PC 76-183~ ~ 's RESOLUTIO"~ N0. PC76-183 A RESOLUTIOM OF THE ANIINEIM C17Y PLANNINf, CGMMISSION TNAT PETITION FOR CONDITtONAL USE PERMIT h0. 1h~2 BE GRAr1~E~. 1JHEREAS, the Anaheim City Flanning Commission did recefve a verlfied Petition for Conditional Use Permit from JAMES S. GREG(;, RAYMOND G, SIMPSQN, JOHD1 S. FLUOR AND ROBER7 D. SPIIR~EON, c/o CECIL C. WFlGHT, 6Q Plazr, Square., Orange, Calfforni~ 926(Fi (Ownersi; DEL PRADO CQ., 12$6i lJest Street, Garden ~r~ove, California 92640 an~l CECIL C. WRIGHT, 6Q Plaza Square, Orange, Californta !~2666 (Agents) o` ccrtaln rr.al praperty sltuatzd ln the Clty of Anaheim, County of Qrance, State of Callfornl~~ dcscribed as: parchl 1: That portion of tha vnn da Graaf! Allotmant in thu Rsactio Stnttago da Santa Ana, and the portian oP Lot Y of tha Van de GraaFf Truce, aa ohown eu 4 Ma? recorded in book 4, pnga kk0 of Miacellunao+s9 Records of I.oa Aageles County, CaliYornia. d~aeribed ne Eollowe: Eeg:aning at u point 861.56 fant South 16° West of a poiat 3257.1 feat Hest of tna Goxthaz~t cornar of Lot W of snid Van de CraafP Tract; thance Weot 760.:~2 foet to tho lina betveen thu Itaachoa Suntiago de Santu 6na and Saa Jw~n Cajon da Saate Aaa; t.honco Southarly along said liaa II25.46 feot to r.he t7ortherlq line of th~ right of zray of tha Southero Pacis"1c Rallroad; th~snca :lorth 76' 31' Esst along said lina 1054.68 f~at; thaneo 2dorr.h 1G' Paat 495 Peet to tha poiat of beg3nniag~ ne par nurvey by S. H. I~inlny is, 19].0. P~rc~~l 2: Ti1nt portion oE tho Southnant quarter of the ~Torthwaet quartor oE S<~ction 2k. bu4ng a portion o. I.ot 41 in Twnihip 4 5outh~ RanEo 10 tdast. in tiie Rancho San Ju.su Ca~oa da Snntn Aa~~ ad gho~~n on a Map rr,cazded ia book 2. pagos 256 ancl 257 of Pntoats. records of Los !u~galue C~unt~, Culifornio~ daactiSed ea Eollawa: B~gianin3 ac a pnint 615.38 fea~c Enat oY ths Narthvaat corn~r of the SouthnasC qumztaz of tha ttorChveot quartar of eal.d Saction 2G; thuncn Soucu I212.75 keet to ehe Hortherly line ot th• Santhern Pacific Iiailroad xi~k~Y of :ray; thRaca 9arth 76' 26' P.aet 1A4.4B tpet along acid right of Way to thn P.ast boundarq of th~ Raneho San Junn Ca~on da Santa Ana; th?[~ce :lorth 29' QO' Eaet 1262.58 ft:at to Statiion S. S. A. 67; thencn tTor+:h ~~1' En9t 104.48 faet~ mora os lase~ to Che "Iorth line of the S~ur.hnase quartor or the IiorCtrxeeX quartor oY naid Section; thenca Wnat 779.06 Eaet to the point oi beginning. Exarpting rheznirom that portion therao! lqiag Westarly aad Northvcjatmrly of the gaaoral Eanterlq lina of tha lsnd deacr].bed in Parcel Y3-109 in the rinal Order oE Condaffiation Caoe 2~0. 182970~ of the Sss~erior Caurt of chu Sr.nta oE Calitoraia in and Por tho Couaty of Ornn~nr a cortL°.iad copy of which ~aa~ recordod Sopta~abar 11. 1972 in book 10319. psE~ 675 of OPE9.cia1 Aacorde. Perc:al 3: B¢ginninR oa th• Wentrrly exton~3on of tha North line oY Lota "4l" and "Y" of [ha Van da GraafE Tract. uu ahos-n on a Map rucord~d in boa~ 4, paga 440 of Miscallabaoue R¢carda o4 Loc An~galea Cwnty, California,~ nt r~ point 3257.1 Pest West o! thu NortheaoC corn~r of aaid T.ot "il". and running th~+cn W~t in continuatioa o~ aaid North lina 5.05 ctuiam to thc. lina bet•aeoa thu &nachoo 3antiago dc 3anta Ana and Saa Juaa Cajon da Snz,zu Ann; thanca alon~ eaid linn 9authrtly 9~6~~5 ~~tOthenco Sasth~'ly of r.ha Weat boundarq o! eai.d Raacho Saatia,$0 nlcng eaid bou:nclury lin0 6.0T2 ch+tiu~ to a point; thvmcn 8aat 11.523 ch~.:ih:~; thmnce 1(orth 16' Eaat 13.054 chaicu to the point of begiun3ng. RESOLUT"'~~".. N0. PC76-183 ~ ~ AND AL50: That porCion oE tba Praetioaal Forth half oP Saetion 24, Tovnohip 4 South. Ranga 10 Waat. in tt~a Rnncho Smntiago da Santa Ans, nnd thet , pnrtinn of Lot 4 of Lha Var~ do CrasC Traet. aa shova on a Mnp tecordnd in Aook 4. pa~n 440 c: Nincallaneous Rocorda of. Las Angal¢c County, C:+lifoasia, boundaA ae follow~: Sou!horly. Wnatarly and t:orthc:ly bp tha Sonthurly, Wnotariq xnd 2:ortharls lin~n of the land dascribud in Yareal 1 in daed to J. S• Fluor Jr, and Diildrod 24. Pluuz, raeordad Doetmbmr 8. 1947 ir Book 1591, Dag~e 512 0! Official Bneordo of Orengs County, California; and Eaoterly by the Weocor.ly line of the lanA daacribod in Ynre~I 2A in thac eertnin Final Order of Condemaation, 9.C.C. 145654, filcsd January 11, 14G8, a certifiad copy of whieh waa rscordad January 11. 1968 in Book 8490, page 177 of seid OfP1sSa1 Becosda in the officn oY tho County Racotder of aaid Ors,n~o Countq. }xcapcing thorafrem that portion doneriDod in Yara~l 2C in said ce'atain Pinal Ordar ot Condemnation. AND AL50: PARGE'L 1: That. portian af l.ot "Y" of thn Vaa de Graef Trnct~ ao shcwn on a Map recurdud in book 4. pago 440 of Hiccallanwua Racorda of Loa Angelea County. C+alilarn.ta~ boundod an folla+s: 8our.harly, Weetorly aad North~rly bq the Sauthnrly, Knotorly and Hortharly 11mis of tho lanct da.cribad in dnod to Bortha B. RnrK, racordad August 14, 1922, Instt~:aat No. 86516~ in book 433. paga 50 of ~end~ records of Orar~ge Couaty, G~lilornia~ and Pssterly by tho Wwe.rly line of th~ lsad dsoc:ribmd ia Ynrc:sl ! in thst cortain Pinal Ordmr o! Condemaation. S. C• C. 7.45554. Liled April 26, 1968~ s cortifisd copy of ahici- waa recarnad AprS.l 25~ 1468 in book 8585. pagn 558 ot M_fialal Racorde Sn ;h~ offica o~ t:hs County R~:ardar oi .ai& Oraaga Countq. PARCBL 2: 2hat: portioa of T,ot "Y" of thc Van dm CreaP iract~ as ahova on a Mnp rmcorda~d in book 4, page 440 ot Hiacollanoouo Msp~. Yacos3o of Los Ang~zloo Countq. ~.alifoznia, boundad ac folloxn: Sout:horly, Waator.lq und 16orthsriq by tha Southarl7~ Weatorip and ~Iortharly lin~~e o! tho iand dcscribod in dned to Rob~rt C. Spurgaon aasd vifo~ rse~~rde~l Docambar 24, 1931, Instr~ent :Cu. 90726. iu book 525. paga 367 of QPficial Rncc~xda of Oraago Cs~unty, California: awd Eantorly by tha Neo:arly lina of tho land daacribsd ia Parcol 1 fn that c~rtain Pinal Ord~~r of Confiemmattion. S. C. C. 145654, filod April 26~ 1968. a certifiad cop~~ of vhich wm~- zeaordad April 26, 1968 ia book 8585. pagr S58 of a~id 0lPicisl 8pcorfls, -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC7b_183 ~ ~ WHGREAS, th~ City Planning Commission did schedule a puhiic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on July 7. t976~ at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duiy gTven as requlred by law and in accordance with the arovislons of the Anaheim Municipal ~ode, Chapter 18.03~ to hear and consider evidence for and agaTn~t sald proposed conditlonal use ani to investlgate and make firtdings and recommendatlons in connection therewith; sald public hearing having been :cn"~inucd to the Ple~nning Commission meeting of September 27, 197h; and W{iEREAS, said Commfsslon, afier due lnspec:ion, investigation and study made py itself and in fts behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports ef:'r.red at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: l. That the proposed use Is properly one for which a conditt~nal use permtt is autha~iz~d by Code Sectlon 1A,21.~5~.21Q, to wit: permit a 209-space mobilehome park wlth waiver of: SECTION 18.21.OFi3.010 - Minlmum structural setback. (25 feet requlred; 15 eet proposed 2, ?hat the above-mentioned waiver {s hereby granted on the basis that the petiti~ne- proposes to construct a minimum three-foot htgh earthen berm. topped by a sfx-foot high decorat)vz masonry wall in said setback area, 20 feet from Sunkist Street, a•~ indicated on the. revised plans. ;. ThaL the petitloner stipulated to submitting revised ~.;ans to indicate the reloc~~tion of thc aroposed sound-attcnuatlon wail f rvxn the west side to the east side of the Intcrlor street afong the eastcrly boundary of the subJect propertl• adJacent ;o the freeway; that said wall will hav~ no openings; and that sald plans H111 be subJect to Planning Commisslon approval. ~i, That the Clty 7rafflc En~ineer mac'~ a recommendation that the subJect property ~~wner(s} partfcipaie in the costs of installing traffic slgnalizatlon at the intersect(on af Sunkist Street and Cerritos Avenue. said participatlon to be one- fourth of the total costs. i, That the petltioner indicated that subJect property would be removed from the agricultural preserve. ii. That the proposed use will not adverscly affect the adJoining land uses and thc grnwth and development of the area in which lt is oroposnd to be located. '~. Thnt the slze and sh+~pe of thc sfte proposed for the use is adequatc to allow thc full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to ttie peace, health, saAety, and generai watfare o4 the Citlzens ot thc Clty ~f Anaheim. 1~, That the granting of the Conditional Usc Permit under the c~nditions imposed w~91 not be detrimental to the pcace, health. safety and gencral welfare of the Cltizcns of the CI[y of Anahelm. 9. 7hat no one indfcated their presence at said pubilc hearing in opposlYion; and that no correspondtnce was receired in ~pPosltion to subJect petltlon. I:NVIRONMENTAL IMPAC7 REPORT FINDING: That Environmental Impact Report No. 179 and a~iditional sound-attenuatlon informatlon submttted by the petitioner. having been con.idered this date by the Anahelm City Plunning Commisslon and evidence, both written and oral~ havln9 been presented to supplement said draft EIR No. 179, the Planning ~;ommisslon believes that sald draft EIR No. 179 does conform to the City and Statc Gui~ielines and the Statc of California Environmentei Quallty Act and, based upon sucl~ Informatlon~ does hereby recommend to the Ctty Council that they certify sald EIR IJo. 179 is in compllance ~~lth said Environmental Quality Act. IdOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planning Comcnlsslon does hercl~y grant subJect Petition for Condltlonal Use Permt:, upon thc following condlttons which are hereby tound to be a necessary prerequlsiLe to the proposed use of the su~~Ject property in order to preserve the safety and gcneral welfare of thc Cltizens ~~f the Clty of Anaheim: 1. That this conditional use nermit ts granted subJect to comptetion of snn~xatloi of subJect property co the C'*.y r,;' Anaheim. -j- RESOLUTION N0. PL76-t83 ~ ~ 'L. 'That the owner(s) of subJect pr~perty shall deed to the City uf Anah:im a strip of land ~i5 fert in width from the centerllne ef the strr_et atong Sunkist Street fqr street widening purposes, ;. That all engincering requ~rements of' the Clty o° Anahcim along Sunlist Screet, including preparation of improvement plans and installation of all improvements such as curbs and gutters, siderralks~ streeY grading and pav ng~ drainage facilities or other appurtenant work, shall be complied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications en fit< in the Office of the Cliy Englneer; that street lighting facillties alo~g Su~kist St;eet shali be installed as required by the Director of Pub11c Utiiitles, and in accori,mce with stanAard plans and specifications on flle in the Office of the Directo of Public Utitities; and/or that a bond, certtficate of deposit, letter oi` credi , or cash, in in amount and form satisfactory to t.ie City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarentec the instnitatlon of the ahove-mentioned requirements. ~~, That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay to the City of Ar~heim thr. sum of sixty cents (60C) per front foot along Sunkist Street for tree p anting purposes. y, That trash scorage areas shall be pravlded in accordance with ap~~oved plans on file wlth the Office of tho Dlrector of Public Works. E~, That fire hydrants shali be Installed and charged as requi ed and determined to be necessary by the Chief ofi the Fire 6epartment prior to commm cement of structural t'raming. 7. That subJect property shall be served by underground utllitles. ff, That a 6-foot high masonry wall shall be constructed along tte north and northeast p:operty lincs along Rancho line. ~!. That drainage of subJect property shall he di:posed of 1~ i manner satisfact~ry to the City Englneer. 1~. 1~ thc evani that subJcct property ls to be divided for the pirpose of sale, leale or financing~ a parcel map Lo recard the appraved division of subJar~t property sholl bc submlcied to and opproved by the Ci*,y of Anahelm an~ then be recordcd in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 11. That the owner(s) oP subJect property shall pay to the City c' Anaheim the approprlate park and recreation 1n-lieu fees as determi~~ed to be approp tate by the City Council, sald fecs to be pAid at the time thc buiidi~g permit Is is,ued. 12. That sound-attenuation measures. in accordance with Counctl Pr•11cy No. 542, shali be complied with, unir.ss otherwise approved by tnc City Louncll; and revised plans shall be submitted for Planning Commisslon approval Indicaiing the relocation of the proposed sound-attenuatlon wall to the east side of the on-site pertpheral street adJacent to the Orange Freeway~ sald wall to have no opert~ngs~ as stiputatecl to by he pet(tloner. 13. That the uwner(s) of the subJect property shall participat In the costs of instaliing tra4fic signnlizatlon at the Intersection of Sunl:ist Str et and Ccrritos Avcnuc, :al.i parifclpation to be one-Pourth of the total c~st, as recommended by thP CiZy Traffic Englneer. 14, That the proposed deve7opment shnll be in accorde~,;e wlih the reGulrements of Title 2$ of the Californta Administrattve Code and the plumbin~ shall be provicled ln a mnnner that will enable the mohile home park to accommoe9te all traile.^s and not be res~trlcted to "California aj~proved trailers" only. 75, That subJtst property shall be developed substantlally In acc rdance with plans and spectficatlons on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhiblt Nos. 1 (Revlsion No. 1) and 2 through 6. 1F,, Tfiat Londition Nos. 1, 2. 3. ~~~ 10, and S3, above-mentloned, st~ll bc complied M,ith prior to the comrr,encement o.° the activlty authorized under this resotutlon, or prtor to the time that the buildtng pe~mit ts lssued, or wi:hin ~ perlod of one year from date hereuf, whicheve•~- occurs first~ or such further tine as the Plannir~g Commisslon and/or Clty Council may grant. -4- RESOLUTIO~ N0, C76-383 ~ 17. That Condition Nos. 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 14, abcve-mentionea, shali be complied with prior to final bullding and zoning inspectlons. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sTgned and approve me this 27th day of Septem6er 1976. r CHAIRMAN, ANAH M CITY PLANNING COMMtSSlON ATTEST: ~~~ ~~J E RE ARY, ANANEIt1 ClTY PLAN~OMMISSION STATE OF ~ALiFORNIA ) COUNTY OF QRANGE )ss. C I7Y OF A`IANE IM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon, do hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Annheim City Planning Commisslon, held on September 27~ 1976~ at 1:3~ P.m,~ by the follv~ring vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSiONERS: BARNES, FARA~70, HERBST, KING, MORLEY, JGHNSON NOES: COMMiSS10NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR 1976. IN WI7tdE'SS NHEREOF~ 1 have hereunto set my ha~d this 'L7th day of September ~~L«.J___~CV • s~~_L~L~c..~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMlSSION -5- RESOLU?IQN N0. PC76-183