PC 76-100~ ~ rtcso~uTin~i r~n, PC7~-ln'1 A RESOLUTIOP~ QF THE AtIANEI!1 CITY PLA"UIIN~ COHMI5510'~ THAT PETITIOt! F~R VARIAPICE N0, 2R~~ BF ~RAt~TE~, I~~ Pnr.T. IJHE!tEAS, the Anaheim City Planninq Commissinn cii~i rrcPivr. a vrrified Petition for Variance from R~[3ERT AtdD f1~P,OTHY r,~nssF.ll. 1101 O.uail S[rr.et, Suite inn~ Nea~port Beach, Lalif~rnia ~12F~Q (Owners); R~~N HARTItI r, ASSnf.., 1"•^i NP~~~nnrt Boulevard, Costa Hesa, California ~?G27 and CR~b! PACIFIC pFVEL~PHE!!T C~"P~4~TIn'~, 2171 Campus Drive, Suite 33~, irvine, California ~771~ (/1~ents) nf cr.rtain r~~l property situated in the City of Ana!~ein, County of (lrannr., St.+.te of ~alif~rnia described as: PARCEL 1: ' Lots i Chrough 5~, 75 through °2, T^, A, R an~i thosr_ n~rtions ~f Lots ~1, 7', ?~', "3. ~0 and C, lyin~ Westerly of thr. East~rly line of thr, land drscrihr.d in thc exception from ttir. land describe~i in n Deed ~f Trust, rec~rded ~ctntier 31, 1^7^ in book lOhQ3, Page 921 of ~fficial Records, all beinn ~ ~art nf Tract ~~o. ^1^1, as shown on a'iap recordr.d in beok 33^, n:~pes ~~1 throu~h 1~~ incl~~sivr., c,° Niscellaneous '1aps, rrcords of said Orangr. County, California. WHEREAS, the City Plannin~ Commission did schedul~ a nuhlic tir:~rinq ~t the City Hall in the City of Anaheim ~n Itay 1~, 1^7~, at 1:3~ p.m.~ n~tice ~f s~i~t nuhlic hearing having been duly given as required by lat•~ anci in accor~lnncr ~•iitli the provisions of the Anaheim tlu~icipal Code, Chaptc:r 1".~13, tn hr.ar and cnnsider evidence for and aaainst said ~ronos~ed variance and to investig~te anri nal~.P fin~linas and recommendati~ns in connection therewith; safd puhlic hearing liavtnn h°-Pn continued to [he Planning Comnission meeting of Hay 2h, tA7~.; and UHF.REAS, said Commission, after duc inspection, inv~stiqati~n and stu~lv n~~r. by itself and in its hehaif, and after due c~nsideration of all evi~lence and rr,nnrts offered at said hearing. does find and determin~ the foll~~~in~ facts: i, That the petitioner proposes the follrn~ing waivrrs frnm [he An~h~im Municipal Code, to establish a 3~-lot, 33-unit RS-5~~~(SC) subAivision: a. SECTIQN 13.7.7.~(i1.921 - Mintmum lot ~aidth. b. SECTIOt1 1^,7.7.'1(~3.~12h - tllnimum aranc setback. (25 frr.t rPquired; 1Q ePt prnpos~~- e, SEf,TIOfI 13.7.7.~~5.~1~ - Rr, uirement that lnts rear-on arteri~l highwavs. ~ne stde-on lot pr~pocPd 7. That l•laiver 1-a, above-mentionn.d, aias eliminatr.d by the suhmissinn n` .+, ne~•~ tentative tract map prior to consider~tion nf tl~is it~m at thr. Plnnninn Cnmmi~sion public hearing. 3. That Waiver 1-h, ahove-mentioned, is herehy granted for one lnt on the basis that th^. petittoner stinulated to providing a three-car naraqe in acc~rrlancr. o-~ith all Code provisionsfor front-on garaves located closer than 25 fr.et t~ thr. frnnt property line. 1~. That Waiver 1-c, ahove-mentione~l, is hereby grante~l ~n tlir hasis that the affected lot (~lo. i on the tentative m~p) is at a qr~de rlevation of approx(mately four feet above the adJacent arterial liighway (Serrann /lvenue); an~i, furthcrmore, the Planning Commission has previously granted similar ~ia{vers. y. That the Planning Commisston ~Ines hereby recommencl to the CiCV Council that City Councll Policy No. ~33 requiring a forty ~!i'1) foot r~inimum huildinq sethacl- adJacent to arterial highways he ~•~aived t~ p~rnit the prnposed taienty-onc (21) fnnt sPtbick on Lot No. 1 of the tentativc map~ said lot hPing idjacent to Serran~ Avrnur, on tiie basis that slmilar waivers have prrviously he~n granted ~.~herP i arirl~ ~fiffcrential was present. ~,. That there ~re exceptional or extranrdinary circumstancrs er con~litinns a~plicable to the propcrty involve~l or tn the intended use, as ~r~ntr.d, nf tho ^,F.SnL!~71n!J Nr, n''~'-1~n . . ~ ~ property that do not apply generally to the prorerty ~r cl~ss ~f usr in th~ same vicinity and zone. 7, That the requested variance, ns ~rintr_d, is nrcr,ssary f~r thr. preservation and enjoyment of a substantial ~rn~erty rtAlit ~oase.ssP~1 hy ~thrtr property in the same vicinity an~1 zone, and ~fenied t~ the pr~perty in questi~n, $. That the requeste~i vari~nce, as ~lrantr.A, ~•~ill not he m:+trrially detrimental t~ the pu6lic o-~elfare or injurious t~ the aronerty ~r imnr~vemPnts in such vicinity and zone in which the nroperty is l~cated. 9. That no one indicated t`~eir presence at sa1~1 pul,lic hnarinn tn oppositinn; and no correspondence was rr.ceivr~i in ~ppositt~n to suh~ect nrtition. Et7V I Rntl!~Et1TAL I ~1PAC7 REPORT F I tl~ I HG: That Fnvironmental Im~act Report ~do. 175, sunolementina tt~ster Elr tlo. °^, having been considered this date hy the Anaheim Clty Planninn Comnissinn ~n~ evidence, both written and oral, havinq heen presentpd to sunplemFnt said ~ir~Ft EI' No. 175, the Planning Commission belleves that said draft EIR ~I~. 175 ~1nes con`nrn tn the City anrl State Guidelines and the Stite c+f Califnrnia Envir~nmr.ntal f1u~11tv Act and, based upnn such information, does hereby recommend to th~ City Council thnt thev certify said FIR is in conpliancr with said Fnvironmental RuTiity Act. ~7~U, THEREF(?RE, BE IT RESQLVED that the Anaheim f,ity Plannin~ C~nissinn does hereby grant, in part, suhject Petitlon for Varlance, un~n th~ °e+llrn•rinn conditicrns which are herehy found t~ he a necessary prerevuisite tn the prnnos~d us~ of the subJect property in order t~ ~reserve the safety and ~enera) welf~rr. ~f the Citizens nf the City of Anaheim: 1. That sub.j~ct property shall he devel~peA substantially in ~ccorclancc viith plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim m~rked F.xhih~t flo. 1; provided, however, that the minimum huilding sethack on Lot tio. 1 nf thr tentativ~ map shall be a minimum of forty (4~) feet adj~cent to Serrann Av~nue, per Citv Council Policy Ilo. 53'i, unless the City Council walves said pnlicy anci oermits thc proposed twentY~one (?.1) f~ot huildinn sett,ack f~r sai~l lot. THF FORE~OIN~ RESQLUTI0~1 is sirynPrl and apprnvr.d by me this ''.~~th day ~f Nay, 1976. ifi~'' l ~ 7~~~ir~r'~'d ci~niR~+n~T, ar~ r,er+ ciT'f PL/1~l~lltl^ c^~+~~issi^r~ ATTEST: C~ . ' ,~.~~,~, SECRETARY, ANANt I N C ITY PLAtltl I!r, COM~1 I SS I Otl STATE nf CALIFORtIIA ) COII~ITY OF ORI1t+GE )ss. C I TY OF APIAHE I N ) I, Patricia D. Scanlan, Secrrtary of the City Planninq f.ommissinn of the City of An~heim, do hereby certify that the forr.~ning resoluti~n r~as DASSC~I :+n~i adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Lommission of the City of Anaheim, hrld c+n tlay 24, 1976, at 1:3~ P.m., hy the follor~ing vote of the memhers thr.rF~f; AYES: COMM1551nHERS: BART~LS, ftEP,rST, K1Nr,~ TpLAR, f.neas~n NOES; COMMISSIOt7ERS: N~~IE ABSENT: CQMMISSIOHERS: JOFI~ISO~a, HORLEY IG WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this :'.4th ~1~y of !1ay, 1^7~. (/ti:.i~~ ~~C.~~Ct~c~ SECRETARY, ApAIIF I~~ C I Y~L11rlN I Hr, Cn~~~11 SS I n~~ -2. RF.S~UiTIDt! tIQ. PC7!-lnn