PC 76-157~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC76-~57 ;,~ A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY PLANNING COD'ASISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING A CONrLICT OF INTEREST CODE APPLICABLE TO Tfi~ I~MS~RS OF THE CITY PLANNING COP~4IuS20N PUR5UANT TO THE POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1974. WIiEREAS, the Political RePorm Act of 1974 was adopted by the eZectors of the State of California; and I9FiEREAS, said Political Refarm Act of ].974 requires that the City Planning Commission adopt its own Conflict of Interest Code. NOW, THERE~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Com- mission of the City of Anaheim that it does adopt the attached Confl?ct of Interest Code in compliance with the Political RePorm of 1974 and that this Code shall be applicable to all members of the City Planning Commission. BE 2T FURTHER RESULVED that the Secretary oE ~e Plan- :iing Commission is hereby directed to £orward this Resolution aad the attached Conflict of Interest Code and Exhibits "A" and "B" to the City Council of the City ot Anaheim. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 16th day of August , 1976 /' CHAIRMAN~ AN ~IM CIT LANNIDIG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OR~4NGE ) SS, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resol~~tion was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City P!anning Commission held on August 16, 1976, at 1:30 p,m., by the fcilowing vnte ot~ the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, rAR~NO, HERBST„ KIN(~, MORLEY, TOLAR, JOHNSON NO[S: COMMISSIONERS: NONc ABSENT: C011MISSIONERS: iVONE IPJ WITNE55 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of Ai,gust, 1976. f ~Gi.2~GC.DV /~~~G~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION r~ ~~~~: ~ ~ ~. : CO~FLICT OF INTEREST CODE ~ , OF THE ~ pLANNING COrI~fISSION OF Ti1F. CITY OF AN:11i;:IM I. YuY~pRP. P~r~t~ant tn the ~,rovisions of Government Code Sections 8730~, et seq., the PLANNING COMMISSION of tlie City o!` Anaheim herehy adopts the following ConF.lict of Interest Code. Nothinf; contai.ned iierei.n i.s i.nt.ended to modiEy or. abridge the provisions oL tlic Political Reiorm AcC ~E 1974 (Gover.nment Code Section 810~0). The provisions o£ this Code are addi.Cional l•o Government Cocle SecCion 871Q0 and other laws pr-.rtaininp to conflicts of interest. ~xcept as ot•Vierwise indicated, the deEinition:, of. said Act and renulations adopted pursuant thereto are incorporated herein and this Code shall Ue int~r.preted in a manner consistc:nt therecaith. II. I~r:.si~natc:d PosiL-ions. 'fhe posi.lions lisl•cd an T:>:hii,ie .'^' are desiF;riated p~~sitions. Commissioners or L'oard Memhers hol.din~; Chc~sc• posit{ans s•~h•ict: arc ~li~si.~na~ed emplayees und Are deemed Co make, or parti.ci~~ate in ~h•~ malcinr of, deci.si.ons which may toreseeably havc a material _t;i.~c;r. ~~n 1 f~nanci.al interest. :~isr.losurc Statemr.nCS. Pesi.Fnated positions shaill ?~_.~ IT.~. assifcned Cn c+ne or m~ire ~f ~he disclosure cate~;orics seC fnrCh on Exhibi:• "3'. ~i.ic`` ciesinnat:~d ~•~m~loyee shal7. Ei.l.e an a;mual Str~C~~^i^-;•.t disclosii~r. r.',~at am~loyee's int:crest i.n i.nvestments, re11 properr.;~, •~~~r1 incrn~u~, cies: ~,n~r_c~~l as re~u~r.C~1~l.e under the catef;or.y to wliich t'~^ f!Ifl~)~;1•:~~~,''~ ,t~ic.iL'"LOI1 'LS d!:S?~,Tl;nc~ on Cxhibit ~~]j~~ :.~~. Pla~e aiid Tin~e of P'i.lirtp,. (,~~ :;1', ~!e: if~nnt:ed employees required Co SLibmiC a s~:a~:e+~r.ent o[ firancinl inter^SC:; shall fi.le Chr_ ori~;in~l wiL•h Che CiCy Clerlc uf thr Cl.I•v i~C Ati~~iei.m. i'~~ I'i~r~ C:iry .r,1~~~~1•: caho rereives tlie st'.atement oE finai:ri.~l. intr.-r~•:r. ri~:;l.i rr•:c~ivre the c>rir,i.nal ancl £ile same in her o(f.i.r_~. ;,', ,'. .'.~~si^.~.aCc„~ c•r,:~~l~~y~.+ Teqtti.r~c1 to submir, a sl'at'~~ncrit ,. . ;-• ~ inl; rr,•:;t ~;i~n' ;~ihmiL' an in~Li.nl stat:ement wiCl~in 3'1 ;"~:.°, o['' ~i~<<,•c i:.l after t-i,~• r~(.`fr-c:rivc ~fat:e of. this Code. -1- ti :R. I . :, ~ ~ • (d) Commi.ssioners or Board Members appoi.n~red to a clasi~;nate~l posiCioi~ shall f:ile 7.II].t1A1 staf~ements within 3~ ~1ays ~fCer datA oC acceptance of. nff{ce, (e) Annual. statements sliall ~ic Ci.led .du~,~ng the r,:a;ztti uf Februar.y by all designated employees. Si~cl~ statements Shal.l cnvcr. the period of the preceding calendar year. (f) A desiRnated employee required Co file a stat~ment of financia]. interest with any other agency, whi.cl~ is within tYie sa~~e territorial jurisdicti.on, may comply with tl~c ~>r.ovisions of this Cocie by f.ilinfi a duplicate copy oE the staCEment tiled with ~tu n%;`ner agency, in l.ieu of an entirely separate document. V. Contents of Disclosnre Statements. Disclosure !'t:at~tnenC~S shal.l. he made on [orms supplied by the City Cle~lc ~~f the Cxr.y of Anaheim and sttall contain the £~llowi.n~.; inf:ormat-ior~: (a} Contents of InvestmenC and Real Prope•rl~;~ Reports. ~lhen an i~~veStmenC, or an interest in real prc.~~er.tJ, i~c requ? r~:il r.u hr_ rePorted, the ~t.3temenl shal.l cont.~i.n: (1.) A sts~tcmenC of. the nature of the invec"rCment r'~~ i.nteresl; (21 Tfie name oE the busi.ness entir.y in w~~irh each i.nv~stmc~nC i; lield, and a~eneral descri.pL-i.or~ oE t:he I~usi.ne ,w .~ct iv i c;~ in ~ahicl~ Che busin~ss enCity ?.s enp,ared; (3) Thc acldress or other precise ].ocaCion of. thc r~~a? pr~perly; (4) A statemenL whether the fair market va'lue ~~I~ ~~~~. •~- ~~c~stmeat , or. i.ntere~C i~~ real. ~roperty, exceeds L~~n thu~.~5an<1 ~iryl I':rc (S1.(;,('i~t;j, and whe~:her i.~ c:ccac:ds one hiindred nc~~~isand d<ilJars (:.';,' ~; r Tiiis i•,i'o~ma43.on need nr~r. !'>c 171t)VLd@(I with reSpr.ct Lo sn inCeicsC i~i r~:~ pLOp,:i'r•; ~.:hir_~~ is u:;~~~1 f~rinciPa]Jy as Che resi.de~nce of t~h~ fi,~•r. (t+) C;onCents of Yersonal Income ReporEs: :~!,r_u pr,:rsonal ii~come ts requ.irPCl to be reported, rlu: ~t:-tr~-~- men[. ~~i;a l 1 r~nnr:! i n: (1) 'Ct~e ~~~~»e ~n<? rici~lre:~s of each So~~rcc oE t~u•~~n:~~~ ars;r.r.•y~,3r ;r~.~ t.~,~o liundr.~~~j a,~cl fift~y ~lollars (c2:,p) nr. tt~.orc in ~~a'.u~,, -2- : ~ ~ . or twenty-five dollars ($25) or more in value if the income was a gift~ and a general descripti.on of the business .activity, if a~vy; of each source; (2) A staCement whether the aggregate value of i.ncome fr~m each source was greater than one tl~ousand dollars ($1,OQQ), ~~d whether it was greater than ten thousand dollars ($l0,OQ0); (3) A description of the cunsiderati.on, if any, fo: which the tncome was received; (4) In the case of a gift, the amount and Che date on which Che giEt was received. (c) Contents of }3usiness EntiCy Income Reports: ~dher~ income of a husiness etitity, includin~ income oE a so]e propri~torship, is required to Ue reported, the statement sliall conCain: (1) The name, addr.ess, and a~eneral description of: the husi.ness acti.vity of the business entily; (2) In the case oE a business entiCy whicli provicles le~;al. or brokerage servi.ces, the name of every person who pTid fees to ttic l,uciness entity if the fi.leY~s prorat~ share oE L•ees from suc!i perGnn 5.~:+c equal. to or qr.~ater than one thousand doll.ars ($1,0~0); (3) In thc casr_ of a busi.ness enCity nol• covered l,y para~raph (2), ehe name o[ every person £rom whom the l~usiness entity received payments iE thr_ [iler's prorata shnre o[ rross rece:pCs fr~~m such pers~~n ~~~as ~qt~al t-o or p,reater than ten thousa~-:d d~].l.ar:; ($1,~,`!`1~) durinFt a ~alendar ;~ear. (d) Cnntents o[ Manaq?:menC i'ositions Reparts: When mana~;emenC positinns are req~ii.red to U~ reporri~ri, desiFnated em~~l~yces shall. li.st the nt~me of each I?uslness E~nCit, nuc. speci.fied above in which he i~ a director, oEEicer, partner, r.rusl•r_r_, empl.oyee, or in which he liolds any posi.Y.ton of ~iana~ement. (e) L~ilial StaCement: The inil•ial ,t•.alr..ment til.ed b~ an cmpl.oyee appoi l-cd tn a des3.QnaCe~1 ~~usi.tion sh11'l di.sc).ose any reportable investments ~:id -3- - -------- -- -- - - ~ -- ,~ . R. .~~~'T°~m4l~~ ~i~~~ . , ~ ~ ~~ irterests in re31 property. (f) Acquisition or Disposal Dur~,,,;.. ~orti.ng Period: In the case of a statement Li1ed under Section 1`1 (e), iE tY:e =nvestment, or interest in real property, was parCially cr ~oho]ly acquired or disposed of: durinR the period covered by th~ statenient, the date of: acquisition or disposal. VI. Disqualification. Desi~nsted employees musC di.squAliEy themselves fromrmaking or participAting in the makin~; of any decisiors in whic}i they have a reportable financial interest, when it is relson- al,ly foreseeable that such interest may be materially affected by the dect.si.on. No designated employee shall oe required to di.squalif,y himself with Y'~spect to an~ matter wi~ich could not be legally acred upori or decided wir,hout his participation. -~f- ._: _. `_ ~,.~-. "_' '" ' . _ . ~ ,. , . ~ :,.s; •, , . . ~ - ~ ~ +:XIIIBIT "A" i'LA*1NING CONII•fISSION Fositi.nrl Cttt~ ti.orS r:5 I, IT., III, 1~1 All ?'lannin~ Commissi.on members AlJ. CateQOries , , s--- __---»...'.+-~•- _ ~ F?CIIIBIT "B" CaY.e~,ory ] Category I relates to interests wit•h a value of more than $].,U00 in real property lacated o~ithin or clos~ to th.e City of Anaheim. It includes interesr~ held by the desiQnated employee, hi.s spouse, or by a busi.ness entity otaned by the employee or his sFouse. Cate,r•,o~~ II Cate~;ory II relates to investments with a va].ue of more tlian $1,000 in bt~siness entities havin~ real property i.n Che Cit:y of Anaheim or doing or planning to do business in the CiCy of Anai~eim. It includes investments held by ti-e desiGnated e~~loyee, his 5}~~7U:>C: or.• by 2 business entity owned by the e~leyce or liis Sn~~~,~~. (:~L-e;zorv f.IT Cateaorv III reJ.ates to sources of. income a,r,u.,reGatin,v, S?~.0 c~r more or o.f ~,tCts arf;re~;aCin~ $25 or mare if the source :s (,~,~nc-~-a].ly) loca::ec! within c~ doinF business ~ait!iin the: City oE Anahei.m. It inc].udes .ources of: in~ome to the desic;naked employce, lii.s spous~ or. a busi.ness ~neir_y an~~ by tiie empl~~ee or hi.s ~r~ousa• Ca:~•~.nxv I\' _ .. . _. --~ -_~ CaCe~ur~~ I~~ ~'el3tes to investments i.n and incc>me Ero~u r [;i~. ~c: i ~J insLiCuCic~ns. .: i v CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE? OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM The Department, Board or Commission designated above hereby submits the following Conflict of Interest Weei tto the code re- viewing body of the ,jurisdiction designateyY,[/ /� (, nature} CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM ClOerPLANNING COMMISSION (official capacity Received on behalf of the code reviewing body of the jurisdic- tion designated above: Date: 19 LtI Clerk of the City of Anaheim The following Conflict of Interest Code, havin<c been submitted by the Department, Board or Commission designated above, was approved by order of the code reviewing body on 19 Bill Thom Mayor of the City of Anaheim Attest: ityIer7< ot the ity ol^iiaheim