PC 76-137~ ~ ~ RFSOLUTtO^1 Mt1, PC7F-S37 A RESnLUT I OFI Of THE A!lAfIE I~1 f. ITY PLIINI! 1~lr, Cn~1~~ I SS I OPI REC0~IMEND I N~ T~ THF C I TY C~I ItIC I L OF THF. C I TY (1F APIAIiE i M THAT PETIT1f1t1 FOp RF.CLASSIFICATIf1tJ N~, 7;-77-~ PE APPR~VF~. 1JIIER[115, Lhe Anaheim City Planning Commission clid receive a verifie~i Petition f~r Reclassification from ARTFIIIP, L. Pf;FSC~TT, ~7~5 LRftus Street, E1 Honte, f.alifornia "1731 ~nd CLARICE P. PRESCf1TT, `~~~~ 5, flilda, Anaheim, California ~2P~I: (Q~aners); J/1"! RERTHA, 33~•°•2 Marina Uista Drive, Dana Point, Californla Q2F~2^ (Agent) oF cPrtain reat p mnr.rty situated in the City of Araheim, County of Orange, State nf Calif~rnia desr.rihed as: The P7orth 12~ feet of the South 554 feet of the blest half of the l+'est half of the ~lorr.heast quarter of the Southwest c~uarter of Section 2°, Townshiv u South, Ranpe 1~ WPSt, Ranch~ Las Bolsas, City of Anaheim, as sho~•m ~n a inap therr~f recorde~l in h~nk 51, r~qe 10, Miscellaneous hlaps, rec~rds nf sairi nranqe f,ounty. WI~ERFAS, ChP City Pl~nning Commissi~n did hntd a pul~lic hearinq at the City Hall in the City ~f Anaheim on July lA, 1~7F, at 1:3~ n,r~., notice of said pul~lic hearing having heen duly given as required hy la~•~ a~~i in accordancP i•~ith the nr~visions nf the An:~heim !tunicipal Co~le, Chapter 13.~3, to hear and consider pvidence f~r ~nd a~~inst said proposed reclassification and to investigate and rnal:e finclings anJ recommendations in connection therewith; and IJI~FREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investic~ation and study made hy itself ancl in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidencP and rPports ~fi''ered at said hearing, does find and determine the follo~~:ing facts: 1, That the petitioner rroposes a reclassification o` the above-described property {rom the RS-A-~,3,000 (RESIDEMTIAL/AfRIC1ILTURAI_) 7.O~IF. to *he R~1-4nn~ (RFSI~FMTIAI_, !1111.TIPLF.-FAHILY) 7_OPlE. 2. That the Anaheim ~eneral F1an designates suh]ect nroperty for medium density residential iand uses. . 3. That the pronosed reclassification of sub.ject property is necessary and/~r c!esirable for the orderly and proper development nf the community. ~t. That the proposed reclassificatlon of suhJect propertv does properiy relate tn the zones and their permitted uses locally estahlished in close pr~ximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally estahlished throughout the community. 5, That the proposed reclassification of s~.bject nroperty requires the improvement of ahutting streets in ac.cordance ~~rith thP Circulation Flement of the ~en~:'al Plan, d~e to the antlci~ate~i increase in traffic ~•ihich i•~ill be ~enerated hy the inLEnsification of land use. 6. That the petitloner stipulated to submitting a letter requesting terr~ination of ~onditional Use Permit No. 371, prior to City Council ryublic hearing on Che suhject reclassification ap~lication, 7, That two (2) persnns appeared, representing ap~roximately five i5) nersons prr.sent at said public hearing in opposition; and that a petition siqned by approximately 2E3 nearby ~roperty o~•mers and residents ln oppo~~tion was received, EN~~ I R.OPlF1EN1'AL I MPIICT REPORT F I F!D I Plf,: That the Anahe i m C i ty P 1 ann i ng Commi ss i on does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the suhJect prolect he exem~t from the requirement to prepare an environme~tal imract report, ~ursuant to the pruvisions of the California Environmental 2uality Act. NOL1, THEREFORE, BE i7 RESOLVED th:~t the Anahelm Ctty Planning Commission does hereby recortimend to the City Council of 'the City of Anahetm that subJect Petttton for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Title 1Q-Zoning of the Anaheir~ Municipal Code be amencfed to exclude the ahove-descrihed property from the RS-A-fi3,nnn (RESIDENTIAL/A(;RICULTI!R.A.L) ZONF. and to incorporate said described ornperty into the RM- lipn~ (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FA'1ILY1 7nNE upon the folloo-~ing conditio~s which are herehy found to he a necessary prerequlsite to the proposed use of suhJect pr'~nerty in ~rcler to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City ~f Anaheir~: 1, That the petitloner shall submit a letter requesttnq termlration ~f Conditional Use Permit No. 371, prior to Clty Councll puhlic hearing on ihis reclassification appiication, as stipulated to by the petiCioner. RESOLUTIQW N0. PC7~-137 ~ '. ~ 2, Th~t all Fnqinr.erinc~ rp~uirements ~f the City ~f Anahr.im alnnn Ln~ra StrP~t including prep~ration of imprnvemr.nt plans and installation nf all imnr~vPmPnts sur.h a5 curhs and guttPrs~ SI~IP.IJOII<S~ strret arading and navinn, drain:~ne facilities ~~r othnr apnurtr.nant aiork, sh~l1 he complia~i arith as reciuired hy the f,itv Fnnineer an~1 in accorcl~nce o~ith standarci plans and specifications ~n file in the ~ffice of thw City En~ineer; that street linhting f~cllities aloncl Loara Street shail he installP~l a5 rectuired by the ~irectnr of Puhlic lltilities, and ir, accor~l~nce with standarcl plans an~i s~~eci`ications on file in the Oftice of the Dirr.ct~r of Puhlic Iltilities; or that a~nnd, certificate of denosit, letter n~ cre~lit, or cash, in an aronunt and form satisfactnry t~ the City ~f Anaheim shall he posted with the f.ity to guarantee th~ installition nf the ahnve-mPntioned rPquirements. 3• Thit the owner{s) of subJect n mpertv shall pav to the f.itv of Anaheim thN sun nf ~~ cents ~er front fq~t ~l~ng Loar~ Street f~,r tr~e plantinn pur~nses. 1E. That trash st~rac~e areas shall he providecl in accord~nc~ a~Eth a~prove~l nlans on file a~ith the nffice of thr. ^irector of Public IJorks. 5• That fire hydrants shall he installed an~l char~ed as renuirr.d anrt determi~ed tn h~ nr,cessary by the Chief of the Fire DepartmPnt ~rior to commrncement o° strur.tural fr~ninn. ~. That subjr.ct property shall he served by underc~round utilities. IPI WITPlF.55 WHERF.~F, I h~ve hereunto set my hand this l~th day nf July, 107~. ~~~67~ ~~ ,,. ~i~~yc,/ SECREfARY, ANAHF.IN CITY LANHIN~ CnwHISStnr~ 7. That a(-foot masnnry wall shall be constnuted al~na the e.~t pronerty linP. R. That drainage of suh,Ject pronerty shall Fe disp~sed ~f in a manner satisfactnry to the City Engineer. 9. That the nwner nf suhject ororerty shall pay t~ the City of Anaheim the ~pprorriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as deter~~ined to he apnronriate by the City f.nu~r_11, said fees to he paid at thr time the building ~ermit is issuPd. f~. Pri~r to the inrro~iuctior, of ~n or~iinance rr_zoning suhject prnr.erty, C~nditinr. ~~os. 2 and 3, ahove-nentinned, shall he comnleted. The prnvisions ~r rights gr~ntecl hy this res~tuti~n shill I~r_cnme null and v~id hy action of the Citv Council unless said cr,n~iitions are complied with withtn ~ne year fr~m thP date hr.reof, ~r such furth~r time as the City Council may grant. 11. That Condition flo~. ~~, F, ?, and 8, ahove-mentioned, shail he comnlied a~ith prinr to final building and z~ning inspections. THF. FORE~nltl~ Rf50L!1TI~t! is si9ned July, 14]6. ATTF.ST: ~~~ SF.CRETARY, ANAHF.1~1 CITY PLP,IdIllt~~ cn~~~t~ss~n~i ST~TF•. ~F f,ALIFORNIA ) COIIt;TV OF QRAPJR; )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIN ) I, Patricia R. Scanlan~ Secretary of thP ~n~heim City Plannin~ C~mmissi~n, ~i~ licreby certify that the foregoing resolution ~•~as passed and ad~nted at ~ meetina ~f the A.naheim l;ity Planning Commission, held ~n July 1~, 1~7F, at 1:3~ p.m., hy the folloa~ing vote of the memhers thereof: AvrS: C~';r415SI0NERS: DA!t~IFS, KIWG, MQRLF.Y, T~LAr,~ ~nNNSnN tfOF.S: CONMISSInNERS: N~tIF. A['SEtIT: f,~NI115SIf1NER5: FARANn~ HF.RRST -2- P~ESQLIITION N0, PC7~-137