PC 76-127~ ~ P,F.SnLi~Tlnr! r~n, rc7~-~z7 A RESn1.UTI0t1 OF THf: ANAIIEI'1 CITY PLAIJtIIt~~ C~M~11S51~'~ RFCO'1HF~l~ I t!G TO TH[ C ITY C~I1~JC I L OF THF C ITY OF .4tJAHF I'~ THAT PETITI~~! FOR RFCLASSIFICATIO"1 N0, 7(~-77-1 P.E I1PPR~~~FD, UH~REAS, the Anaheim f.ity Planning f.ommission riid receive a vr.rifie~i Petition for Reclassificaiion from SYL~~F.STER P.. Y,RAHER, 1~13 F. Santa Ana Street, Anaheim, California ~z~n3 (Ot•mer) of certain rPal pro~erty situate~l in the f,itY nf Anaheim, County of Qranae, Sta~e of f,alifornia descrihed as: The Snutherly 1~5.~" fee*., measured from the centerline of Santa Ana Street, ~f the llesterly 11E~i.75 feet of lot 1~ of Anaheim extension in tfie City of Anaheim, C~unty of Orange, State of f,alifornia, as shoo-m on a map m~~1~ hy !~~illiam I~~r~el, Decer~ber 11, 1Q(9, on fiie in the OfFICP. of the County recorder, of Los Angeles County, California. b1HF.REAS, the City Planninn Commissi~n did hold a puhlic hearing at the City liall in the City of Anaheim ~n July 7, 1°7~, at 1:3~ ~•m., n~tice of safd puhlic hearin9 having been duly given as required hy law and in acr.~rdancP with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter iR,n3, Yo hear and consi:!er evidence for ~nd against said pr~~~sed reclassificati~n anci to investigate an~i m~ke findings and recommendations in r_onnection therewith; and WHFREAS, said Commission, afCer due inspection, investigation ancl stu~ly made by itself and in its behalf, anci afte~ c~ue consideration of all evidence and !en~rts offered at said hearing, does fin•d and :ietermine the following facts: 1. That the petitloner prop~ses a reclassification of th? above-~lescrihed property from the RS-A-43,nnn (RFSIDEIlTI~I./A~Rlr,IiLTURAL) 7.0"IE to the RS-?7.~~ (~E~IDFHTIAL, SINr,LE-FA~41LY1 ZOtIF. 2. That the Anaheim f;eneral Plan AesignatPS suh.ject pro~Prty fnr lo~r- density residential uses. 3. That tha proposed recl~ssification ~f suh~ect property is necessary an~1%o~ desirable for the orderly and proper development ~f the community. ~+. That the propose~i rec;lassification of suhject pr~rerty does pr~perly relate to the zones and their ~ermitted uses locally estahlished iri close proximity to suhJect property and to the zones and their permitted uses oener~lly establishe~l throughout the community. 5. That no one in~licated their presence at said public hearinq in opp~sition; and no correspondence was received in oppositton to s~ihJect petition. Et~4i I RnrJME"lTAL I t4PAC"t REPORT F I tJD I Nr,: That the Anaheim f.ity Planning Commission does hereF~y recommend tn the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the subJect project he exempt from the requirement to prepare an envtronmental im~art report, pursuant to the provisions ~f the California Environmental Quality Act. IJ04l, THERFFORE, BE IT RF57LVfD that the Anaheim City Planninn ~ommtssion does hereby recommend t~ the f.ity Council of the City of Anaheim that suh.ject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so dninq, that Tttle 1fl-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amenrled to exclude.the above-descrihe~! property from the RS-A-1f3,00n (RESID[PITIAL/A~RIC!1LTIIRAL) 7.QNE and •o incorporate said descrihr.d property Into the RS-7?DO (RfS1DFPJT1At, Sf41~LE-FAMILY} 7.ONF. upon the foll~winp conditions which are hereby f~und to he a necPSSary prerequisite tn the rrop~sed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens ot the City of Anaheim: 1. That sidewalks shall he installed as required hy the f.ity F.ngineer and in accordance with stanciard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Fngineer. 2. That the owner(s) of sub.ject property shall nay to thr. f.ity of Anahelm the sum of fi0 cents per front font alon~ E1~1er Street and ~anta An~ Street for tree planting purposes. RF.SOI.IITIf1H N0. PC76-127 . ~ ~ ~ 3. That the own~r{s) of siihject property shall pay to thr. Ci[y nf Annhr,im thr_ sum of $2.0~ per front foot al~ng Elder Street and Santa Ana StrPet for strer.t li9hting purposes. h. In the event that suhJect property is to he dlvide~ fhr the rurpose ~•` sale, lease, or financinn, a parcPl man, t~ record the an~r~ve~ division ~f siibjPr.t pr~~erty shall be submttte~ to and approved hy the f,ity of Anaheim and then hP recordr.d in the office of the ~range County Recorder. 5. Th~t the owner of suhject property sh~lr paY to the City of AnahPim the ap~ropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees ~s determined to be appronriate hY th~ City Council, saici fees to be paid at the time the huilding permlt is issuPd. ~. That in the event suhJect property is suhdivided, the existing structure(s) shall comply with all site develo~ment standards of the RS-7~~~ (4esidential. Single-Family) Zone. 7. That sub_ject property shall he developed suhstantially in accor~ance ~aith plans and sp?cifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Fxhihit No. 1 P,, Prior t~ the intro~uction of an or~iinance rez~ning suhJect ~ro~:~rr.y, Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be comp!eted. The provislons or rights yranted by this resoluti~n shall hecome null an~ void hy action of thP City Council unless said conditions are complied with within one year fr~m the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 4, That Condition Nos. 1 and 7, above-mentioned, shall be c~nplie~ v~ith prior to final huilding and z~ning insp~ctions. TNE F~R[r01N~ P,FSOLIITI~~I is signed and approved y me this ?th day of July, 1?76. CHA I RNA~1, A~JAI' C IT~ PLAP!N I IJf CO!1M I SS I 0'I ATTEST: SECRETARY, At:AHF N CI Y PLA~~NIN~ CQNMISSIQtI STATE OF CALIFOR~IIA ) CQU!ITY QF QRAtIRE )ss. C ITY OF A~IAHE I!1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that tlie foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetii~g of the City Pl~nning Commission of tlie f,itv of Anaheim, held on July 7, 1~7f.~, at 1:3~ P.m.~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHMISSI01lERS: BAR~JES, FARAIIO, HERaST, Kit~~, M~RIEY, JQHNSOM IJOES: CO'1!11SSI~NER5: I~QtlE A[2SEPIT: CONMISSIONERS: TQLAR IN WITPlESS WHFRF~F; I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of July, 1~7F. ~/ ' . SECRF AR , ANAH.IH CI Y LAMMitl, C~~~HISSI~v -~- RFSOLUTI~H N0. PC7F~17.7