PC 76-194~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-194 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COHMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2853 BE GRANTED, WHEREA5~ the anaheim City Planning Gommisslon did recelve a verlfied Petiti~n for Varlence from ROYAL C. AND '^UISE H, MARTEN, 811 S, Western Avenue, Anahcim, California 92804 (Owners); JAMES L, BARISiC, 4$4$ Lakaview Avenue, Suite IOS, Yorha Linda~ Galifornla 926$6 (Agent) of certaln real property situated in thc Clty of Anahelm, County of Orange. State of Californla described as: All thxt c~rtaia ].Qnd Bituatod in tha Stata of Galila=aia, Coaaty o! Oreags, Citp of At~hol.m. deeeribed as folloves That portion of tha tJorthaast quartar of tha 3outhaaet quartnz of tha Southaast quarter of Saction 14. Township 4 South. Range 1Z Want~ in the Rancho Ido Coyotu. so ahovn on a:iap reeord~d ia hook 51. paga 11, Hiacsllnnwua Mapa. in ths ofEic• o£ tha Couaty 8ecord~r of said Covmtq. doncribad ao tolLaMS: 3eBinning at the tiarthaart cornrr o! said Morthea~e quartas and rvaniss~ chancn South 89' 3T~ 51" Weat. along tho Iiorth line of aaid Narth~aat quartar aa ehoxn oa a map oi Tract 2849~ record~d in boolc 9I, pagn~o 2a aad 25, Miacnllaneous Maps~ ia eha off.ic~ of th~ Cow ty Racerd~r, oL said Couaty. 170.00 lent to ttu Plortha.~~t cornar o£ eaid Tract 28b9; theac~ South~rly along t'h~ .~~,aat~rly linm of eaid tract. the follwlag couiaes xnd di9tancaoc South 0' 16' a2" FAet 10.00 feet; South 45' 16' U2" ~ant 14.14 feat; Snuth 0° 16' O2" yast 444.44 Eeet to the Southeaot corn~r of Lot 14 of said Tract 2fl49; thnncn aloAg the North lian of Ternnimar Drivs. aa shovn on a map oP Tract 2859~ zacotdad in book E5. pageo 9 thxough 15 laclusive, Misc~llaaeow PSapa, in the office oE thn Couaty Ancorder ~~ paid Cotmty, tha foYlowinq courean and dictancsss North 89' 43' S8" Eaat 103.00 faet to tha bup,iuniag oP a tangant curve conuw I;ortha~dst4rlq }uviag a radius of 17.00 feet; Plortheseturlq. along aaid curoe through a ce~tral anala of 90° 00' 00" aa arc diatanca o4 26.70 feat; :;ozth 39' 43' S8" L•aet. k0.00 fent to tY~: Eaet l1,ne oP eaid :iorthtsat ~'Ll~!HL; tiwnce leavinR last ~rentlonad Pk~rtharl9 lina, ~'orth 0' 16' ~J2" tieut, nlr~na tha Eaet lino ~1 s~ald 2t~xLheu-c quarc~er, 447.i~ iaet tu c4n poiat of bey~uniag. .~ F~cceptiag tharaErom tha por*.iou couvaq~d to Rar W. Wasaaln nad wile bq d~dd rocord~d 7abruar~ 26, 1973 in '6ook 10569. pa~ 240 of Official Racorda. WNEREAS, the City Planning Commisston did schedule a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on August ifi, 197h~ at is30 p.m,~ notlce of sald public hearing having been duly glven as requlred by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahclm Munlcipal Code, Chapter 1A,03, to hear and conslder evldenca 4or end agalnst said proposed varlance and to investigate and make findings e~d recommendetions in connectlon therewith; sald publlc hearing havTng been continued to the Planning Commisslon meeting of October 11, 1976; and WHEREAS, sald Commlsslon~ efter due inspectlon, lnvestlgation and study made by Itself end ln lts behelf, and aftCr due corsideration of all svidence tnd reports offered at said heering~ does find and determine the following facts: i. That the petitioner proposes the following waiver from the Hnaheim Munictpal Code, to consCruct a 7-lot, 4-unit~ RS-500Q subdivislon: SECTION 1A.27.Q65.~1~ ~~ Re ulrement that ali sin le-famil structures rear on erter a g way. ront-on lots proposed) 2. That the ebove••nentfor.ed welver Is hereby granted on the basis that an approximataly 7.5~fo~t htgh decoratlve rnasonry wall and landscaping arC proposed to but'fer the proposed lots from the visual and n~iseimpacts from Western Avenue; and~ additionally, the homes will typ'calt~; be s-_t back 35 feet from thr, front property t I ne,. RESOLUTION N0, PC76-194 ~ ~ 3. That there are exceptio~al or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appiicabte to the property Invoived or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use Tn the same vTclnTty and zone, 4. That the requested vartance ls necessary for the preservation and cnJoyment of a subsLantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denled to the property in question. 5. That the requested varlance will not be materially detrtmental to the publlc welfare or 1nJurlous tc the property or improvements in such vTcinity and zone in which the property is located. 6. That no one Indicated their presence at said public hearJng in opposltlon; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subJect petltlon. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING; That the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City af Anaheim that a negative declaretlon from the requirement to prepare an envlronmental lmpact report be approved for the sub)ect proJact, pursuani to the provlsions of the Callfornia Environmental Quallty Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESbLVED that the Ariaheim City Planning Commisston does hereby grant subJect Petitlon for Variance, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subJect property ln order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Cltizens of the City of Anahelm: i. That this Varlance is c~ranted subJect to the completlon of Reclasslflcation No. 76-77-11, now pending. 2. That subJect property shall be developed subsCantlally in accordance w(th plans and speclflcatlons on file wlth the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. Tt1E FOREGOING RESOLUfION is signed and approv by me this llth day of October 1976. • CHAI AN~ AN IM CITY PLANkINC, COMMISSION ATTEST: S~fi-!1`~~~ Y LANN NG C~ SS ~ ON . I MMI STA7E OF CALIfORN1A ) COUNTY OF ORAN~E )ss. ~ITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Petrlcla 8. Scanlan~ Secretary of the Anahelm CTty Planning Ccmmisslon, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolutlon was passed ond adopted at a mecting of the Anahelm City Planning Commlsslon, held on October 11~ t976~ at 1:3o p.m.~ by the foilowing votc of the members thereof; AYES: COHHISSIONERS: BARNES~ HERBST~ KING, MORLF.Y, TOLAR~ JONNSQN NOES: COHMISStONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMM15510NfRS: fARANO IN WITNE55 WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand thi~ 11th day af October 1976. . . , ~ ECRETARY'~ ANAH IM CIYY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- RtSOLUTION N0. PC76-19k