PC 76-107~ RfSOU~TInr! r~n. r~r,7~-t~7 ~ A RliS~L!1TI~t! ~F Tl1f. APlAI!FI'1 CITY PLA'Itll~~~ Cn~1'+IS~11t1 Tt~AT PCTITI~tI f~R V/1R1~.~lCE t~0. 7.7rg p~ r,a~!iTC~, It! P~CT. WfifRF.~S, thc: Maheim Citv Plannin~ Conmissinn ~li~l rPC~ivc f,~lifnrnia Petition for ~~ariance frnm R,~.Y'!~!~D SPfH1~, ~1', ~aloma ~l~cc,^'~~~1~rtnn, n~f,l~j (Owner); I.P.S., ~,~, !~ox f,3l~~, (lran!1e, f,alif~rni~ . ~A~r.nt) ~f r.rrtain real property situatr.A i~ the CitV ~` ~nihoim, County ~f ~r~nne, Statr n` f.alifnrni:~ descrihed as: Tha~ portion of 1~].lotsr.sn~s in ~crre of Partition of the Rancho Canon d~ Santa :4na, in th° City o:E Anahair,t, recorded in Cas~ Nap 1J7~, o~ th~ 17Yh Judicia3 Dis'trict Court o= California, a certified cony of wh?ch vras recorded F~bruary II, 187~4 in book 28, page 159 of D?adr,, in -+ '-1 Cali~om:.a tha o~•sice o~ 4.'~v Caunty F.vcord~r of Los Nsgal-~s Coun~• , • describQd as ~allo:us: pi~,'t~~L 1: Beginning at ~he tlorthsast corn°-r of the land d~scribed in the ~~°-d to •`.hs S~ate of California r?cord~d Oc~ober 30, 1956, in boo'.c 35~3, pa?z 378 O: ~icial P.acords, :in tha ~f=ic~ of the Coun',:y R~corder o£ said Orar.~~ Coun~I~s ~aid Point being on the Southerly li.n:: of thn 100.00 `o~= st=iP ~= Iat~d a~ convayad to th~ Pivrrside, Santa Ana and Los anqel~s P.ail:•~ay Co. bv deed racorc:wd July 7, lII8'o, in boo:c I64, paga 50II o£ Tt:eds. ?n t_`:e Of£ica o:. th~ Cour.~~,~ F~corder of L~s P~g~l^s Coun~y; thar.ca .dorth 88° 32' On" Eas~ 7f~7.Z8 f~°t along said South::rlY line •to the bagir.ning of a tangen~ curv9 concav~ DTor'thsrly an8 t;aving a radius of 5729.65 i~et; +,henca Easterly al~ng said Sout'~erly line along said curra through a c~n~ra1 angle of 0° 19' 02" a distancc o£ 3~.00 feet; thence Sou~th 1° 23' 00' Wast 412.10 f2~t; th~nc2 Sout}s 88° 37' OC" PJ~.s~ 857.16 ~eet to a point on the Easterly line of the land 3~scrii~ad in th~ deed to ths State of Cali.fornia recorded October Z4, 1952o in h~ok 2395, pags 522, offica.al P.ecords, in tha Offic~ of tha said Count1 Itacorder o= Orang~ County; thance Noz~h 1° 23' OSl" East 47.64 Peet to a~~int r,n tha Scyu'therly line of the land described in the said deed to the S~ate of Cali£ornia record~d a.n boak 3693, page 378, Official P.ecor8s; ~'~anca South 88° 36' 11° T'ast 14.92 f~et to the South2ast corner thereof: ~hence Plorth 5° 33' 18" East 329.5A feet along the Eastsrly line of iast T:tentioned deed to the point o~ b2ginning. ~eiag a~,portinn of Parc~l 1 as shown on a,7,arc~1 map £il~d in hoo?: 30, paga 48, in th~ Office af th~ said Caunty Fwcoxd~:r of ~aid Craar~ Coun'~y. 1JHFRFAS, the City Planninn Cnnnission rlid hnld ~ nuhlic hearin~ at th~ 'it~~ Ii~ll in the City of Anaheim on '1ay ?~i, 1^7~, at 1:'i~ p.m., nntice o` sii~! niihli~ hear i nn hav i n~ ber_n dul y g i ven as rr.qu i rerl hy 1 i~•~ ~nri i n acc~rr+ancP ~•' Y.h t'+~ prnvisinns of the Anahein 'lunici~al Code, Ch~nt~.r 1+.~3, tn hear ami r.nnsi~ier evidence for and against sai~1 proposed v:+riance: and tn investiqate and mi!ce finrlin~s and rr.cnmm~ndations in connec:tinn thr.ra~•~ith; anci 11HF.RF.AS, said Commission, after due inspection, invPStiqati~n an~~ stu~~v ma~+r. bv itself and in its heh~lf, :+nd after due r_nnsiderati~n ~f a11 evidence ~n~~ r~nnrts offered at sairl hearin~, dnes fin~1 and detern~ine thP fnll~~•~inn f~cts: 1. Tliat thr. petitinner rron~s~5 the fnllrn•rina ~•~aivers frnm thr ~nahPin !iunicipal f.ode, to construct a 2~h-unit a~artmr.nt c~m~1~x: a. SF.CTI~L"I 1°~,3~~,~~.'.,~;' -•'lininum flnor are~. (7^`1 square fer.t rer~ui re~i; •i ,! an~l S~~! anuaYe PP.P.C nrnnns~d) h. SECTI~tI 13.3~+.~f~,~11 ~- Minimum dist~nce ~+eta~er.n huil~iinns. 21 fe~t require~l; 17 fc~rt prnn~s~~1 c. SFCTI(1N 1~'.31~.~~(.~1~ - Minimun numher of parl~inn spac~s'_• ?3~ r~nui r~~i; 3'i ~ mm~nsed d, 5ECT10~1 1?.3'+•^r.r,n3n - Re uire~i encl~sure nf carnnrts. Open c:~rnorts prnposed P, SF.CTID~I 1°,~4,~52.~?? - Maximum fPnce heinlit ~~!?. inchPS r~rmitteci; 1~ .ret nr~nns~d RFS~LUTIrnI~'n, PC?(-1~7 ~ ~ 7.. The total numher of ipartmant units has heen reduced frnm 7~~~ t~ 1n° i~ stipulated to by the petiti~ner. 3. Th~t l•laiver 1-a, ahove-mcYi~i~ned, is hernhp nr~nted t~ nernit si~'!'rn (t~i) units to have a floor arr.~ nf het~•~een 1'~~! a.r,:f ~~ft; :,rr;a>'e Fr.ct, ':^ 'Cl~; k'~"+•'st~ ?^~'` the Planning Comnissinn previonsly gr~nted ~i~nit:~r wa~v~rs f~r e~`iclP.nC:~~;~ti^~c 43n~~`'. ~•~hen said vnits did n~t exceed 757 of the L'otal tii~?t'e~S' pK !ir.3t~. ~i, That 1laiver 1-h, ah~vr.-men*ione~, is herehy ~rintr.d ~n th~ I.~si~ th:~# said ~•~a;v~r pertains to nnly t~•fo setb~cl: ireas within the t~t: l pr~1~r.Y, L~~.= ;a~+fs~•~f deterMined to h~ minimal and similar vreivers havr. her.n prn,viouslv ~f?RFf1YPfi 1~ ~~C~•':+' a~artment complexes. ,, That Wai~~er 1-c:, ah~ve-mentioned, has heen withclr~!an on th~ hasis t'~at a parking waiver is determinr.d to he no lnnqer necessarv sincr. thr. netitinnrr has reduced the number of units from 7.~~~ to 1~". ~nd has stinulatPd tn nrnvi<11no thP required number and size n~r4-inn snaces in accordance aii'th Co~e stan~lar~~s. F, That Ilaivpr 1-d, ahove-mentinned, is herehy nranted ~n thP hasis thnt the Planning Commissi~n lias ~reviously grant~cl similar ~~iaivers, ~n~i thr netiti~nPr oro~~oses to provide storaqe are~s fnr the ten (ln) aff~cted c~r~~rt s~ar.PS in r.1~sP proximity t~ s~id spaces, as required by Lncie stand~rv{s. 7, That Waivr.r 1-e, ~hovr..-Mnntioned, is hernhy grantr.~l t~ pr.rmit a ten (1~) fo~t high fence set back ten (10)feet from the west ~ropertv line adlacent tn Imperial Highway to screen two (2) tPnnis cnurts. R, That the reti[ioner sti~ulateri tn suhmittinc~ revise~l nla~s shrn•~inn the specified changes to the plans (concerninn thr. reduced numher ~f aoartmrnt imits, the sixteen (lh) pr~posed et'ficiency-tyne units, thP pronosed numher of parl-inn snar.~s and the stnrage areas), as outlined in thr. minut~:s cf this puhlic hearin~, anrl alsn tn sho~•~ a ten (1~) foot wide lan~iscaped huffer stri~ adjac~nt to the P~st ~r~n~rtv line ahutting the mobilehome parl~, said plans t~ he suh,iect to the r~vie~a anrl approval of the Planninn Comnissi~n prinr to City f.ouncil revie~•~ ~f t!~e ornnosal. ~3. That the petitioner renuestecl ~nd is hPrr.hy cirantP~ nPrmissi~n t~ complete constructlon of the public strer.t a~hich will rrnviriA arfp55 I~et~•~P~n the proposed developmen't and La Palma Avenur., nrinr tn rr.le~se nf utilltiPS L~ the subject pr~perty. 1~. That therr. ar~ e:xcentional ~r extraordinary circumstances ~r c~~~litinns applicable to the property invnlved or tn the intended use, as ~Iranterl, nf thc property that do not ~p~ly gener~lly to the ~rnnPrty ~r class ~~f usr. in thP samr, vicinity and zone. 11, That thr_ requested variance, as grantrcl, is nr.cPssary fnr t.';e presr.rvat'ion and en,jnyment nf a suhstantiel orone:•ty ri~ht nosarssed hy nthrr property in the 5,3me vicinity and zone, anr{ denied t.~ the nrooert~ in r~uesti~n. 12. That the requestecl variancr., as grantr.~, a!ill nnt he miteriallv detrir~ental to t~•ie public welfare or injurious tn the prnnerty ^r innrnvr.mr.nts in such vicinity and zone in ti+rhich the nr~nerty is lncate~l. 13. That no one indicated their prr.sencn at sai~1 ouh?ic hearinn in oppnsition; and no correspondence oras received in oonositi~n tn suhiect ~Pr.ition. EIJV I R(1tdMENT~L I MPACT Rf P~RT ~ I tJD I PI~: That Environnent,al Imp~ct Rep~rt "~o. 171, having heen consirier~r~ this ~itP by the Anaheim City Planning Commissinn ind r,videncr_, hoth ~•~ritten ~nd oral, tiavinn heen presented to suppleMent said clra`t [IR Plo, 171, t~ie ?lanninn Commissinn hr.lir.ve5 that said draft EIR Plo. 171 (InP.S c~nfnrm to the City ancl State ~uirlelinrs ~~~ t~'r'• State of California Environmental O.ualitv Act and, hased upon SUCf1 infnrmitinn, ~1nr.s hereby recommenci to the City Council that they certify sairi fIR tlo, 171 is in compliance ~aith saicl Fnvironm~ntal O.uality Act; provide~l, hoa~~v~r, t!~at the Planninn Commission n~te~1 that said EI'? dncumPnt m~y be incomplete in that snrcimen tr~es m~Y he presently ~roriin~ on the siihject prnpPrtv and ~•iere nnt idrntifi~~1 nnr ~11;cusse~ in siirf ~I~t; and, furth~r, that 5~1~1 cincumr.nt dnes not i~en~iatPlv (~IS(:I155 schnnla in thr. area, ~dflk~, TIIF.REFCRF, fiE IT RES~I.~~F~ that the Anaheim CitY ~'l~n~inn fnmMissinn dnes hereny grant, in rart, suh,ject Petitinn for 'Jariancr_, unon thr fnllrn•~ina -7- RFSnI,nTln~l rn. Fc7~-t^? ~ ~ conditi~ns ~~hich are hPrehv f~im~l tn he a necr.ssary prrrFquisitP t~ the nrnnnsr.rf ~is~ of ,;ip suhject nrop~rty in or~i~r to preservr. Che safety and nr.neril ~•~elfarP nf thr. ( i'c i zens of the C i ty of Anahr. i m: 1. That all enclinPPrin~ r~nuirements ~f thP Lit~~ ~f f~n:~hr.im alnnn Imnr.rial !tictlnaay inclurling ~rennr~Cinn of improvem~nt plans and install~tinn nf ~11 imnrovr.mer,ts such as c~irhs nnd nutters, sidea~al~s, strePt grariinq ~nc~ pavina, drainanr~ `'>=ilities or other ap~urtenant work, shall be cnmplird ~•iith as rPauire~f ~~v [hP Cit:r ~-:~,dneer and in accordancr. with standar~ plans ~nri s~ecificatinns nn filP in thi r"`'r?4.- ~f the City F.nqineer; that strret 7ightin~ far.ilt*_iAs ~lon~ Imo~rial ;;'~,•,ay shall he installerl is required 6y the Dir~ctor ~f Puhlir. ~Itilities, an~i in I~+:~,r.ordance wi[h standard nlans anrf spe.cifications ~n filP in the Offi~r nf thr, ~+'..rector of Public lltilltiPS; nr thit a h~nd, certificat~ nf dPrnsit, lPtter nf credit, or cash in an annunC an~l f~rM satisf~ctnry t~ the Citv nf AnahPim shnll he r.nsted ~•~ith the City t~ gu~r~ntee thP install~tion ~f t~~P at•ovc-mentinnr~l requirements. 2 'hat trash stora~e ~rr~s shall he nrovi~iPd in ~r.c~r!~ancr. ~•~ith ~p~rnve~~ plans on file a~lth the ~ffic~ of the Director of Puhlic Wor~s. 3. Th~t fire hydrants sli~ll he installP~i in~ char~Pd ~s r~nuiro.~l an~1 determined to he ner.ess~ry hy the f.hief of thP Firr ~r.nartment orinr tn cnmr~PncPmr_n± of strur.tural framinq. 1i, That sub,ject prnperty shall he serve~i hy uncfer~round utilities. 5, That Jraina9e nf suh,ject or~rerty shall he clisnnserl ~f in ~ mannpr s~tisfactory to the City En~ineer. ~. That tlie owner nf suh)ect pro~erty shall pay to the City c+f Anaheiri thr ap~ropriate p~ri: anrl recreatinn in-lieu fees as detc~rmined to h~: a~nr~nri~te hy the Cit/ Council, sairl F~nS tn be n:~iri ~t thr, time the buildinn nermit is issurrl, 7. In the event th~t suhject property is to he ~livi~le~1 for the ~urn~s~ of sale, lease, or finanetnn, i parcel nap, to rec~rd the apt+r^v~d division nF suhiect pronerty shall br, suhmitted t~ ~n~1 annrove~t hy thr. City nf Anaheim an~ thr.n h° recor~ted in the ~ffice of the ~ranae County Recorder. ", Tli~t all structures cnnstructed on suh,iect prnnertv shall he in accordance with the requirements of Fire Zone ~F as dr,ternine~l hy the r.na~ein Citv Fire D~partr~ent. '1. That the iritPrnal fire access shall be as annr~vPd hv th~ ~n~hAim f,itv Fire ~epartmPnt. 1~. Tliat construction oF the public street providin~ nccess t~ La Pa1n~ Avenue shall be connleted pri~r t~ release of utilities to subject preperty. 11. That appropri~[e ~aatr,r assessmr.nt fees is detr.rmine~i by the ~iroct~r ~f Public ~~tilitir.s shall he oaid tn the Lity of Anaheim ori~r to the issu•incP nf a building permit. 12, That suh.ject ~+r~nArtY shall he developrri in ~cc~rdancP ~•rith plans ~n~l specifications on file with the City of ~nahPim mar4:ecl Exhihit ~I~s. 1 thr~u~h ~; provirled, haaever, that revisPd ~l:~ns sh~ll he suhmitted t~ thP Pl~~nin~1 f.ommissinn for review and approval,, prinr to City Cnuncil revie~•+ ~~f the nrnnosal, s~id ~lins tn show a ten (10) fnot wide lanclscaped huFfer strip adiacent to the e~st pr~nr,rtv linn ahuttinn tlie mobilehome parl<, as stinulated t~ by the petitinner; and als~ showinn the specified changes to tlie initially prop~sed plans, as stioul~ted to by thr petitloner; and as follows: tl~at there shall he a reductinn in the tntal numher ~F dweiling unlts from :!!11~ to 1°", that the numher of efficiency-ty~e units shall he reduced frnn thirty-two (37.) t~ sixteen (1~), tliat thr. ~ar{•.inn sn~c~s shall he provided in acc~rclance with Codr st~nd~r~ls, and th~t ade~uate stor~nP ~rP~s sh~ll ti~ provi~led, as stipulated tn by the pr.titioner and to he shoam nn thr. rPVisr,d nlans. 13, Prior t~ the introciuctinn of an ordinance r~~nnin~ s~ih~ect nrnoerty, C~nditinn P!os. 1 an~i 7, abovr.-nentinned, shall he cnm~laY.A~I, Thr nr~visinns ~r rights nrante~l hy this res~l:itinn shall hecomP null and vnict hv acti~n nf [he CitY Council unless sairf conditl~ns are complied ~aith aiithin one ~Par frnm the ~Iate herenf, or such further time as thP f,ity Council may ~rant. -3- RE~~LUTI~~I •In, PC7~-1^7 ~ ~ 14, That Condition t~os. 2, 1~~ ,~ ?~ ~, ~n~l 1?, ahove-r~Pnti~nP~, shall hr. complied with prior tn finil building an~~ zoning inspecti~ns. 15. That the removal of any snPciman trr,es shall he suhmitte~i fnr rr.vie+~~ hv the Planning ~epartment ind sub,ject to thP ree.ulotinna pertainin~ to TrPr. Prescrvati~n in Yhe Scenic Corridor Overlay Z~ne. TFfE FOREf,01N~ RESQLUTI!1'I is si~ned ~nd ~nnrove~l hy mr, this 2~~th daY ~F M~y, 1~17G. ~~ ~ CHAIR'~A11, ~IAI!FI~! .ITY PLA~iNI^i~ r,rnP+ISSI~~I ATTEST: ~~~~,~.~~.. SCCRETARY, AtJAHf I ~I C I TY PLAHtI I t1r. C~~1r~ I SS t ~~~ STATE OF CALIFQR~IIA ) COUNTY OF ~RANR[ )ss. CITY OF AtdAHEIN ) I, Patricii B. Scanlan, Secret~ry of the City Planninn f.ommis5ion of the City of 1lnaheim, dn hereby certify that the foreqoin~ res~luti~n wis nassr.ri ~nd adopted at a r~eeting ~f the f.ity Planni~g f,qmmissi~n of thr, Citv of .4nah~im, hrld ~n ttay 24, lq7(., at 1:3~ P•m•, by the fnllo~ting v~te nf the memhers ther~~f: AYES: C4~~t115510~J[r,5: PARtI[5, H~3PST, hltl~, T~I.A", F4RA~~~ ~I~ES: f,Q!!^115510tJ~"S: NOt~~ nr.s~tlT: COM111SSIf1~'ERS: Jn!Itlsn;l, 11QRLEY IPI WITHESS WNERFQF, I hivn. hereuntn set my hand this 2~tth d~v of '1av, 1^?f, ~k~~~ . L'~ii~~ SFf,^F.T~^Y~ A~:ANE1'1 f.ITY PI_~'~~!Itl ~ C~'!'tI~SI~~~ -~~- RFSOIUT 10H '!Q. PC?f -1 ~7