PC 76-142~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ttFSn~!iTtn~i r~n, pr.7G-ih2 ~'cSOLUTtor OF THL A+IAY.F.IM CITY PLA~iHIH~ CO!1'11551~1N TH/1T PF.TITION FOR VARIA~ICF. M~. Z(326 f3E ~RAI!TEI1, IJHEREAS~ the Anahrim City Planning Comnission ~!id receive ~ verified Petition for Variance from BRYA~1 IND~ISTRIAI_ PRQPERTIES, INC,, 1~~( E. Qran~eth~rpe Avenue, Anaheim, California "2°O1 (Oamer); HECTCIR'S FURHITII°.C, I~1C., 1~~ E. Qrangethorpe Avenue~ Anahe.+m, California ~2~~1 (llgent) of certain real prooPrr,y situate~l in the City of Anaheim, County of ~ran~1~, St~te of Califnrnia ~lescrihe~l is: That rortion of the Southe~st quartar of the South:~est quarter of Section 3~~, Township 3 South, Range 1~ ~~2st, in the Rancho San Juan CaJon de Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recor~ied in 6001: S1, oa9e 7 of Miscellanenus Maps, rr.tor~is of Orange County, California, described as folloti•~s: Parcel tlo. 3 as shown on a Hap filed in book 1~, p~ge 'i7 of Parcel Maps, in the Office of the County Recnrder of s~id Orange County. IJHE~E/15, the City Planninq Commission did hoid a puhlic hc~rin~ at thr_ CitY Hall in the C~:y of Anaheim on July 1~, 1~17~, at 1:3~ P•m., notice of said ouhlic he~ring having been duly~ given as required by laa~ and in acr.orclanc~ ~atth thr. provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1".~3, to he~r and consirier ev~dence for and against said proposed vari~nce and to investigatc ind make findinqs and reconmendations in conn~ction therewith; and IJHEREAS, satd Commisston, after due inspection, investigation and sturly marie by itseif and in its behalf, and after due consicferati~n of all evicience and reports offcred at satd hearing, rioes finrl ~nd detcrmine thP following facts: S. That the petitinnr.r rroposes the following waiver frnm th~ Anaheirn ~tunicipal C~de, to permit the retail sales of furniture in the !iL (Itl~~!~TRIl11., L1~11TED) 7.OFiE: SECTIO-J 1~,.61.02~ - Permitte~rimar uses. (Retail u~ rnitures sa es not permitte~l) 2. 7hat there are excepttonal or extraordinary circumstances or conditl~ns applicable to the propr.rty involvecl or to ihe intended use of the proper*.y that do not apply generally to the pr~perty or r.lass of use in the same vicinity and r.one. 3. Th~t the requested v~riance is necessary f~r the preservation and enJoyment of a suhstantial oroperty right possesse~ by other pr~nerty in ihe sam~ vicinity and zone, and denied to the pr~~erty in questlon. h. That the requested variance will not be matertally detrimPntal to the puhlic welfare or inJurtous to the property or improver~ents in such vicinitv and zone in which the property is located. 5. That the petitioner stipulaLed to providinn only one access tn thr. suhJect property from Orangethorpe Avenue as approved hy the City Traffic Engineer, and that said access may he mutually shared oiith the adJac~nt driveway to the a~est of the sub,ject property. 6. That no one indicated their presenc~ at said publlc hearing in opposition; and no corre,pondence was received in opposition to suhJect netition. EiJViRONMENTAL IMPACT RF.P~RT FINI;I~~~; That the Anaheim City Planninq Cnrmnissi~n dnes hereby recommend to the C ty Council of the City of llnaheim that the suhJr.ct ~roJer.t be exempt from the requlrement to ~repare an envt-onmentai im~ac4 report, ~ursuant Yo the pr~visions of thc Callfornia Environmental 2u~llty Act. N041, TIiEREFOP,E, BE IT RES~I.VF.D that the Anahcim City Planning C~mmission does liereby grant subJect Petttion for Variance, upon the folloa~ing conditions wh3ch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro~osed use of the suh,)ect property in order to preserve the safeYy and gerreral welfare nf the Citizrns of the C i ty of llnahe ir~: RESOLUTION !ln, PC7h-1~i2 ~~ + . ~ ~ 1, That sidewall;s shall be installed al~n9 ~rangethorpe !!vr.nue as r~quir~~i hy the City Ennineer and in acc~rdance with standard ~lans anrl snPCiftc~tinns nn file i~ the Office of the City Engineer. 7, That stre~t lightin~ facilitics ~lnng ~rannetliorne Avr.nue s'+all hr. installed as required by the Direct~r of Puhlic Iltilities an~i in acc~r~lanc~ ~•~ith standard ~~lans and specifications on flle in the ~'Fficr_ of the Director of Pul~lic lltitities; or tliat a bond, certificate of deposit, letter nf cred!*, or cash, in an amount and form s:~tisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall he posted with thc City tn guarantee the installati~n of the ahove-mentioned requirements. 3. That trash storage areas shall he pr~,vtded in accor~lance with aonro~~e~1 plans on file with the Office of the Director of Public Works. 4. That fire hydrants shall be installr.~i and charged as reauirc~i ~n~1 determined Lo be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Depirtment nrior tn commrncr.ment cf structural framing. y, That subject property shall be devel~ped suhstantially in accnrdincn ~~@th plans and specifications on file ioith the Ctty of A.natieim narl;ed F.xhihit ~~os. i, 2, and 3; provided, howr,ver, that only one access sh:~ll ne orovidecl en Qranc~ethnrpe Avenue, as approved by the City Traffic Enaineer. G, That Londition No. T., ahove-mentioned, shall he c~mplie~ oiith prior t~ ihe comnencement of the activity authorized un~ler this resolution, or v~ithin a periorf of one year from date here~f, whichever ~ccurs f~rst, ~r such further time as the °lannin9 Cormiission and/or City Council may ~rant. 7. That Condition Nas. 1, 3, and 5, ahove-mentioned, shall he com~lied with pri~r to finat building and ~~ning tnspr.ctions. THF FORF.RQINf; RF.Sr,~.iiTlnt! is signed and approve m. tliis 1~th ~tay of Juiy, tq)6. ~I c-~niR~~n~~. n~in~~. ~ r.iTr P~aririi~:, COMNlS51~1~ ATTEST: ~~~.~~,~ SECRETARY, AHAHFIM CIT~NtIING L011'115S ~ STAT[ OF CALIFQRtJIA ) CnUtITY OF ~RANf,E )ss. CITY Qf At1AHEIH ) I, Patricia 8. Scanlan, Secret~ry ~f the An~heim City Planning Lommission, .1~ hereby certify that the foregnin~ resolution was passed anrl adoptr,~1 at a meetinn o: the Anahr.im City Planning Commissinn, hel~1 on July 1°, 1~7h~ at 1:3~ p,m „ by the folio~aing vote of the members thereof: AYF.S: C~MNISSIOMF.RS: BARNES, KINr,, MnRI.EY, TOLA~t, Jf1HllSOH PIOFS: C011HISSIf1"lERS: ~'~NE ABSENT: f,f1MMISSI0NER5: FARnrln, HERPST IF! W1T17ESS WHEP,EQF, I have hereuntu set my hand this l~th day of July, 1°7~. . . ~ c.~ SECRETARY, ANANF. f'1 C I Y PLAN~! I tl~ CQMM I SS I ~II -2- RESOL~ITION ~d0. PC7~-14?.