PC 76-178~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-178 p RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION TNAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1650 BE GRANTED. bMEfiEAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon did receive a~erTffed Pet(tlon for Conditlonal Use Permit from BARBARA t1. FITZPATRICK~ 515 S. Harbor Boulnverd~ A~ahcim, Californla 92805 (Owr:er); WILLIAM D. ANP JUNE M. MC INTfRE, 917 W. Sycamore Street~ Anahelm, Californla 92805 ~Agent) of certatn real :.rope~ty situeted in the Clty of Anahelm~ Cou~ty of Orenge, Statn of Californta descrTbed as: 7he Hortherly 120 faet of the Southerly 655 feet of the Eesterly 17~~ feet of Vincyard Lot "G6" as per map thereof recorded In Book 4~ Pages 629 and 63o of Deeds, reeords o4 Los Angele3 County, Californta, In the f,ity of Anahel+~ County of Orange, State o4 Callfornla. EXCEPTING TNEREFROM the Northerly 5~ feet of the Easterly 135 feet thereof, WHEREAS, the City Planning Cortmisslon dld hoid a pubiic hearing a~ the Clty Hall ln the City of Anahelm on September 13~ 1976, at 1:30 p.m., notlee of said public hearing having Neen duly given as requlred by law and tn accordance with the provtsions ~f thc Anaheim Muntcipal Codc~ Chapter 18.A3, to hcar an2 conslder evtdence for and agalnst eald proposed conditlonal use and to l~vestigaie and make fi~dings and rncommendatlons ln connectlon therewlth; and WFiEREAS, said Commlsslon, after due Inspectlcn, investlgation a~~d study made by itself and In its behelf, and after due consideration nf ali tvidence a~d reports oflcred ae sald hearing, does flnd and defermine the fallowing faetsr 1. That the preposed use is properly one for which a concitlonal use permlt Is authorized by Code Sectlon 1A.41.05A.1;0, to wit: permit an of'Ice in an existing residential structure in the RM-120J Zone~ wlth walvers nf: a. SECTION 18,06,060.0212 - Minimum number of ;nrkinq s at~s. _ requ rec; ~ propose b. SECTION 1A.41.062.03~ - Minlmum structura) setback. 10 eet requ re ;_ ~et p^~po~ed) 2. That Walver 1-~~ above-mentioncd, Is hereby granted on Lhe bnsis that the six parking spaces which would be ut111zed for the photography stuclo would be ndeque~e since sald uee Is unique in that it primarlly deals in commercial and induetrlal photogrephy wlth 1lttle or no walk-In trefPlc, e~ stipu:atec to by the petltfoncr. Z. That Welver 1-b, above-menttoned, Is hereby granted on t'ie basls that the structure is exlstPng and a hardshlp wouid be ereeted if eaid waiv~r were not granted. 4, That the proposed uec is granted for a time period of fi••~e ~5) ycars, subJect to review and consideretlon for an extension of time, upon writt~n request by the petitloner. 5. Thet the proposed uee, as granted, will not adversely affect the adJolning land uses and the growth and development af the aree in ahich it Is proposed to be loceted. Fi. Thnt the size and shape of the site proposed for the use, as granted~ Is adequate to e11ow the full development of the prcposed use in a manner not detrimentel to the pertlcular area nor to the peace, health~ safaty~ and general welfere of tha Citlxens of the City of Anahelm. 7. That the Conditlonel Use Permit, as grented~ and undcr the conditions lmposed, will nnt be detrimentel te the pence, health, sefcty and general welfare of the Cftizens of the City of Anehelm. f1. Thet no one indicated their presenc- at said puhllc hearing In oppositlon; and that na correspondence was received in oppositTan ~to ~ubJect petitlen. RESOLUTIOti N0. PC76-178 ~ ~ ENViRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Director of the PTanning Department has dctermined that the proposed activity falls withln the dcftnition of 5ection 3.~1. Class 3~ of the City of Anahelm Guldelines to the Requirements for an Environmental Impect Report and is~ therefore, categarically exempt tran the requtrxment t~ file an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City~ Flenning Cummisslon do!~ hereby grant subject Petitlon for Conditlon~l Use PermTt~ upon ths following condittons wltiich ere! tiereby fou~d to be a necessary prerequlsite to the proposed use of the subJect aroper'ty in order to preaerve 4he safety and generai welfare o4 the Citlzens of the City of Anahetm: 1. ~hat sub.Ject property shall be developed substantlally in accordance with ptans and speaifications on file w1Yh the City of Anahelm marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 5. 2, That this conditlona) use permit is granted for a tim~ pertod of five (5) years, subJect Co reviea~ and consideratlon for an extenslon of time, upon writter. request by the petitio~er. THE FORF.601NG RESOLUTiDN is slgned and approv y ma this 13th day of September 1976. I M ~ N H I N G M S AN ATTESTs G2~~ ~ RE A Y~ N H M•~ LANN NG OMM S N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU~VTY OF ARANGE )ss. CIT'Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricla ~. Scanlan, Secretary o} the Anahctm City Planning Commisslon~ do hereby certify Chat the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahcim City Planning CommissYnn, held on September 13, 197~, at 1s30 p.m., by the: following vote of the members ehereo4: AYES: COMI!ISSIONERS: BARNES, KINR, MORLEY, TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: NONE AB!iENT: COMMISSIONER5: FARANO~ HERBST 13;1E. iM WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of September ~,~.~.u~e~-J~ E R~ NAHEIM C1 L NNiNa COMMISSION .2_ RE50LUTION N0, PC76-178