PC 75-262~ ~ ~ RESOLUPIdN N0. PC75-262 A RFSOLUPIOi•I OF Tf~ CITSt PLAI~~ING CONQ~7ISSION OF TIiE CITY OF AuAF~IPi THF1T PEPITIdN FOR VARIANCE N0. 2764 BE ~D Wf~S, the City Planning Canmission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verifiecl Petition for Variance £ran S900DBINE Q~~ORATI(T.1, 3303 Wilshire Boulevard, S~ite 700, Beverly Hills, California 90211 ((hmer) of certain real property situateri in tlie the City of Anaheim, Caunty of Orange, State of California descri.t~ed as: T(~,T PORPIOIQ OF SECPIOId 7, B~1ND 18, TCX~[~SHIP 4 SOUPH, RAIdGE 8 VJEST, B~ TN~ RATdCSI S.~dTIAGO DE SANfA ANA, CITY OF ANP,IIEIM, COU[~TY OF ORANC~, STATE OE CALIF'ORNIl~.r BEII~G AI.SO A PORTIOid OF TI-~ LAND Ar.rrn~~ID TO PAUTA PERALTA nF•. Dckffi~QUEZ, AS DFSCRIBF9 IN Tf~ FII7~I, DECREE OF PAI2PITIO:J OF TIiG RAi1CI~I0 SFITIAGO DS SF1NI'A ANAr WFIICH 4R1S ~1^iSRED SEPTF!'IBER 12, 1868 IPI BOOIC "13". PAC,E 410 OF JUDGP^"~PtIS C~F Tf~ DISTRIGT COUIZP OF TI~ 17t11 .7UDICIAL DISTRICP. TiQ AidD FOR L~6 AZI(~I,ES Q7UNPYr DESCRIBID ~~~'~: SEGINtdI[]G AT A POIb1T IN TIIE NORTIII~STERTY LINE OF Ti~T CERTAIN L?1ND AT~fJITID TO SF.I~LTP,MIId AND TEIOi~AS FLINT NdD LLE~4II.LYN DI}~3Y IN TIiE Pe'~RTITION OF Tf~ RAA1CEi0 SANTIAOJ DE SANTA At~,~ DISTAtT TI~N IJO3~"iII 35° 50' 38" F1~.ST, 3341.66 Ft~T FfdX~7 THE NORTEIEAST COIS]ER OF T!-lE LAND DESCRIBID IN Tf~ DEm TO S11N.PSAGO FARMERS ASSOCIATION, RIX.'ORDID Itd BOOK 98, PAGF. 544 OF D~S, IN TIiE OFFICE OF Tfk: COi7[aPY I2~C)RDIIt OP LOS ANC~LES COUNTY. CALIFOR[IIA: Tf~dCE LFAVING SAZD NOI~CAWESTEf2I,Y LIbIEr NO?rPA 54° 09' 22" ~REST, 1534.53 FSEP TO T[~ SOUI~ISTERTY T~RI~'12i1US OF A I~0'iQ~PANGII~"i' CUFn'E C~N('AVE NpR~E~A~TII2I,Y AND HAVING A RP,DIUS OF 500.00 F~P, A RADIAL LIA]E OF SPID CURVi: FiF.A'~, SOUPfi 64° 47' 16" ~~EST, TI~IItOUQi SAID POINT; Tf~[~1CB I~ORTE~Y AI~kIG SAID CIJRVE THI~tJGH A ~C~~'i7~1~I, ADY.~ OF 25° 38' S0" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 223.81 FEEP: TF~JCE TANC~P NJF2Tfi 0° 26' 06" F11.ST, 391.42 E'EEP 7t~ A TP,P]Gi1lP CIJRI7E CONCA~IE SOUPHf'7ES~RI+Y AND HA~I['1~ A RADIUS OF 500.00 FEEP: Tf~ICE NOIYI4~t'~ES1~'~RLY P.IIRQG 5AID CURVE THItOL~FI A CENTf2AL ANGI~ OF 45° 29' 35", AN AI~ DISTAt~CE OF 397.00 FEEr; TAE:dCE TANGII~T I~RTFI 45° 03' 29" ~~ESP, 335.15 FEET; THENCE SOLTrH 44° 56' 31° F1EST, 333.96 FF.ET ~ A TANGII~fP C[JFtVE COIJCrlVE NORTHWESPERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 200Q.00 FE~'P: Tf~[~ SOU~it~'FSTERTY AiANG gAlp C[JRVE THI',~UQi A CEf7PRAL ANGLE OF 0° 04'06", AN ARC DISTANCT. OF 2.3$ F1~~T TO Tf~ TRUE POINT OF S~GIN[r'ING; Tf~I7CCE CONiI'i~UING AIfJNG SA.ZD CUFRIE Tf~i A CQ~'PRF1L ANQ~ OF 3° 56' 33" AN AI~ DISTANCE OF 137.62 FEe.C; TI~IC~ SOLlPH 41° 02' S0" EAST A7ANC; TI-1~ PROLONGATI(R~I OF A RADIAL LINE OF SAIU CURVE, 40.00 F~T: Tf~'E SOLTPFi 9° 36' 32" ET~ST, 242.41 FEEP; Tt~.'^ICE SnUP[i 39° 35' 49" WEST, 548.3.ri FT•ETF TI~K~: F~i7TfI 6° 17' 26" WESP, 127.77 FEEi; TI~~QCCE SOUPH 62° 23' 08" ~~EST, 537.19 F7~T; TF~3CE SOilrti 46° 15' 16" WEST, 290.68 FEb~; THE[JCE SOUPfi 71° 41' 30" T+7EST, 143.25 FEEP; TF~ NC)nPH 61° 25' S8" «:ST~ 181.70 FEEP: TIIE[JCG N~f~PH 5° 22' 33" WESTr 37fi.34 FEE7Pr 'i`n X1 POIt7P Itd A IyON-TAt~IN.C CURVE C,~VE NOFi~iH1EST~'RTY At~ID HAVING A RADILIS OF 12Q0.00 F~T AT WHICH POINT A RAD71iL LTVE OF SAID CURVE I3EF+R5 SOifPH 12° 04' S5" FAST: TFIF1`7C~ ~p~~~,Y pJp~,+G ~A~ ~f,TRVF Tf~tp[TQi A~Tft7~L ANG~E OF 6° 42' 22" AN ARC DISTI~t~]C~ OF 140.45 FFEr; TI~ICl' ~'rNGEt7f SOUrH 89° 37' 27° WEST, 466.17 fEET RlU A TAt~TP CtJFYVF. COYCpVF SpilPf~',AS'.C~RLY AND 1::VSf]G A RADIUS OF 100~.0~ FEEr; TFffNC.~ `'.~(TPf1WFS' 'P~RI,'Y ATANG ~ID CC.TItVE T~2pUGH A CQ~rrRAI, ADIGLE OF 33° 23' S7" AN AI~ DISTANCE OF 582.93 FF.•Er: TI~[dCE TANGIIJT SOtTPfi 51° 13' 30" WEST. 405.93 FF~I' 'It~ A~ CURVE ~VE NpF~PF1f+~STERLY AND I?'A~TING A RADTUS OF 1000.00 F~Ef; TI~DICE S~LT~WESTL~I.Y AiANC SAI~ ~I7FtVE THI~C~i A C"~r;,~'I72AL 11NQE OF 25° 10' 10" AN ARC DISfATICE OF 439.29 FE~I'; TFI~3ICE SOtTPH 76° 23' 40" WEST. 354.94 FEEr: TI~`1CE Np1iTEI 13° 36' 20" WES'P, 280.00 FGF7Py Tf~~7CE SOU.CH 76° ;!3' 40" WESP, 297.00 FEEP: TF~ICE S~i]T[i 58° 44' 00" N1EST, 277.92 FF~Er; TF~[~ NOI2TH 31° 16' QO" FTEST. 295.47 FEEf TO A~,t~7GII~1T CURVE C~I('AVE NpgT[~F1ST~RLy AND HAVIDIG A RADNS OF 969.00 FE~P; N017PH WFS~Y ~~ ~D ~E Ti~UQi A CII1IZtAL ANCZE OF 4° 59' 36" AN ARC DIS1APtCCE Ox' 8a.45 FL•'ET.; Tf~ICE TAI~T NOFrPfi 26° 16' 24" FTEST, 32A.13 FEEr; THEt1CE NOF~'F: 63° 43' 36" EA.ST, 2Q0.66 FEH.~; TF~~CE NO17PH 75° 59' 53" P.AS"T, 400.10 FEEP; TF~ICE b10F~rH 5° 06' 39" WEST, 361.63 FF~p; THI3VCG NOT~TH 25° 32' 54" WES'Pr 201.73 F~'EP7 Tf~6IC~ NOKPFI 75° 45' 02" WF'.ST~ 65.00 FEE.T: TFIENCF. NORTH 6° 00' 00" WEST, 88.77 FEEP TO A POINf IN A NfR~I-TANC~ylP CpRVE COt~CAVF; NpRTF~RI,Y pND SAVIIQG A RADIUS OF 600.OQ FEET AT WFIIQi POINP A RADIAL ISt~ OF SAID CUFtVE BEARS SO(TPfi 6° GO' 00" F11ST: TF~ICE FAa^TERLY AIpt1G SAID CURVE TfIROUQi A CII~TRAL ANGLE OF 20° 49' 45" AN ARC DISTAt~ICE OF 217.25 b'EET; TFID~ICE '~ NOFYPH 53° 15' 15" EASP, 50.00 F~EP; TE~NCE SOUrH 26° 4A' 45" F.AST, 60.00 FEGP; Tf~1CE SOUPfi, 50° 17° 05" F•AS'P, 341.85 FELT: Tf1ENCE SO[TPEi 6° 37~ 12° T1~.ST~ 24.50 F~P TO A TANC~~TT•CURVE CONC'AVE NOFZPf~EASTERLY AND HAVII~G A RADIUS OF 370.00 F~P: TFIFSSK~ ~~~Y ~~ID ~~ 1+~g~q; A~ p,N(7,E OF 28° 11' 35" AN ARC DISTAN(~ OF 182.06 FEEP; TI~NC~ AIf.7NG A LINE NCYP TANGINr ~ SAID CI]ItVE S~'7PH 36° 20' 18" EAST, 262.89 F'F~T; T!~[~CE ~RTfI 73° 17' 18" FAST, 399.74 F7EEP; T~~ t~~ 9° 57' 50" F~}1ST, 261.00 FEEP; TFIENCE I~FYPH 28° 08' 10" EAST, 212.06 FF~:P: TAENCE SOiJrH 56° 55' 15" F•AST, 158.00 FEEP: THEt~ NORTH 70° 29' 26" F.AST, 422.88 F'g,T; Tf~]CE NOI~IRi 28° 36' 38" EAST, 137.83 FEEP: Tf~ bN A HEA~2IN~ OF EA.ST, 276.00 FEEP; TFTi[~l(;E ' SOUI.'H 71° 19' S9" EASTr 156.i'l FEEPi ~~~ ~~ 63° 56~ 40" EAST~ 5t~.09 F~'i': RESOIxTrldN N0. PC75-262 ~ ~ TI~~CE NOFrPH 20° 09' 27" EAST~ 252.46 FEEP; Tf~?~ N~RTH 59° 05' 35" EAST, 171.33 FEET; Tfll~1CE ON A BF.ARING EAST, 200.0~ FF.h~: TtTENCE S~iTPFI 57° 23' 06" FASP, 23?.46 FEIiT; THG[~TCE ~~TE^ifi 63° 26' 06" F.Abfi, 223.61 F~I'; TlIEt3c~ SOiT~fi 76°~1~ 69°1129~5 " 448.94 FE~~; Tf~IGE NOIYPH 62° 08' 06" EAST, 276.00 F'F'£T; ~~ EF~ST, 168.78 FF.Er: TtII:TJCE SOUPIi 44° 59' 23" EAST, 180.02 FL•'Ei ZO TIIE R'RUE POINT 0~' BEGItTdIIv'G. WE~E~S, the City Plannirig Ccnmission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in Uie City of Anaheim on Decanber 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to I~ear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance anl to investigate and make findings and recarn~endations in connection Y_herewith; and WHEI~7~.S, said Caimission, after due inspection, investigation and study mzcle 2r1 itse].f ani i.n its behalf, and after due consideraticn of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, dces find and detesmine the fol].owing facts: 1. That the ~etitioner ra3uests a variance from the Anaheim Municipal Cale to establish a 31-lot, 30-unit RS-5000(SC) single-family s~il~division with waivPS of: a. SEGTICJN - Min3m~rR lot oriflth. (50 feet reqwred; 15 feet, 20 ~eet proposed) b. SECPION 1E.27.065.010 - Requ:iranent that singlrf~ni~structures rearron arterlal Ing}iways. (2~ots proposeci to ~ide-on an arteri.al'~Iv.9lnsaY) 2. That there are exceptional or extraordinary cixc~anstarices or :~nditi.c:as applicable to the proPertY in`~lved or to the intencled use of ~e property tha:. do not apply generally to the property or c~ass of use in the same vicini;.y and zone. 3. That the requestecl variance is neces.sary for the preQrxvation and enjoyment of a substantial property right poss~ssed by other p='ol~ertY in the same vicinity and zone, and denieci to the property in questi.on. 4. That the requeste3 variance will not be m;~terially detrimental to the public wel£are or injurious to the Froperty or improvcinents in such vicinity and zone in wt~ich tlie propertY is located. 5, That the requested vraivers are technical in nature and surrou~li.n~J properties are developed w2th similar uses and have Ueen granted similar waivers. 6. ~hat no one irulicated their presenc~ at said public hearing in oppos~.tion, and no wrrespondence was received in opposition to subject petition. II7VIIb'~II~[1PAL Ii~~ REPOFQ EII?DIldG: That ErroirurmienYzl 7mpact Rc~ort No. 160, having l~een considered this date by tlie City Planni-iyy Cctirmission (evidence, both vn'itten and oral, presented to supplernnt said draft of EIR No. 160), the City Planning Crnmission believes that said draft o£ ETR tJO. 160 does wnfozm to the City and State Guidelines and the State of Californi.a F~virorrmezta]- Q.~alitY Act~ a~ based up°n such inf°rn~ation dces hereby reconmenr3 to ihe City Cauncil that they aerti.fy sai.d EIR is in oanpliance with said Ern,iroranenta]. Quality Act. ' PIC7r], TF~I~HE, SE IT RESOLVED thai the Ana'Zeim City Plannisx3 Ccnmi.s~ion ~S }~~y gxant subject Petition for Variance, upon the follewing conditions which are hereby founci to be a necessarv prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property ir, order tA preserve the safety and general wel£are uf the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this variance i, granted subjeGt to the amPletion of Reclassificati.dn No. 71-72-44, r~aw P~ndin4• . 2. That subject ProPertY shall be developed substantially in accordance Wi}~ planc anci specificati.ons on £ile with the City of Anaheim marked Eychibit No. 1. 3. That prior to the approval of the final. tract mapr ~ PetitioT~er shall Sn~,n;ti final specific 1»use atri floor plans arid elevations t~a the Planning Casmission for approval. ~ -2- HESOIdTrICJN N0. PC75-262 ~ 0 Tf~ EU12Ep0Il~]G RESOLUrION is signed and appmved by me this Bth day of Decenber, 1975. S/F1 Far ~ • ~ CFIAIRMANr ANAI~ CITY P7}.,NNII'K'i Cl~'A'1LSSION A7TEST• ~//j~ L~Q.~ i ~aVGt/%L~/jt('.6~ S/P.let.i~a Burgess V SECREI'AFtC PRO TEMPnRE AT~11i~~I CI'PY PLAt~l~IIIG OQT~~'IISSIdN STATE OF' CAT.IF'ORNIA ) ~UNTSt OF• ORANGE ) ss. CITY QF e~S~Itd ) 2, Aletha Burgess, Secretary Pro Te~ore of the City Planning Carmission of tlie City of Anaheim, do hesel~y cdstify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetiny of the Cit~~ Planning Catm.ission of the City of Anaheim, held on DecanUer 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m.; kry the following vote of tl~e manbers thereof: AYFS: COtR~IISSIONERS: FAIZANO, f~~2BS'P~ KING, MURLEY~ RI~IAR I10ES: CONAIISSIC~~R.S: NONE ABSIIdT: GYxR~SSIOfIGRS: BP.Rt~'S. JOHIJSO:I IId WITi~SS WF~R~OF, I have hereunta set my har~d this 8th day of Decanber, 1975. S/Aletha Burgess SDCREPARSC Pltp TENLpORE AP~IM CITY PIAtaTIIdG ~SSION -3- EiF50IAPI0N N0. PC75-262