PC 75-266., r: ~ RESOLUTIOtJ IJO. PC75-2GG~ RESOLUTIOt! QF THE CiTY PLANtlING COMt415SI0N OF THE CITY OF AtJAHEiM TNAT PETITION FOR VARIAIICE P10. 2757 BE GRAWTE~, IN PART. 4!H[REo-15, the City Planninc~ Commiss(on of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance From JOIiN P. 6 h111UREEt~ H. YOU~IKItI, lliil Castlega[e Lane, Santa ~na, CA 3Z7~5 ~~Wners); I.P.S. - At[n: Ron Lomer, P.O. Dox 6348, Orange, CA ~7.669 {Agent) of certain real property s(tuated in the City of AnaHetm, County;of Orange, State of California described as: . THAT PORTfOt~ OF LOTS ~ AND 4 IG DLOCK 23 OF GOL.DEN STATE TRACi, AS SIIGWId OM A MAP THEREOF RECORDf•.D IIJ ROOK 4, P!1GES 66 AND 67 OF MISCELLANEOUS HAPS, RECORDS OF SAiD ORAtJGE CQUP~TY, DESCRiDED AS FOLLOb15: ~ COMMENCING AT T;~E (NTERS[CTI01l QF THE SQU?IIIJC•STERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3 WITH A LINE THA1' IS PtiRALLEL W1T11 At~D DISTA1lT WESTERLY 217.50 FFET MEASURED AT RIGNT ANGlF.S FROM THE G~STERLY LINE OF SI11D LOT 3; TIIENCE PIORTN 7° 26' 30" WEST ALOtlG SAID PARALLEL LItJE A DISTANCF. OF 361.90 FEET, SAID P91NT DL•I~If, TIIE TRUE POINT OF BEGI~I~IitlG; THEtICE SOUTII Ei2° 33' 30" WEST 230.12 FEET; Tf!E~ICE SOUTfi 29° 19' 30" WEST 132 • 1 b FEET TO A L I PIE TIIAT I 5 PARALLEL W I Tli ~~1D D I STl1NT PJORTHEASTERLY 20.00 FEET t1EASURED AT RIGHT l1NGLES FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY LltlE Of SAID LOT 3; THENCE NORTH 60° 4p' 30" 41EST IILONG SAID PARALLEL LI~IE A DISTAtiCE OF 3/6.31 FEET; TFIENCE IIORTII 7~ 26' 30" l~lEST 325.51 FEET TO TI1E SOUTfIERLY . LINE OF LAt7D D[SCRIBED AS PARCEL 2 I~l A DEED TO TIIE STATE Of CALIFORPIIA FILED ~ FEDRUARY 25, 1954 AS DOCUHENT M0. 28719, ~~! TIIE OFFICE OF TIIF. REGISTRAP, QF TITLES IPJ THE OFFICE OF THC COUtITY RECORDER OF ORAtdGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THF.NCE NORTf1 82° 33' 30" EAST G10.69 FEET l~LOPIG SAID SQUTtfERLY LINE AND ITS E~STERLY PROLOt4GATI0N TO A LINE TIiAT 15 PARALLEL WITf1 A~ID DISTAt1T WESTERLY 217.5~ FEET MEASUf;ED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM TIIE EASTERLY LIIJE OF SAID LOT 3; TI1EtICE SOUTH 7° 26' 30" [AST 444.86 FEET TO TIIE TRUE POINT OF BEGitltllNG. EXCEPTING TI~EREfRU11 TtiE bIESTERLY 145.00 FEET THEREOF t1EASURED IILONG PlORT11ERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS. ALSO EXCEPTltdG THEREFROFI THAT PORTIOP~ OF SAID LAND LYING PIORTfI AIID EASTERLY OF THE FOLL01•IING UESCRIOED LIt~E: COMMetICING AT A POItdT OIJ THE WEST LIMC Of THF. EAST 217.5C FEET OF SAID LOT 3 DlSTA~T ALOIJG SAfD lJ[ST LlNF., SOUTH 7° 19' 35" EAST, 36$.16 FEtT FR011 Tli[ NORTH LINE OF CAIJAL STRFET 25.00 fEET ~JIDE /15 511041t1 011 SAID 11/1P; 7fiEi:f.E IJESTERLY ALOt~G A NOP!-TANGEPJT CURV[ CONCIIVE ~IORTIIERLY 1111VItJG A PJIDIUS OF ~i948.Q0 F[FT FP.OM ~1 TAPIGEIdT WIIICt1 DEARS SOUTH 86° 07' ll" b1EST, l1Pl 11RC DISTAPICE OF 336.32 FEET TO TIIE NORTHERLY LIIlE OF THE Ll1tID DESCRIBED IIJ DEED TO FREE•WAY IHUUSTRI~L CENTER, It~C., RECORDED OCTODER 31, 19~3 IPI BOOY. 6706, PAGE+11 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at tlie CiCy Hall in the Ctty of ~naheim on December 22, 1975~ ~t 1:30 p.rr., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by l~ai and in ar..:ordance with the pro- visions of the Anaheim Municipa! CoJe, Chapter 1l3.03, to hn_ar and consider evidence, for and against sa(d proposed variance and to investigate and make findin9s and recommendations in connection therevrith; and ~•lHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its belialf, and after due cnnsideratlon of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine tlie follot•~ing Facts: 1. That the petitioner requests the foii~:~~ng taaivers from the Anaheim btunicipal Code, to construct a 112-unit apartment complex: (a) SECTIOf~ 1II.34.062.012 - Maximum Quiidin Hei ht. (One story permitted; T4+o-stories proposed - (b) SECTION 1a.34.062.~32 - tlinimum Floor ~4rea. (700 square feet required; ~}a4 and 50II square feet proposed RESOLUTIOtd N0. PC75-266 ~ ~ s (c) SECTION 18.34.OGfi - Requ~ired Site Screening. (Six-foot block wall required; none proposed) 2. ~That Waiver 1-a, abovr mentione3, is hereby ~ranted on the basis that ±he adjacent property to the south is developed with an oil ivell and oil storage facilities. The adjacent property to the west, althougii zoned RS-A-43,000(0), is developed with an industr•ial use and, therefore, two-story apartments are permissible within the 150-foot setback from said property. 3. 7hat Waiver 1-b, above-mentioned, is hereby granted for a minimum floor area of 484 square feet for 16 dwelling units and 508 square feei for 10 dwelling units. as proposed, on the basis that the Pianning Coranission has previously granted said waiver for efficiency (bachelor) type units, not to exceed 25~ of the total number of apartment units. 4. That Waiver 1-c, above-mentioned, was withdrawn by the petitioner with the stipulation that the required site screening of the southerly portion of subject property will be provided. 5. That the petitioner stipulated to eliminating four dwe119ng units in order to provide additional parking spaces on the northerly portion o~ the sub~ect property; and, therefore, approval is granted for a 108-unit apartment complex. 6. That the petitioner stipulated to aligning the easterly drive cut on •the southerly portion of subject property with the central drive cut un the north side of Jac~CSOn Street, sa:d a~ignment to be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 7. That the petitioner stipulated to terminatir~g Condit.ional Use Permit No. 1125 on the subject property. 8. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use,as granted, of the property i,hat do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 9. That the requesteci var9ance, as granted, is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantia] property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 10. Th~t the requested variance, as granted, will not be materizlly detri- nental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 11. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and no correspondence e~as received in opposition to subject petition. E'lVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FIfVDIPIG That the Anaheim City Planning Cormnission does hereby.recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the subject pro~ect be exempt from the require- ment to file an environmental 9mpact report, pursuar.t to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE, 6~ !T P,ESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Corrunission does hereby grant, in part, subject Petition for Variance, upon the followina con- ditions which are hereby foun~ to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to.preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the Ciiy of Anaheim: (1) That this Variance i.~ granted subject to the completion of Reclassifica- tion No. 75-76-15, now ~~endiny. (2) That thts Variance is granted subject to the termination of Conditional Use Psrmit No. 1125 on the sub~ect property. _2_ RE50LUTION N0, PC75-266 ~ ~ ~ (3) That subject property shall be developed sub~tantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; provided, fiowever, that this Variance is ~ranted for a 103-unit apartment complex; that site screening shall be provided on the southerly portion of ~he sub3ect property in conformance with Code requirements, as stipulated to by the petitioner; that four dwelling units shall be aeleted from the proposed development and replaced by additional parking spaces, as stipulatec~ to by the petitioner; and that the easterly drive cut on the southerly portion of subject property shall be aligned with the central drive cut on the Rti:!'th side of Jackson Street, subject to the ap{~roval of the City Traffic Engineer, as stipulated to by the petitioner. THE FOREGOIt~G HESOLUTION is signed and approved by me thi~ 22r.d day of Uecember, 1975. ~ -~~~ , 0 ATTEST: ~~ ~ SECRETAR , N HEIM ITY PLANNIt~G COMM SS ON STATE OF CALIFOftNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE jss. CITY OF.ANAHEIM ) _I,.Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Pianning Commission of the City of Anaheim, h~ld on Uecember 22, '1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the foilowing vote of the memb?rs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, HERBST, JOfINSON,.KING, MORLEY, TOi.;!R, FARANO NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haae hereunto set ir~y hand this 22nd day of 4ecember, 1975. ~ C~.~~.~ ~~.~.-' SEC ETARY,, N HEIM~ NNING COMPtYSS ON _3_ RESOLUTION N0. PC75-266