wE~RF11S, the City ?lanning Carcnission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verifiecl Petition for Variance Eresn AI~IFIEIM HILIS, IIdC., 380 Anaheim Hills Road, Anaheim, California 92802 (Owner}; C. A. REYNOLDS, Civil Engineerr Inc.r 3001 Redhill Avenue, Esplanade ~~I, Suite 215, Costa Mesa, California 92626 (Finginees) of. cer.tain real pro~.sty situat~ in tl:^- City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California descri.bed as: • PARCEL 1: Lot 52 tknrough 72-inclueivo, 84 tnrough 88 inclusive, 41 thsouqh 121 inclusive, D, and thos~ portions of Lots 51, 73, 74, 83, 90 and C lying Eaaterly of the following described line: Beginning at a p~ant in the Northerly line of said tract, said point being the ~asterly terminus of that cartain line shacan as having a bearing of South 76° 23' 40" West and a distanca of 403.98 feetr fhence South 76° 23' 40" West along said line 168.78 feet; thence South 13° 36' 20" East 920.18 feet to a point in the Southerly line of said trac~, said poi.nt being East 267.64 feet from the Westerly terminus of that certain lina shown as having a bearing of East and a distance of 862.00 feet on the map of said tract, all being part of Tract No. 819Z in the City of Anaheim, County of OxangQ, State of California ae ahown on a map recorded in nook 339, page 41 through S5 inclusive o£ Miscellaneous Diapa, records of said Orange County. PARCEL 2:" That portion a£ Sections 7 and 18, Township 4 South, Range 6 West in the Fiancho Santiag~ De Santa Ana, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, being also a portion of the land allotted ta Paulg Peralta lle Dominguez, as described in the Final Decree of partition of the Rancho Santiago De Santa Ana, which wae entered Septomber 12, 1868 in book "B", page A10 af Judgments of tha Dis~trict Court of the 17th Judicial Diatrict, in and for L'as Angelea Couuty, Galifornia deacribed as £ollows: Beqinning at a pcint in the Northwe~terly line of thati certain land allotted to Benjamin and Thomas I`lint and Llewellyn Bixby in the partition of tha Rancho Santiago De Santa Anu, distant thereon North 35° 50' 38" East, 3341.66 feat from the Northaast corner of the land clescr.ibad in the Deed to Santiago Farmers Association, Recorded in book 98, page 544 of Deeds, in the office of 'th~ County Recorder of Los ~ingelea County, Californi.a; thence leaving aaid Northweatarly line, North 54° 09' 22" West, 1534.53 feet to the Southeasterly terminus of a non-tangent curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 500.00 f~eeti, a radial line of said curve bears South 64° 47' 16" West through said points thence Northerly along said curve through a central angle • oE 25' 38' S0" an arc distance of 223.81 feetj thence tangen't North 0° 26' 06" Eas~, 341.42 faet to a tangent curve ooncave Southwe~etarly and hxving a radius of 500.00 fQetf thence Northwesterly along said curve through a cantral ang1Q of 45° 29' 35" an arc distance of 397.00 faetj t}!~+~nce tanyent North 45° 03' 29" West, 335.15 fsetj th~nccs South 44° 56' 31" West, 333,96 fe~t to a tangent curve concave Northweaterly and ha•ving a radiua of 2000.00 fsets thence Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle o£ II° 15' Si": an are dietance of 288.47 feett L•Yience tangent South 53° 12' 22" West, 912.31 fact to a tangent curve chncave North weaterly and having a radius of 1200.00 feetj thence South- westerly along said curve, through a central angle of 24° 42' 43" an arc distance 517.57 feet to the true point of beginning of the land lierein desaribed; a radial ljne of eaid curve beara ~outh :.2° OA' 55" East through said true point of beginnings t1'-ence continuing Southwesterly aloncl said 1260-foot radius curve through a aentral angle of 6° 42' 22" an arc distance of Y40.45 Eeet; thence tangant South 84° 37' 27" West, 466.17 feet to the begfnning of a tangent aurve concave Southeastasly, having,a radius of 3.OU0.00 feetj thenca Southweaterly along saf.d curve through a central angle of 33° 23' S7" an arc distance of 582.93 feete ~:.SOIiTI'ION N0. PC75-261 ~ ~ thence tangent South 51° 13' 30" West, 405.93 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave rlorthwesterly having a ra3lus of 1006.00 feetj thence Sauthweste~ly along said curve through a central angle of 4° 16' 46'° an arc distance of 74.69 feet= thence South 34° 29' 49" Eaet along the prolongatioii oE a radial line of said curve, 34~1.96 feet= thence on s bearing of Sout3~., a distanca of. 276.00'feets thence South 76° 25' 37" East, 83~50 feetj thence South 3° 58' S1" East, 504.21 feet= thance North 56° 40' 26" East, 1321.,82 Eeet, thence North 44° 29' 00" Eaet, 333.31 feetT thence North 12° 39' 26" East, 241.88 feet; thence North 61° 25' 58" Wast, 181.7~ feet1 thence t~orth 5° 22' 33" Weat 376.34 feet to the true ~oint o£ b9ginnir+g. Z~f2EAS, the City Planning Cartnission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Decanber 8, 1975, at 1:30 n.m., notice of said publ.ic hearinq hav~nq been duly given as requised l7y law and in accorciance '^'ith the provisions of the Anahe~m r'lunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear arr3 rnnsider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate ancl mak~ findings a~xi recaRnenciations in wnnection therewith; and W[~REAS, said Caamission, after due ~nspection, investigation atrl study made by itself and in its 1~1~a1f, and a£ter due oonsideration of all e:i.dence and reports offereci at saici hearing, cloes find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests a variance fran the Anaheim Municipal Code to establish a 147-1ot, RS-5000(SC) single-family subdivision with waiver of: SECiIO:I 18.061.020 - biinimian lot widthe (50 feet required; 10 and 30 feet propose3) 2. That there are exceptional or extraordina'ry ciscwr~stances or w~tioa applica}~12 to the pro~sty involved or te the intended use of the property not apply gene~'ally to the Property or class of use in ths same vicinity and zone. 3. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation a~l enjoycnent of a substantial property right possessecl by other propesty in the s~ne viciru.ty ancl zcne, arsd denic~i to the pmperty in question. 4. That the requeste~i variance will not l~e materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvenetits in such vicinity atxi zcine in which tiie property is loc:ated. 5, That the requested ~ waivPSS are technical in nature and surrowxlirxJ properties are developed with similar uses and have been granted similar waivers. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition am3 no correspondence was received in opposition to subject Petition. ENVIROTII~F'iAL IIdPAGT RF.PURT FINDLNG: That Envirormental 7nq~act Report No. 1G1, suptilenenting hfaster F.rnisormental Tmpact Report No. 80, havinq been considered this date by the City Planni.ng Cairnission (evidence, both written and oral, presented to supplanent said draft EIR No. 161), the City Plannisx~ Ccmnission believes that said ciraft EIR No. 161 dces confozm to the City and 5tate (~idelines and the State of California E7rvirozaner-tal Quality Act, and based upon such infozmatien, dces hereby recrnmp...nd to the City Council that they certify said EIR is in canpliance with sai.d F.nviroT~ental Quality Act. ~(N,t~ TI~EtEFpI~; HE IT RE~OLUED that the Anaheim City Planning Camti.ssion does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the follawing oonditions which are hereby found to be a n~cessary prerec~uisite to the proposed use o£ the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this Variance is . granted :~ubject to the ca~letion of Reclassification No. 71-72-44, now pendiuxJ• 2. That subj~t propertY shall be developed substanti.ally in acoozdance vrith plans and specificztions on file with the City af Anaheim marked F~shibit No. 1. 3. That prior t~o the approval of the final tract map. petitioner shall su2mit fi.nal specific house and floor plans and elevati.ons to the Planning Ca~m.iesi.on for approval. -2- 1~SOL(7PIODI N0. PC75-261 ~ ~ T!-~ FOAEGOING ItESOLUPICN is signeci and approved by me this 8th day of Decenber, 1975. ~ l S/Flo Fara. CEg~.II~N ~ ANAi~ . CTTY ~ ING CtifM'IISSIGN ATIEST: S/Aletha Burgess SDCRL•TARY PRO TFl~9POAE ANPd~IM CITY PLANNING CONAIISSIOI] STATE OP CALIFOR~J7A ) ppUtJTSt OF ORANGG ) ss. crr~~c or• ~~rn~ ) I, Aletha Burgess, S~.~retary Pro Te~ore of the City Planning Camtission of ttie City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the ~oregoinq resolution was passed atr3 adopted at a meeting of the City Planr.ing Cami3ssion of the City of Anaheim, held on Decenber 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follo~wing wte of the manbers thereof: AYE.ri: C06'Y"IISSIOI~L2S: RAI2NES, FARAt]Or I~RBS7'r IC1tQG~ JOHI~SdN. A'Il7RIS:Y~ TOIAR NOL•S: C(2+P+~SSIQNERS: NCX~E ABSEEP77P: COt+RIISSIOI~RS: NOI~ It1 S4IZT]ESS S~1~OF, I have heseunto set my ]kvxi this 8th day of DecanbPS, . 1975. ~' /`C~ C/ ~~ S/Aletha Bur4ess ~7.'ARY PRlJ TEN~RE ANAI~IM CITY PTI~7NI[dG GCX~B~'lISSIODI ~ -3- RESOLUPIbN t3U. PC75-261