PC 76-131~ ~ RFSn~nrin~i ran. Pc7r,-~3t A RFSDUiTlott nF TI~F hN1NF.IH f.ITY PLAt1tJt~~~ f,nM~1IS51n~i THAT PETITIqt! Knr, ~/,4RIA~JCF. q~. 2"7.2 RF DFNIF~. blHEREAS, the An~hrim City Planni~g Commission ~tirl receive a vArifiPCf petition for ~lariance from J~NtI T. GRf'eN AND M. MARGAP.ET f.AI.L~PY, ~~~~ Royal Palm C~ulevard, f,arrien Srove, f,alifornia a7~41 (~wners); FMPIRF PACIFIC~ 752 Aminns ~~ay~ !dewport Reach, f.aiifornia 42~~F~~ (Agent) of certain rPal pr~~Prty situate~ in thr, f,ity of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stat~ of Califnrnia ~lescrihod as: THE SOUTH 15Q.~n FEFT OF THE WFST 3~+3.~~ FEFT ~f TNF t1~P.THI~EST QIIA~Tf:R ^F TNF SoUTHWF.ST 2~~tiRTFr, ~F THF S~~~THb'EST QUARTFR ~F SECTI~~' l~i, T~.'NSHIP 4 S~IITH, RA!I~E 11 tJEST, IN THF RAttf,f~n LOS CnYnTF.s, CITY OF A~lAI;F.I~1, Lnu~iTY nF nRA~~r,F., STATE ~F CALIFORHIA, AS PER HAP RF.f,01;DE~ IFI DonY, 51 PAGF 11 OF MISCC.LLAHEMIS HAPS, IN T~+E OFFICE OF THF. CQ~ItlTV Rf:CQRDFR OF SAID COIRITY. SA!D LAHD IS IIICLIIDED WITNIN THE AREA SHOWN ~N A NAP FII.FD IN Rf1nK 2n PA~F. 3f. nF RLCORD QF S~IR~fEYS, It7 TI4F. nPalf.~ ~F SAfD CnUWTY RFCnR~ER, WHEREAS, the City Pl~nninp Commission did hold a puhlic h~artng at thP City Nail in the City of Anaheim on July 7, 197F, at 1:30 r.m., notice of said public he~rin,ry having been duly 91vr,n as r~~uired bY ~:+~~~ and in accor~fa:~ce +~ith the nrovisions of the Anaheim Munir.in~l Code, Chapter 1`~.~3, to heir an~i cnnsidr.r eviclence for and ag~inst said pro~ose~1 variance and t~ irvestigate and make finrlings and recom~r.ndations in connection therewith; and 4JIiEREAS, said Comr~issi~n, aftPr due inspeciton, i~vestigati~n and sturly r~~r1r. by itsclf and in its behalf, and after due considerattr,~ ~f all evidence and re~orts offered at said hearing, does find and determine the f~llor~ing facts: 1. That the petitinner pr~poses [he following waiver from the AnaheiR 'tunicipal Code, to permit outd~or stor~ge nf heavy equipment in the RS-A-I~g~nnf' (RESIDEt~TIAL/Af,RICULTIIRAL) 7.~~IE: SF.f.Tl~tl 1•'..7.1.~2~ - P::rmittee~ rimary uses. (Outdoor storaqe o heavy equ pment nnt nermitted) 2. That the abr,ve-mentioned waiver is herehy Aenierl on thr, hasis that th: subject property is not suttahle for he~vy e~uipment storaae since said pronerty i surrounded on three sides by residentially developed propertfes and the ~rnr.~sed us• v~ill create substantial disturh~nces on said residential properties ~fue to the noise dust and visual intrusion upnn the ncighborho~d. 3, That thP proposed use constitutes a commr.rtial activity and th~- petitioner proposes no paving, screening, nr other metho~ls of protectin~ thc residential integrity of the surrounrling nei~hborhnod. ~i. That there are no exceptionel o~ extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended us~ of the pronert.~ that do not apply generally to the preperty or class of use in the samz vicinity anr zonc. 5, Th~t the requested variancp is not necessary for the preservation and enJoynent of a substanttal property right possessed by oiher pro~erty (n the same vicinlty and zone, and denied to the property in question. G, Tfiat tfie requested variance MI4~I be materlally d~trimental to the public welfare or inJurious te the property or improvemerts in such vicinity and zone in which the property is locate~f. 7, That one (1) person apoeared rei~~r.senting a~~roximTtely feur (4~ persons present at said public hearing in oppositton; that aetitions signed hy appror.imately forty (4~) nearhy residents ~n~i property owners in oppositi~n were received; and that numerous photographs and three (3) ~etters in ~~~esition were received. RFSOUITIOIi N0. PC76-131 ~ ~ E"I~~IROtJt1EPiTAL It1PACT RFPORT FIPIDIMG: That the Anaheim City Planning Comn~ssion does hereby recommend t~ thP CitY Council of the City of Anaheim that the subJect project he exemot from the requirement to prepare an envir~nmental impact report, pursuant ta the provisi~ns of the California Fnvironment~l Quality Act. (Commissioners Barnes anri Herhst voked "no" on this recommendation.) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEp t`.at :ne Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny suh.ject Petitinn f~r ~~ariance on thP hasis of the aforementione~i findings. T~tE FOREGOIMG RESQLUTIQiJ is signed and approved me this '~h day of July, 137~. CHAIR~".l~PI, A!lAHEI f.ITY PLAPI~IItI~ C~~~~11551~t1 ATTf T: ~~~~-cG2~~ SECRETARY, I1~7AHER1 CITY PLANNIIdG Cn~1MISSION STATE ~F CALIFORN9A ) COII"JTY OF ORANCE )ss. CITY QF At1ANE1M ) 1, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Pianning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was p~ssed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on July 7, 19?6, at ~:3~ P•m „`~y the foilowing vote of the members there~f: AYES: COMt115510tJFRS: BARMES, FAR/1PlQ, HERRST, KIN~, MORLEY, JOHFiSOPt NOES: COM"11SSi0NERS: t10NE ABSf.NT: COM!11 SS I Ot9ER5: TOLAR Itl WITNE55 WHEREOF, ! have hereunto set my hand thts 7th day nf July, 1°7~~. ~~~ SECRFTARY, At~AHE !1 C I Y PLAIlN I ~!r CO'1"11 SS I ON _p_ RESOLUTION N0. PC7~-13~