PC 76-169~ ~ P.F.SOLUTION N0. PC76-16? A R':SOLUTION OF TN~ ANAHF~M CITY PLANNINf, COHMISSlON THAT PE71T10~~ FOR RECLAS'.51FICATION N0. 76-77-9 BE APPRO~IED. WFIEREAS, the Anr~hcim Cliy Planning Commisslon d1d receive a verifTed Petitlon for ~eclassificatton from DAVID RAY, (Trustee) AND DOLLIE ~'. RAINS~ (Trustor) 113~ E. Lypress, Covina, Californla 91724 and JOHN BOOTY, 2 t6 Pullman, A'26Q, S~nta Ana„ Caiifornia 927a~y (Agent) of cr.rtaia real property situa td in the City cf Anehelm, County of Ors-ng~n, :ital:e ~f Colifornia de~cribed oss A portion of the followin.g de:~cri~~d land: Parctl 1: Thc Enst 165 Eu~et of t!~e Wcat ~495 fant o£ the East half of thr. Sa~ ksorest qvarter of che Seuclr~eut quart;r o! Sc:ctioa 12. Tow ahip 4 South, anoe 11 Weet, in the Rnncho Loo Co;ateo, av ahoun on a cap recordnd iD ;ook 51~ page 11 uf l:iscallancc~ue ttnp6, records oi Orango County, Cnli ~rn1n. aaSd L•nsc hnlf of ~h.e South~:ae[ quarter o_ tho SouthWest quarier ~f said Saction 12 being deecribed ae cu.~encing at a,oint in the South .ine o! caid Seetion, :io=th t39' G1' ~cc GG2~~75 feoL fras the S~utlnJest c~rner thereof; Chon;e .~~~rth 0' 13' ~c:oC 13i:8.09 feet eo a point, thence a.ozth E9' 41' 10" F.ast 663.44 le.et to a point; thence South 0' 14' 45" ~aat ~328.05 feot to a point; tl~ence South 89' 41~ ~'cst 662.75 fect tr the placn of bc~iaoing. Excapiing thcroltom the South 40 teat. P~rcei z1 Tbet poztion uf tlus Eaot tui~f oi tha SouthFCet qunrCar o£ the :~uchweet quorter of Section 22, Tovcohip 4 South, ~.+.age 11 Sdcst, in tbe ,:aucho Lea Coyotea, as ct:owa on a r:.~p tecorded in IIoek 51, pnge 11 cf 211ecellaneoua, tdapr, recorda of Orenge County, Califoraia~ deacribed ae follo~~s: ISegianing at a point on t:ia South line of sald Section, ~o:t:l ~9' 41' Enat 562.75 fe°c frca ttia Southweat eorner the:eof; thence t3or•th 0' 13' Esat 1329.09 Lr.ct to a poipt; tttence Iiozth 89° 41' 14" ~at 6~3.44 feet to a poinc; thance South 0' 14' 45'~ Laet 1328.G5 feet to a~o.nt; thenee South 69' 41' S7u c 6f~2.75 £eet to cbe place oi beginniag. Exeept tha uest 5~95.00 fnex thereof. Aldo excepC tho t;orrh 7~6.00 feat thcreoF. Also exeepting the~sef,om xho tiorth 50 l~eat of the 5out6 155 £e~c of the Enat 28 feet. A1an axceNCing thcrefrom tho Soutb k0 LnaC. Parcel 3: The t~orth )26.00 :cat of that porcion of the £ast lialf uf Che :outhvest qvarter o! tl~e South~eet qu.~rcer of Section i~, Trn.~osl~ip 4 Sou+h, Range 17. Hcet, in the .^...~acno Los Coqotea, na o!iovn on a.~ap zecorded tn Book 51, pagn 11 of 2;iccelLsaaoua uapn, recorda of Oranqe Caunty, Ca%ifornia, deserlUed r.a cos:nencing at n point Sn the 5outh linn_ of said S~~ctioa, 2tottb 89' 41' Eaox o62.15 feet fzacs tho SouctiueaC cornet thex'e;•~; tbence 2~orth 0' 13' veot 1328.C~ feet to n point; thence t~orth 39• 41 7.0" Eact 6G3.44 icet to a point; thcncc South 0` 14' 45" East 1323.05 fcae to a ~oiut; chctico South 39' 41' I7cat 662.75 font to tha plaec o£ be~tionin~. F.xceptia;; therefrofl tlie Wcnt 495 £cat. RESO! I TION, N0. PL76-169 Pa:cel 4s ~ ~ Aa uadivided 1/2 inL'crest in tne ::orth SO fecC o£ tha South 1S5 feet of the ~ast 23 fe~t of tha Ea.st half of tfie SoutY,vest 4uarter of the South~est quarter of Sectioa 12, To•wnship 4 South. Pan3e 12 keet, in the Rancho Los Coyoces, as ahoan oa a,ap recordeo in 3ook S1. page llrof I4iscelluneoua 2$pa, in L'ne office of the County ?•ecorvir of~ntdanduetui ~entttsituated a like intarest in CUe watcr wells. puap n8 P 4 p thereon. __._._.___ .r.. . . SaSd por~ion is tne southerly 570 feet of the above-described land cxcepting therefrom the northerly 12i feet of the easterly 48 feet thereof and also excepting therefrom the southerly 195 feet of the northerly 316 feet of the easterly 30 feet thereof. WHEREAS, the City Planning Ccrtimis~;ton did schedula a public hearing at the City Halt in the City of Anahelm on August Z6, 1976, at 1:3~ p•m•, notice oP sald public hearfng having been du7y ~iven as required by law and In accordance Nlth the provisions uf the Anahelm Municipai Code, Chapter 18.03, °~ hear and considar, evidence for and against sald proposed reclassificatton and t:: (nvestlgate and make continuedeto theP lanning Commission meeting~ofe5eptemberdl3~,b1976heandn~ having been WHEREAS, safd Commisslon, after due inspection, investlgation and study made by ftself and In 12s behal~fOeJan~dndfand determine thetfollowing,factss~~e and reports offered at said hearing, ,, That the pGtltloner proposes a reclasslficatlon of the above-described proporty frrnn thr. RS-A-43,~~~ ~RESIDEN7IAL/AGRI~ULTURAL) ZONE to the RM-1200 (RESiDENTIAI, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZONE. 2, That the Anahcim fencral Pian deslgnates the subJect property medlum-density residential lartd uses. 3. 7hat the proposed reclasslfication of subJect property is necessary and/or desirabie for tha orderly and proper development of the community, y, That the proposed reclassiflcation o~ subJect property does properly to,asubJecthepropcrtynendhtortherzonesdandethelrepermlt:cd,usesd9eneraliyeestabiished throughout the community. 5, That the proposed reclassl4tcation of subJect property requires thr, dedicatlon and improvement nf abutting streets tn accord~nce with the Circulation j Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in trafflc whlch wlll be I generated by the intensificatlon o'F lard use. ~ 6. 7hat two (2) persons appeared, representing approxlmatelY thirty ~3~) pcrsons present at sald pubftc hearing In opposition; and that two (2) petitto:~s, ; containing a totsl of approxlmatnly 219 sl9natures of area resldents and property owners In opposition, were rece(ved at the pubilc hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: 7hat Environmentel Impact Report No. 183 end Addendum thereto, having been considered this date by the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission and evidence, both wrltten and oral~ having becn presented to supplement said drafY EIR No. 183, the Planning Commission belleves that said draft EIR No. 1£i3 does conform to the City and State Guldelines and the State of Califorria Environmental Quality Act and, based upon such Information. does hereby recommend to the City Council of the Gity o4 Anaheim thet they certi4y said EIR No. 183 is 1n compliance wlth said Environmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the C(ty Councll of the City of Anaheim that subJect Petltlon for Rtclasslficatton be approved and, by so doiny, that Title 1R-Zoning of the Anafiaim MunlctNal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A--~3,q00 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE and to (nc~rporate sald described property into the RM-120(1 (RESIDENTIAL, MUL7IPLE-FAMILY) ZONE upon the following conditlons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequlslte to the proposed use 04 subJcc: property (n order to preserve the safety and general wettere o~ the Citizens of the City of Anahetm: _2_ RESOLUTION N0, PC76-169 ~ ~ 1. That thc owner(s) of subJect property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a 15-foot radius property line return at the northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Bel Air Street. 2. That all engineertng requirements of the Clty of Anaheim along Lincoln Avenue, including preparation of lmprovement plans and installation of all lmprovements such ns curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and Ravin9, dralnage facilities, or other appurtenant work, shall ba canplied wlth as requlred by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specificattons on file tn the Offica of the City Engineer; that street II,hLing facitltles along Lincoln Avenue and Bel pir Street shall be installed as required by the Director ;,f Public Utiltties and in aCCOrdance with standard pians and specificatlons on f~ie In the uffTce of r.he Director of Publlc Utliltles; and/or that a bond, certlficate o4 deposit, letter of credit, or cash, ~n an amount and form sattsfactory to !he City of Anahelm sha11 be pasYed with the City to guarantee the lnstallation of the above-mentioned raquTrcmcnts. 3. That the owner(s) 04 subJect property shall p~y to tha City of Anaheim the sum of slxty cents (60C) per 4ront foot along Lincolrs Avenue and Bel Air Street for tree planting purposes. 4. 7hat trash storage areas shall be provided 1n accordance with approved plans on fiie with the office of the Director of Pubtlc Works. 5. Thet 1'ire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and detGrmined to bc necessary by the Chief of Che Fire Dapartment prior to commencement of structural framing. 6. That sub)ect property sh~tl be served by underground utflTties. 7, That drainage of subJect praperty shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. 8. In the evene that subJec*_ propety is to be dlvided f~r the purpose of sale. lease, or financing, a parcel map to record the approved dtviston of subJect property shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Anahelm and then be recorded In the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 9, That the owncr r,' ~ubJect property shall pay to the City of Anahetm the appropriate park ard recreation in-lleu fees as determined to be approprlate by the City Councll, said fees to be paid at the time the building permit is issued, to. That approprlate water assessment fees as determined by the Plrector of Publlc Utflitlee shall be pald to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a butid(ng permlt. 11, That revised plans shall be submltted for Planning Commisslon review and approval, satd plans to show a 33-foot wide access over Portion A of subJect property to Portion B, and also to eliminate 5 second-story dwelting unlts proposed within the 15~~foot building setback adJacent to single-famtly restdential land uses, with the exception of the s~id setback adJacent to L,ot No, 4 in Tract No. 2780, as stipulated to by the petltlaner. 12, That, Tn the event Yhe subJect property is to be divided for the purpose of sale, lease or financi~g, the 33~~bot wtde eccess over Portlon N of subJect property to Portion B shall become a permenent easement to be recorded in the Office ot the Or~nge County Racorder; provided~ however~ that 14 Portion B shalt becana a p+~rk site, said easement shall be no longer necessary and access to the park site sha11 be required to the north of sub)ect property, as stipulated to by the petttioner. 13. That subJect property shall be developed substantlall/ In accordance with revtsed pians and apeciftcatlons, as specifled in Condition No. 11, above. ik. Prtor to the ir.troductton aP en ordinance rezoning subJect p^operty, Conditlon Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8, and 11, above-mentionnd, shall be ca!!oleted. The provislons or rights granted by thts rasolutlon shall becane nulT and vold by actlon oP the Clty C~uncil unless sald conditions are complied with wlthln one year from the dete hereof, or such furiher tlmc as the City Council may grant, 15. 7hat Condt:ion Nos. 4, ~, 7~ 12, and 13, ab~ve-menttoned, shall be compllad wlth prior to finai bulldiny .nd zoning inspectlons. -3- RESOLUTION N0, Pt76-169 ' ~ ~ THE FOREGOING RESOL.UTfON ls signed and app~ove~~me_this l~h day of Septamber ig76, ~~ 0 j j ATTEST: ~ ' ~C/~l//~~-AJ SECi~EIA(tY~ ANAH~TMZ`li L NNING N~ 5 N STA7E OF CALIFbR~lIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. • CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Patricia B. Scanlan, Sacretary o~ the Anaheim Clty Planniny Caranisston, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopte!' at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plenning Cammisslon, held on September 13, ~976~ at 1:30 p.m.~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: 9ARMES, HER~ST~ :ING, MORLEY, TOLAR~ .IOtiNSON NOES: CONMISSIONERSt NOME ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto ser my hand thls 13th day of Septembnr 1976. ~ . SECRETAR ~ ANAHEI CI LANNtNG COMMtSSION -4- RESOLUTION N0, P~76-169 ~